HomeCONTENTSHomeChap: 2 [plates 28-50]
J28; E174| Jerusalem.
J28.1; E174| Every ornament of perfection, and every labour of love,
J28.2; E174| In all the Garden of Eden, & in all the golden mountains
J28.3; E174| Was become an envied horror, and a remembrance of jealousy:
J28.4; E174| And every Act a Crime, and Albion the punisher & judge.
J28.5; E174| And Albion spoke from his secret seat and said
J28.6; E174| All these ornaments are crimes, they are made by the labours
J28.7; E174| Of loves: of unnatural consanguinities and friendships
J28.8; E174| Horrid to think of when enquired deeply into; and all
J28.9; E174| These hills & valleys are accursed witnesses of Sin
J28.10; E174| I therefore condense them into solid rocks, stedfast!
J28.11; E174| A foundation and certainty and demonstrative truth:
J28.12; E174| That Man be separate from Man, & here I plant my seat.
J28.13; E174| Cold snows drifted around him: ice coverd his loins around
J28.14; E174| He sat by Tyburns brook, and underneath his heel, shot up!
J28.15; E174| A deadly Tree, he nam'd it Moral Virtue, and the Law
J28.16; E174| Of God who dwells in Chaos hidden from the human sight.
J28.17; E174| The Tree spread over him its cold shadows, (Albion groand)
J28.18; E174| They bent don, they felt the earth and again enrooting
J28.19; E174| Shot into many a Tree! an endless labyrinth of woe!
J28.20; E174| From willing sacrifice of Self, to sacrifice of (miscall'd) Enemies
J28.21; E174| For Atonement: Albion began to erect twelve Altars,
J28.22; E174| Of rough unhewn rocks, before the Potters Furnace
J28.23; E174| He nam'd them Justice, and Truth. And Albions Sons
J28.24; E174| Must have become the first Victims, being the first transgressors
J28.25; E174| But they fled to the mountains to seek ransom: building A Strong
J28.26; E174| Fortification against the Divine Humanity and Mercy,
J28.27; E174| In Shame & Jealousy to annihilate Jerusalem!
J29.1; E175| Turning his back to the Divine Vision, his Spectrous
J29.2; E175| Chaos before his face appeard: an Unformed Memory.
J29.3; E175| Then spoke the Spectrous Chaos to Albion darkning cold
J29.4; E175| From the back & loins where dwell the Spectrous Dead
J29.5; E175| I am your Rational Power O Albion & that Human Form
J29.6; E175| You call Divine, is but a Worm seventy inches long
J29.7; E175| That creeps forth in a night & is dried in the morning sun
J29.8; E175| In fortuitous concourse of memorys accumulated & lost
J29.9; E175| It plows the Earth in its own conceit, it overwhelms the Hills
J29.10; E175| Beneath its winding labyrinths, till a stone of the brook
J29.11; E175| Stops it in midst of its pride among its hills & rivers[.]
J29.12; E175| Battersea & Chelsea mourn, London & Canterbury tremble
J29.13; E175| Their place shall not be found as the wind passes over[.]
J29.14; E175| The ancient Cities of the Earth remove as a traveller
J29.15; E175| And shall Albions Cities remain when I pass over them
J29.16; E175| With my deluge of forgotten remembrances over the tablet
J29.17; E175| So spoke the Spectre to Albion. he is the Great Selfhood
J29.18; E175| Satan: Worshipd as God by the Mighty Ones of the Earth
J29.19; E175| Having a white Dot calld a Center from which branches out
J29.20; E175| A Circle in continual gyrations. this became a Heart
J29.21; E175| From which sprang numerous branches varying their motions
J29.22; E175| Producing many Heads three or seven or ten, & hands & feet
J29.23; E175| Innumerable at will of the unfortunate contemplator
J29.24; E175| Who becomes his food[:] such is the way of the Devouring Power
J29.25; E175| And this is the cause of the appearance in the frowning Chaos[.]
J29.26; E175| Albions Emanation which he had hidden in Jealousy
J29.27; E175| Appeard now in the frowning Chaos prolific upon the Chaos
J29.28; E175| Reflecting back to Albion in Sexual Reasoning Hermaphroditic
J29.29; E175| Albion spoke. Who art thou that appearest in gloomy pomp
J29.30; E175| Involving the Divine Vision in colours of autumn ripeness
J29.31; E175| I never saw thee till this time, nor beheld life abstracted
J29.32; E175| Nor darkness immingled with light on my furrowd field
J29.33; E175| Whence camest thou! who art thou O loveliest? the Divine Vision
J29.34; E175| Is as nothing before thee, faded is all life and joy
J29.35; E175| Vala replied in clouds of tears Albions garment embracing
J29.36; E175| I was a City & a Temple built by Albions Children.
J29.37; E175| I was a Garden planted with beauty I allured on hill & valley
J29.38; E175| The River of Life to flow against my walls & among my trees
J29.39; E175| Vala was Albions Bride & Wife in great Eternity
J29.40; E175| The loveliest of the daughters of Eternity when in day-break
J29.41; E176| I emanated from Luvah over the Towers of Jerusalem
J29.42; E176| And in her Courts among her little Children offering up
J29.43; E176| The Sacrifice of fanatic love! why loved I Jerusalem!
J29.44; E176| Why was I one with her embracing in the Vision of Jesus
J29.45; E176| Wherefore did I loving create love, which never yet
J29.46; E176| Immingled God & Man, when thou & I, hid the Divine Vision
J29.47; E176| In cloud of secret gloom which behold involve me round about t278
J29.48; E176| Know me now Albion: look upon me I alone am Beauty
J29.49; E176| The Imaginative Human Form is but a breathing of Vala
J29.50; E176| I breathe him forth into the Heaven from my secret Cave
J29.51; E176| Born of the Woman to obey the Woman O Albion the mighty
J29.52; E176| For the Divine appearance is Brotherhood, but I am Love
J301; E176| Elevate into the Region of Brotherhood with my red fires
J30.2; E176| Art thou Vala? replied Albion, image of my repose
J30.3; E176| O how I tremble! how my members pour down milky fear!
J30.4; E176| A dewy garment covers me all over, all manhood is gone!
J30.5; E176| At thy word & at thy look death enrobes me about
J30.6; E176| From head to feet, a garment of death & eternal fear
J30.7; E176| Is not that Sun thy husband & that Moon thy glimmering Veil?
J30.8; E176| Are not the Stars of heaven thy Children! art thou not Babylon?
J30.9; E176| Art thou Nature Mother of all! is Jerusalem thy Daughter
J30.10; E176| Why have thou elevate inward: O dweller of outward chambers
J30.11; E176| From grot & cave beneath the Moon dim region of death
J30.12; E176| Where I laid my Plow in the hot noon, where my hot team fed
J30.13; E176| Where implements of War are forged, the Plow to go over the Nations
J30.14; E176| In pain girding me round like a rib of iron in heaven! O Vala
J30.15; E176| In Eternity they neither marry nor are given in marriage
J30.16; E176| Albion the high Cliff of the Atlantic is become a barren Land
J30.17; E176| Los stood at his Anvil: he heard the contentions of Vala--
J30.18; E176| He heavd his thundring Bellows upon the valleys of Middlesex
J30.19; E176| He opend his Furnaces before Vala, then Albion frownd in anger
J30.20; E176| On his Rock: ere yet the Starry Heavens were fled away
J30.21; E176| From his awful Members, and thus Los cried aloud
J30.22; E176| To the Sons of Albion & to Hand the eldest Son of Albion
J30.23; E176| I hear the screech of Childbirth loud pealing, & the groans
J30.24; E176| Of Death, in Albions clouds dreadful utterd over all the Earth
J30.25; E176| What may Man be? who can tell! but what may Woman be?
J30.26; E176| To have power over Man from Cradle to corruptible Grave.
J30.27; E176| There is a Throne in every Man, it is the Throne of God
J30.28; E176| This Woman has claimd as her own & Man is no more!
J30.29; E176| Albion is the Tabernacle of Vala & her Temple
J30.30; E176| And not the Tabernacle & Temple of the Most High
J30.31; E176| O Albion why wilt thou Create a Female Will?
J30.32; E177| To hide the most evident God in a hidden covert, even
J30.33; E177| In the shadows of a Woman & a secluded Holy Place
J30.34; E177| That we may pry after him as after a stolen treasure
J30.35; E177| Hidden among the Dead & mured up from the paths of life
J30.36; E177| Hand! art thou not Reuben enrooting thyself into Bashan
J30.37; E177| Till thou remainest a vaporous Shadow in a Void! O Merlin!
J30.38; E177| Unknown among the Dead where never before Existence came
J30.39; E177| Is this the Female Will O ye lovely Daughters of Albion. To
J30.40; E177| Converse concerning Weight & Distance in the Wilds of Newton & Locke
J30.41; E177| So Los spoke standing on Mam-Tor looking over Europe & Asia
J30.42; E177| The Graves thunder beneath his feet from Ireland to Japan
J30.43; E177| Reuben slept in Bashan like one dead in the valley
J30.44; E177| Cut off from Albions mountains & from all the Earths summits
J30.45; E177| Between Succoth & Zaretan beside the Stone of Bohan
J30.46; E177| While the Daughters of Albion divided Luvah into three Bodies
J30.47; E177| Los bended his Nostrils down to the Earth, then sent him over
J30.48; E177| Jordan to the Land of the Hittite: every-one that saw him
J30.49; E177| Fled! they fled at his horrible Form: they hid in caves
J30.50; E177| And dens, they looked on one-another & became what they beheld
J30.51; E177| Reuben return'd to Bashan, in despair he slept on the Stone.
J30.52; E177| Then Gwendolen divided into Rahab & Tirza in Twelve Portions[.]
J30.53; E177| Los rolled, his Eyes into two narrow circles, then sent him
J30.54; E177| Over Jordan; all terrified fled: they became what they beheld.
J30.55; E177| If Perceptive Organs vary: Objects of Perception seem to vary:
J30.56; E177| If the Perceptive Organs close: their Objects seem to close also:
J30.57; E177| Consider this O mortal Man! O worm of sixty winters said Los
J30.58; E177| Consider Sexual Organization & hide thee in the dust.
J31.1; E177| Then the Divine hand found the Two Limits, Satan and Adam,
J31.2; E177| In Albions bosom: for in every Human bosom those Limits stand.
J31.3; E177| And the Divine voice came from the Furnaces, as multitudes without
J31.4; E177| Number! the voices of the innumerable multitudes of Eternity.
J31.5; E177| And the appearance of a Man was seen in the Furnaces;
J31.6; E177| Saving those who have sinned from the punishment of the Law,
J31.7; E177| (In pity of the punisher whose state is eternal death,)
J31.8; E177| And keeping them from Sin by the mild counsels of his love.
J31.9; E177| Albion goes to Eternal Death: In Me all Eternity.
J31.10; E177| Must pass thro' condemnation, and awake beyond the Grave!
J31.11; E177| No individual can keep these Laws, for they are death
J31.12; E177| To every energy of man, and forbid the springs of life;
J31.13; E177| Albion hath enterd the State Satan! Be permanent O State!
J31.14; E177| And be thou for ever accursed! that Albion may arise again:
J31.15; E178| And be thou created into a State! I go forth to Create
J31.16; E178| States: to deliver Individuals evermore! Amen.
J31.17; E178| So spoke the voice from the Furnaces, descending into Non-Entity
J31.18; E178| [To Govern the Evil by Good: and States abolish Systems.] t279
J32.1; E178| Reuben return'd to his place, in vain he sought beautiful Tirzah
J32.2; E178| For his Eyelids were narrowd, & his Nostrils scented the ground
J32.3; E178| And Sixty Winters Los raged in the Divisions of Reuben:
J32.4; E178| Building the Moon of Ulro, plank by plank & rib by rib
J32.5; E178| Reuben slept in the Cave of Adam, and Los folded his Tongue
J32.6; E178| Between Lips of mire & clay, then sent him forth over Jordan
J32.7; E178| In the love of Tirzah he said Doubt is my food day & night--
J32.8; E178| All that beheld him fled howling and gnawed their tongues
J32.9; E178| For pain: they became what they beheld[.] In reasonings Reuben returned
J32.10; E178| To Heshbon. disconsolate he walkd thro Moab & he stood
J32.11; E178| Before the Furnaces of Los in a horrible dreamful slumber,
J32.12; E178| On Mount Gilead looking toward Gilgal: and Los bended
J32.13; E178| His Ear in a spiral circle outward; then sent him over Jordan.
J32.14; E178| The Seven Nations fled before him they became what they beheld
J32.15; E178| Hand, Hyle & Coban fled: they became what they beheld
J32.16; E178| Gwantock & Peachy hid in Damascus beneath Mount Lebanon
J32.17; E178| Brereton & Slade in Egypt. Hutton & Skofeld & Kox
J32.18; E178| Fled over Chaldea in terror in pains in every nerve
J32.19; E178| Kotope & Bowen became what they beheld, fleeing over the Earth
J32.20; E178| And the Twelve Female Emanations fled with them agonizing.
J32.21; E178| Jerusalem trembled seeing her Children drivn by Los's Hammer
J32.22; E178| In the visions of the dreams of Beulah on the edge of Non-Entity
J32.23; E178| Hand stood between Reuben & Merlin, as the Reasoning Spectre
J32.24; E178| Stands between the Vegetative Man & his Immortal Imagination
J32.25; E178| And the Four Zoa's clouded rage East & West & North & South
J32.26; E178| They change their situations, in the Universal Man.
J32.27; E178| Albion groans, he sees the Elements divide before his face.
J32.28; E178| And England who is Brittannia divided into Jerusalem & Vala
J32.29; E178| And Urizen assumes the East, Luvah assumes the South
J32.30; E178| In his dark Spectre ravening from his open Sepulcher
J32.31; E178| And the Four Zoa's who are the Four Eternal Senses of Man
J32.32; E178| Became Four Elements separating from the Limbs of Albion
J32.33; E178| These are their names in the Vegetative Generation
J32.34; E178| [West Weighing East & North dividing Generation South bounding] t280
J32.35; E178| And Accident & Chance were found hidden in Length Bredth & Highth
J32.36; E178| And they divided into Four ravening deathlike Forms
J32.37; E178| Fairies & Genii & Nymphs & Gnomes of the Elements.
J32.38; E178| These are States Permanently Fixed by the Divine Power
J32.39; E179| The Atlantic Continent sunk round Albions cliffy shore
J32.40; E179| And the Sea poured in amain upon the Giants of Albion
J32.41; E179| As Los bended the Senses of Reuben Reuben is Merlin
J32.42; E179| Exploring the Three States of Ulro; Creation; Redemption. & Judgment
J32.43; E179| And many of the Eternal Ones laughed after their manner
J32.44; E179| Have you known the judgment that is arisen among the
J32.45; E179| Zoa's of Albion? where a Man dare hardly to embrace
J32.46; E179| His own Wife, for the terrors of Chastity that they call
J32.47; E179| By the name of Morality. their Daughters govern all
J32.48; E179| I hidden deceit! they are Vegetable only fit for burning
J32.49; E179| Art & Science cannot exist but by Naked Beauty displayd
J32.50; E179| Then those in Great Eternity who contemplate on Death
J32.51; E179| Said thus. What seems to Be: Is: To those to whom
J32.52; E179| It seems to Be, & is productive of the most dreadful
J32.53; E179| Consequences to those to whom it seems to Be: even of
J32.54; E179| Torments, Despair, Eternal Death; but the Divine Mercy
J32.55; E179| Steps beyond and Redeems Man in the Body of Jesus Amen
J32.56; E179| And Length Bredth Highth again Obey the Divine Vision Hallelujah
J33.1; E179| And One stood forth from the Divine Family &,said t281
J33.2; E179| I feel my Spectre rising upon me! Albion! arouze thyself!
J33.3; E179| Why dost thou thunder with frozen Spectrous wrath against us?
J33.4; E179| The Spectre is, in Giant Man; insane, and most deform'd.
J33.5; E179| Thou wilt certainly provoke my Spectre against thine in fury!
J33.6; E179| He has a Sepulcher hewn out of a Rock ready for thee:
J33.7; E179| And a Death of Eight thousand years forg'd by thyself, upon
J33.8; E179| The point of his Spear! if thou persistest to forbid with Laws
J33.9; E179| Our Emanations, and to attack our secret supreme delights
J33.10; E179| So Los spoke: But when he saw blue death in Albions feet, t282
J33.11; E179| Again he join'd the Divine Body, following merciful;
J33.12; E179| While Albion fled more indignant! revengeful covering
J34.1; E179| His face and bosom with petrific hardness, and his hands
J34.2; E179| And feet, lest any should enter his bosom & embrace
J34.3; E179| His hidden heart; his Emanation wept & trembled within him:
J34.4; E179| Uttering not his jealousy, but hiding it as with
J34.5; E179| Iron and steel, dark and opake, with clouds & tempests brooding:
J34.6; E179| His strong limbs shudderd upon his mountains high and dark.
J34.7; E179| Turning from Universal Love petrific as he went,
J34.8; E179| His cold against the warmth of Eden rag'd with loud
J34.9; E179| Thunders of deadly war (the fever of the human soul)
J34.10; E179| Fires and clouds of rolling smoke! but mild the Saviour follow'd him,
J34.11; E180| Displaying the Eternal Vision! the Divine Similitude!
J34.12; E180| In loves and tears of brothers, sisters, sons, fathers, and friends
J34.13; E180| Which if Man ceases to behold, he ceases to exist:
J34.14; E180| Saying. Albion! Our wars are wars of life, & wounds of love,
J34.15; E180| With intellectual spears, & long winged arrows of thought:
J34.16; E180| Mutual in one anothers love and wrath all renewing
J34.17; E180| We live as One Man; for contracting our infinite senses
J34.18; E180| We behold multitude; or expanding: we behold as one,
J34.19; E180| As One Man all the Universal Family; and that One Man
J34.20; E180| We call Jesus the Christ: and he in us, and we in him,
J34.21; E180| Live in perfect harmony in Eden the land of life,
J34.22; E180| Giving, recieving, and forgiving each others trespasses.
J34.23; E180| He is the Good shepherd, he is the Lord and master:
J34.24; E180| He is the Shepherd of Albion, he is all in all,
J34.25; E180| In Eden: in the garden of God: and in heavenly Jerusalem.
J34.26; E180| If we have offended, forgive us, take not vengeance against us.
J34.27; E180| Thus speaking; the Divine Family follow Albion:
J34.28; E180| I see them in the Vision of God upon my pleasant valleys.
J34.29; E180| I behold London; a Human awful wonder of God!
J34.30; E180| He says: Return, Albion, return! I give myself for thee:
J34.31; E180| My Streets are my, Ideas of Imagination.
J34.32; E180| Awake Albion, awake! and let us awake up together.
J34.33; E180| My Houses are Thoughts: my Inhabitants; Affections,
J34.34; E180| The children of my thoughts, walking within my blood-vessels,
J34.35; E180| Shut from my nervous form which sleeps upon the verge of Beulah
J34.36; E180| In dreams of darkness, while my vegetating blood in veiny pipes,
J34.37; E180| Rolls dreadful thro' the Furnaces of Los, and the Mills of Satan.
J34.38; E180| For Albions sake, and for Jerusalem thy Emanation
J34.39; E180| I give myself, and these my brethren give themselves for Albion.
J34.40; E180| So spoke London, immortal Guardian! I heard in Lambeths shades:
J34.41; E180| In Felpham I heard and saw the Visions of Albion
J34.42; E180| I write in South Molton Street what I both see and hear
J34.43; E180| In regions of Humanity, in Londons opening streets.
J34.44; E180| I see thee awful Parent Land in light, behold I see!
J34.45; E180| Verulam! Canterbury! venerable parent of men,
J34.46; E180| Generous immortal Guardian golden clad! for Cities
J34.47; E180| Are Men, fathers of multitudes, and Rivers & Mount[a]ins
J34.48; E180| Are also Men; every thing is Human, mighty! sublime!
J34.49; E180| In every bosom a Universe expands, as wings
J34.50; E180| Let down at will around, and call'd the Universal Tent.
J34.51; E180| York, crown'd with loving kindness. Edinburgh, cloth'd
J34.52; E180| With fortitude as with a garment of immortal texture
J34.53; E180| Woven in looms of Eden, in spiritual deaths of mighty men
J34.54; E181| Who give themselves, in Golgotha, Victims to Justice; where
J34.55; E181| There is in Albion a Gate of precious stones and gold
J34.56; E181| Seen only by Emanations, by vegetations viewless,
J34.57; E181| Bending across the road of Oxford Street; it from Hyde Park
J34.58; E181| To Tyburns deathful shades, admits the wandering souls
J34.59; E181| Of multitudes who die from Earth: this Gate cannot be found
J35.1; E181| By Satans Watch-fiends tho' they search numbering every grain
J35.2; E181| Of sand on Earth every night, they never find this Gate.
J35.3; E181| It is the Gate of Los. Withoutside is the Mill, intricate, dreadful
J35.4; E181| And fill'd with cruel tortures; but no mortal man can find the Mill
J35.5; E181| Of Satan, in his mortal pilgrimage of seventy years
J35.6; E181| For Human beauty knows it not: nor can Mercy find it! But t283
J35.7; E181| In the Fourth region of Humanity, Urthona namd[,]
J35.8; E181| Mortality begins to roll the billows of Eternal Death
J35.9; E181| Before the Gate of Los. Urthona here is named Los.
J35.10; E181| And here begins the System of Moral Virtue, named Rahab. t284
J35.11; E181| Albion fled thro' the Gate of Los, and he stood in the Gate.
J35.12; E181| Los was the friend of Albion who most lov'd him. In Cambridgeshire
J35.13; E181| His eternal station, he is the twenty-eighth, & is four-fold.
J35.14; E181| Seeing Albion had turn'd his back aginst the Divine Vision,
J35.15; E181| Los said to Albion, Whither fleest thou? Albion reply'd.
J35.16; E181| I die! I go to Eternal Death! the shades of death
J35.17; E181| Hover within me & beneath, and spreading themselves outside
J35.18; E181| Like rocky clouds, build me a gloomy monument of woe:
J35.19; E181| Will none accompany me in my death? or be a Ransom for me
J35.20; E181| In that dark Valley? I have girded round my cloke, and on my feet
J35.21; E181| Bound these black shoes of death, & on my hands, death's iron gloves:
J35.22; E181| God hath forsaken me, & my friends are become a burden
J35.23; E181| A weariness to me, & the human footstep is a terror to me.
J35.24; E181| Los answerd, troubled: and his soul was rent in twain:
J35.25; E181| Must the Wise die for an Atonement? does Mercy endure Atonement?
J35.26; E181| No! It is Moral Severity, & destroys Mercy in its Victim.
J35.27; E181| So speaking, not yet infected with the Error & Illusion,
J36.1; E181| Los shudder'd at beholding Albion, for his disease
J36.2; E181| Arose upon him pale and ghastly: and he call'd around
J36.3; E181| The Friends of Albion: trembling at the sight of Eternal Death
J36.4; E181| The four appear'd with their Emanations in fiery
J36.5; E181| Chariots: black their fires roll beholding Albions House of Eternity
J36.6; E181| Damp couch the flames beneath and silent, sick, stand shuddering
J36.7; E181| Before the Porch of sixteen pillars: weeping every one
J36.8; E181| Descended and fell down upon their knees round Albions knees,
J36.9; E181| Swearing the Oath of God! with awful voice of thunders round
J36.10; E181| Upon the hills & valleys, and the cloudy Oath roll'd far and wide
J36.11; E182| Albion is sick! said every Valley, every mournful Hill
J36.12; E182| And every River: our brother Albion is sick to death.
J36.13; E182| He hath leagued himself with robbers! he hath studied the arts
J36.14; E182| Of unbelief! Envy hovers over him! his Friends are his abhorrence!
J36.15; E182| Those who give their lives for him are despised!
J36.16; E182| Those who devour his soul, are taken into his bosom!
J36.17; E182| To destroy his Emanation is their intention:
J36.18; E182| Arise! awake O Friends of the Giant Albion
J36.19; E182| They have perswaded him of horrible falshoods!
J36.20; E182| They have sown errors over all his fruitful fields!
J36.21; E182| The Twenty-four heard! they came trembling on watry chariots.
J36.22; E182| Borne by the Living Creatures of the third procession
J36.23; E182| Of Human Majesty, the Living Creatures wept aloud as they
J36.24; E182| Went along Albions roads, till they arriv'd at Albions House.
J36.25; E182| O! how the torments of Eternal Death, waited on Man:
J36.26; E182| And the loud-rending bars of the Creation ready to burst:
J36.27; E182| That the wide world might fly from its hinges, & the immortal mansion
J36.28; E182| Of Man, for ever be possess'd by monsters of the deeps:
J36.29; E182| And Man himself become a Fiend, wrap'd in an endless curse,
J36.30; E182| Consuming and consum'd for-ever in flames of Moral Justice.
J36.31; E182| For had the Body of Albion fall'n down, and from its dreadful ruins
J36.32; E182| Let loose the enormous Spectre on the darkness of the deep,
J36.33; E182| At enmity with the Merciful & fill'd with devouring fire,
J36.34; E182| A nether-world must have recievd the foul enormous spirit,
J36.35; E182| Under pretence of Moral Virtue, fill'd with Revenge and Law.
J36.36; E182| There to eternity chain'd down, and issuing in red flames
J36.37; E182| And curses, with his mighty arms brandish'd against the heavens
J36.38; E182| Breathing cruelty blood & vengeance, gnashing his teeth with pain
J36.39; E182| Torn with black storms, & ceaseless torrents of his own consuming fire:
J36.40; E182| Within his breast his mighty Sons chaind down & fill'd with cursings:
J36.41; E182| And his dark Eon, that once fair crystal form divinely clear:
J36.42; E182| Within his ribs producing serpents whose souls are flames of fire.
J36.43; E182| But, glory to the Merciful-One, for he is of tender mercies!
J36.44; E182| And the Divine Family wept over him as One Man.
J36.45; E182| And these the Twenty-four in whom the Divine Family
J36.46; E182| Appear'd; and they were One in Him. A Human Vision!
J36.47; E182| Human Divine, Jesus the Saviour, blessed for ever and ever.
J36.48; E182| Selsey, true friend! who afterwards submitted to be devourd
J36.49; E182| By the waves of Despair, whose Emanation rose above
J36.50; E182| The flood, and was nam'd Chichester, lovely mild & gentle! Lo!
J36.51; E182| Her lambs bleat to the sea-fowls cry, lamenting still for Albion.
J36.52; E182| Submitting to be call'd the son of Los the terrible vision:
J36.53; E182| Winchester stood devoting himself for Albion: his tents
J36.54; E183| Outspread with abundant riches, and his Emanations
J36.55; E183| Submitting to be call'd Enitharmons daughters, and be born
J36.56; E183| In vegetable mould: created by the Hammer and Loom
J36.57; E183| In Bowlahoola & Allamanda where the Dead wail night & day.
J36.58; E183| (I call them by their English names: English, the rough basement.
J36.59; E183| Los built the stubborn structure of the Language, acting against
J36.60; E183| Albions melancholy, who must else have been a Dumb despair.)
J36.61; E183| Gloucester and Exeter and Salisbury and Bristol: and benevolent
J37.1; E183| Bath who is Legions: he is the Seventh, the physician and
J37.2; E183| The poisoner: the best and worst in Heaven and Hell:
J37.3; E183| Whose Spectre first assimilated with Luvah in Albions mountains
J37.4; E183| A triple octave he took, to reduce Jerusalem to twelve
J37.5; E183| To cast Jerusalem forth upon the wilds to Poplar & Bow:
J37.6; E183| To Malden & Canterbury in the delights of cruelty:
J37.7; E183| The Shuttles of death sing in the sky to Islington & Pancrass
J37.8; E183| Round Marybone to Tyburns River, weaving black melancholy as a net,
J37.9; E183| And despair as meshes closely wove over the west of London,
J37.10; E183| Where mild Jerusalem sought to repose in death & be no more.
J37.11; E183| She fled to Lambeths mild Vale and hid herself beneath
J37.12; E183| The Surrey Hills where Rephaim terminates: her Sons are siez'd
J37.13; E183| For victims of sacrifice; but Jerusalem cannot be found! Hid
J37.14; E183| By the Daughters of Beulah: gently snatch'd away: and hid in Beulah
J37.15; E183| There is a Grain of Sand in Lambeth that Satan cannot find
J37.16; E183| Nor can his Watch Fiends find it: tis translucent & has many Angles
J37.17; E183| But he ho finds it will find Oothoons palace, for within
J37.18; E183| Opening into Beulah every angle is a lovely heaven
J37.19; E183| But should the Watch Fiends find it, they would call it Sin
J37.20; E183| And lay its Heavens & their inhabitants in blood of punishment
J37.21; E183| Here Jerusalem & Vala were hid in soft slumberous repose
J37.22; E183| Hid from the terrible East, shut up in the South & West.
J37.23; E183| The Twenty-eight trembled in Deaths dark caves, in cold despair
J37.24; E183| They kneeld around the Couch of Death in deep humiliation
J37.25; E183| And tortures of self condemnation while their Spectres ragd within.
J37.26; E183| The Four Zoa's in terrible combustion clouded rage
J37.27; E183| Drinking the shuddering fears & loves of Albions Families
J37.28; E183| Destroying by selfish affections the things that they most admire
J37.29; E183| Drinking & eating, & pitying & weeping, as at a trajic scene.
J37.30; E183| The soul drinks murder & revenge, & applauds its own holiness
J37.31; E183| They saw Albion endeavouring to destroy their Emanations. t285
J37ill; E184| [illustration, with inscription, reversed: "Each Man is in / his
J37ill; E184| Spectre's power / Untill the arrival / of that hour, / When his
J37ill; E184| Humanity / awake / And cast his Spectre / into the Lake"]
J38.1; E184| They saw their Wheels rising up poisonous against Albion
J38.2; E184| Urizen, cold & scientific: Luvah, pitying & weeping
J38.3; E184| Tharmas, indolent & sullen: Urthona, doubting & despairing
J38.4; E184| Victims to one another & dreadfully plotting against each other
J38.5; E184| To prevent Albion walking about in the Four Complexions.
J38.6; E184| They saw America clos'd out by the Oaks of the western shore;
J38.7; E184| And Tharmas dash'd on the Rocks of the Altars of Victims in Mexico.
J38.8; E184| If we are wrathful Albion will destroy Jerusalem with rooty Groves
J38.9; E184| If we are merciful, ourselves must suffer destruction on his Oaks!
J38.10; E184| Why should we enter into our Spectres, to behold our own corruptions
J38.11; E184| O God of Albion descend! deliver Jerusalem from the Oaken Groves!
J38.12; E184| Then Los grew furious raging: Why stand we here trembling around
J38.13; E184| Calling on God for help; and not ourselves in whom God dwells
J38.14; E184| Stretching a hand to save the falling Man: are we not Four
J38.15; E184| Beholding Albion upon the Precipice ready to fall into Non-Entity:
J38.16; E184| Seeing these Heavens & Hells conglobing in the Void. Heavens over Hells
J38.17; E184| Brooding in holy hypocritic lust, drinking the cries of pain
J38.18; E185| From howling victims of Law: building Heavens Twenty-seven-fold.
J38.19; E185| Swelld & bloated General Forms, repugnant to the Divine-
J38.20; E185| Humanity, who is the Only General and Universal Form
J38.21; E185| To which all Lineaments tend & seek with love & sympathy
J38.22; E185| All broad & general principles belong to benevolence
J38.23; E185| Who protects minute particulars, every one in their own identity.
J38.24; E185| But here the affectionate touch of the tongue is closd in by deadly teeth
J38.25; E185| And the soft smile of friendship & the open dawn of benevolence
J38.26; E185| Become a net & a trap, & every energy renderd cruel,
J38.27; E185| Till the existence of friendship & benevolence is denied:
J38.28; E185| The wine of the Spirit & the vineyards of the Holy-One.
J38.29; E185| Here: turn into poisonous stupor & deadly intoxication:
J38.30; E185| That they may be condemnd by Law & the Lamb of God be slain!
J38.31; E185| And the two Sources of Life in Eternity[,] Hunting and War,
J38.32; E185| Are become the Sources of dark & bitter Death & of corroding Hell:
J38.33; E185| The open heart is shut up in integuments of frozen silence
J38.34; E185| That the spear that lights it forth may shatter the ribs & bosom
J38.35; E185| A pretence of Art, to destroy Art: a pretence of Liberty
J38.36; E185| To destroy Liberty. a pretence of Religion to destroy Religion
J38.37; E185| Oshea and Caleb fight: they contend in the valleys of Peor
J38.38; E185| In the terrible Family Contentions of those who love each other:
J38.39; E185| The Armies of Balaam weep---no women come to the field
J38.40; E185| Dead corses lay before them, & not as in Wars of old.
J38.41; E185| For the Soldier who fights for Truth, calls his enemy is brother:
J38.42; E185| They fight & contend for life, & not for eternal death!
J38.43; E185| But here the Soldier strikes, & a dead corse falls at his feet
J38.44; E185| Nor Daughter nor Sister nor Mother come forth to embosom the Slain!
J38.45; E185| But Death! Eternal Death! remains in the Valleys of Peor.
J38.46; E185| The English are scatterd over the face of the Nations: are these
J38.47; E185| Jerusalems children? Hark! hear the Giants of Albion cry at night
J38.48; E185| We smell the blood of the English! we delight in their blood on our Altars!
J38.49; E185| The living & the dead shall be ground in our rumbling Mills
J38.50; E185| For bread of the Sons of Albion: of the Giants Hand & Scofield
J38.51; E185| Scofeld & Kox are let loose upon my Saxons! they accumulate
J38.52; E185| A World in which Man is by his Nature the Enemy of Man,
J38.53; E185| In pride of Selfhood unwieldy stretching out into Non Entity
J38.54; E185| Generalizing Art & Science till Art & Science is lost.
J38.55; E185| Bristol & Bath, listen to my words, & ye Seventeen: give ear!
J38.56; E185| It is easy to acknowledge a man to be great & good while we
J38.57; E185| Derogate from him in the trifles & small articles of that goodness:
J38.58; E185| Those alone are his friends, who admire his minutest powers[.]
J38.59; E185| Instead of Albions lovely mountains & the curtains of Jerusalem
J38.60; E185| I see a Cave, a Rock, a Tree deadly and poisonous, unimaginative:
J38.61; E185| Instead of the Mutual Forgivenesses, the Minute Particulars, I see
J38.62; E185| Pits of bitumen ever burning: artificial Riches of the Canaanite
J38.63; E186| Like Lakes of liquid lead: instead of heavenly Chapels, built
J38.64; E186| By our dear Lord: I see Worlds crusted with snows & ice;
J38.65; E186| I see a Wicker Idol woven round Jerusalems children. I see
J38.66; E186| The Canaanite, the Amalekite, the Moabite, the Egyptian:
J38.67; E186| By Demonstrations the cruel Sons of Quality & Negation.
J38.68; E186| Driven on the Void in incoherent despair into Non Entity
J38.69; E186| I see America closd apart, & Jerusalem driven in terror
J38.70; E186| Away from Albions mountains, far away from Londons spires!
J38.71; E186| I will not endure this thing! I alone withstand to death,
J38.72; E186| This outrage! Ah me! how sick & pale you all stand round me!
J38.73; E186| Ah me! pitiable ones! do you also go to deaths vale?
J38.74; E186| All you my Friends & Brothers! all you my beloved Companions!
J38.75; E186| Have you also caught the infection of Sin & stern Repentance?
J38.76; E186| I see Disease arise upon you! yet speak to me and give
J38.77; E186| Me some comfort: why do you all stand silent? I alone
J38.78; E186| Remain in permanent strength. Or is all this goodness & pity, only
J38.79; E186| That you may take the greater vengeance in your Sepulcher.
J38.80; E186| So Los spoke. Pale they stood around the House of Death:
J38.81; E186| In the midst of temptations & despair: among the rooted Oaks:
J38.82; E186| Among reared Rocks of Albions Sons, at length they rose
J39.1; E186| With one accord in love sublime, & as on Cherubs wings
J39.2; E186| They Albion surround with kindest violence to bear him back
J39.3; E186| Against his will thro Los's Gate to Eden: Four-fold; loud!
J39.4; E186| Their Wings waving over the bottomless Immense: to bear
J39.5; E186| Their awful charge back to his native home: but Albion dark,
J39.6; E186| Repugnant; rolld his Wheels backward into Non-Entity
J39.7; E186| Loud roll the Starry Wheels of Albion into the World of Death
J39.8; E186| And all the Gate of Los, clouded with clouds redounding from
J39.9; E186| Albions dread Wheels, stretching out spaces immense between
J39.10; E186| That every little particle of light & air, became Opake
J39.11; E186| Black & immense, a Rock of difficulty & a Cliff
J39.12; E186| Of black despair; that the immortal Wings labourd against
J39.13; E186| Cliff after cliff, & over Valleys of despair & death:
J39.14; E186| The narrow Sea between Albion & the Atlantic Continent:
J39.15; E186| Its waves of pearl became a boundless Ocean bottomless,
J39.16; E186| Of grey obscurity, filld with clouds & rocks & whirling waters
J39.17; E186| And Albions Sons ascending & descending in the horrid Void.
J39.18; E186| But as the Will must not be bended but in the day of Divine
J39.19; E186| Power: silent calm & motionless, in the mid-air sublime,
J39.20; E186| The Family Divine hover around the darkend Albion.
J39.21; E186| Such is the nature of the Ulro: that whatever enters:
J39.22; E186| Becomes Sexual, & is Created, and Vegetated, and Born.
J39.23; E186| From Hyde Park spread their vegetating roots beneath Albion
J39.24; E186| In dreadful pain the Spectrous Uncircumcised Vegetation.
J39.25; E187| Forming a Sexual Machine: an Aged Virgin Form.
J39.26; E187| In Erins Land toward the north, joint after joint & burning
J39.27; E187| In love & jealousy immingled & calling it Religion
J39.28; E187| And feeling the damps of death they with one accord delegated Los
J39.29; E187| Conjuring him by the Highest that he should Watch over them
J39.30; E187| Till Jesus shall appear: & they gave their power to Los
J39.31; E187| Naming him the Spirit of Prophecy, calling him Elijah
J39.32; E187| Strucken with Albions disease they become what they behold;
J39.33; E187| They assimilate with Albion in pity & compassion;
J39.34; E187| Their Emanations return not: their Spectres rage in the Deep
J39.35; E187| The Slumbers of Death came over them around the Couch of Death
J39.36; E187| Before the Gate of Los & in the depths of Non Entity
J39.37; E187| Among the Furnaces of Los: among the Oaks of Albion.
J39.38; E187| Man is adjoind to Man by his Emanative portion:
J39.39; E187| Who is Jerusalem in every individual Man: and her
J39.40; E187| Shadow is Vala, builded by the Reasoning power in Man
J39.41; E187| O search & see: turn your eyes inward: open O thou World
J39.42; E187| Of Love & Harmony in Man: expand thy ever lovely Gates.
J39.43; E187| They wept into the deeps a little space at length was heard
J39.44; E187| The voice of Bath, faint as the voice of the Dead in the House of Death
J40.1; E187| Bath, healing City! whose wisdom in midst of Poetic
J40.2; E187| Fervor: mild spoke thro' the Western Porch, in soft gentle tears
J40.3; E187| O Albion mildest Son of Eden! clos'd is thy Western Gate
J40.4; E187| Brothers of Eternity! this Man whose great example
J40.5; E187| We all admir'd & lov'd, whose all benevolent countenance, seen
J40.6; E187| In Eden, in lovely Jerusalem, drew even from envy
J40.7; E187| The tear: and the confession of honesty, open & undisguis'd
J40.8; E187| From mistrust and suspition. The Man is himself become
J40.9; E187| A piteous example of oblivion. To teach the Sons
J40.10; E187| Of Eden, that however great and glorious; however loving
J40.11; E187| And merciful the Individuality; however high
J40.12; E187| Our palaces and cities, and however fruitful are our fields
J40.13; E187| In Selfhood, we are nothing: but fade away in mornings breath,
J40.14; E187| Our mildness is nothing: the greatest mildness we can use
J40.15; E187| Is incapable and nothing! none but the Lamb of God can heal
J40.16; E187| This dread disease: none but Jesus! O Lord descend and save!
J40.17; E187| Albions Western Gate is clos'd: his death is coming apace!
J40.18; E187| Jesus alone can save him; for alas we none can know
J40.19; E187| How soon his lot may be our own. When Africa in sleep
J40.20; E187| Rose in the night of Beulah, and bound down the Sun & Moon
J40.21; E187| His friends cut his strong chains, & overwhelm'd his dark
J40.22; E187| Machines in fury & destruction, and the Man reviving repented
J40.23; E187| He wept before his wrathful brethren, thankful & considerate
J40.24; E188| For their well timed wrath. But Albions sleep is not
J40.25; E188| Like Africa's: and his machines are woven with his life
J40.26; E188| Nothing but mercy can save him! nothing but mercy interposing
J40.27; E188| Lest he should slay Jerusalem in his fearful jealousy
J40.28; E188| O God descend! gather our brethren, deliver Jerusalem
J40.29; E188| But that we may omit no office of the friendly spirit
J40.30; E188| Oxford take thou these leaves of the Tree of Life: with eloquence
J40.31; E188| That thy immortal tongue inspires; present them to Albion:
J40.32; E188| Perhaps he may recieve them, offerd from thy loved hands.
J40.33; E188| So spoke, unheard by Albion. the merciful Son of Heaven
J40.34; E188| To those whose Western Gates were open, as they stood weeping
J40.35; E188| Around Albion: but Albion heard him not; obdurate! hard!
J40.36; E188| He frown'd on all his Friends, counting them enemies in his sorrow
J40.37; E188| And the Seventeen conjoining with Bath, the Seventh:
J40.38; E188| In whom the other Ten shone manifest, a Divine Vision!
J40.39; E188| Assimilated and embrac'd Eternal Death for Albions sake.
J40.40; E188| And these the names of the Eighteen combining with those Ten t286
J41.1; E188| Bath, mild Physician of Eternity, mysterious power
J41.2; E188| Whose springs are unsearchable & knowledg infinite.
J41.3; E188| Hereford, ancient Guardian of Wales, whose hands
J41.4; E188| Builded the mountain palaces of Eden, stupendous works!
J41.5; E188| Lincoln, Durham & Carlisle, Councellors of Los.
J41.6; E188| And Ely, Scribe of Los, whose pen no other hand
J41.7; E188| Dare touch! Oxford, immortal Bard! with eloquence
J41.8; E188| Divine, he wept over Albion: speaking the words of God
J41.9; E188| In mild perswasion: bringing leaves of the Tree of Life.
J41.10; E188| Thou art in Error Albion, the Land of Ulro:
J41.11; E188| One Error not remov'd, will destroy a human Soul
J41.12; E188| Repose in Beulahs night, till the Error is remov'd
J41.13; E188| Reason not on both sides. Repose upon our bosoms
J41.14; E188| Till the Plow of Jehovah, and the Harrow of Shaddai
J41.15; E188| Have passed over the Dead, to awake the Dead to Judgment.
J41.16; E188| But Albion turn'd away refusing comfort.
J41.17; E188| Oxford trembled while he spoke, then fainted in the arms
J41.18; E188| Of Norwich, Peterboro, Rochester, Chester awful, Worcester,
J41.19; E188| Litchfield, Saint Davids, Landaff, Asaph, Bangor, Sodor,
J41.20; E188| Bowing their heads devoted: and the Furnaces of Los
J41.21; E188| Began to rage, thundering loud the storms began to roar
J41.22; E188| Upon the Furnaces, and loud the Furnaces rebellow beneath
J41.23; E188| And these the Four in whom the twenty-four appear'd four-fold:
J41.24; E188| Verulam, London, York, Edinburgh, mourning one towards another
J41.25; E189| Alas!--The time will come, when a mans worst enemies
J41.26; E189| Shall be those of his own house and family: in a Religion
J41.27; E189| Of Generation, to destroy by Sin and Atonement, happy Jerusalem,
J41.28; E189| The Bride and Wife of the Lamb. O God thou art Not an Avenger!
J42.1; E189| Thus Albion sat, studious of others in his pale disease:
J42.2; E189| Brooding on evil: but when Los opend the Furnaces before him:
J42.3; E189| He saw that the accursed things were his own affections,
J42.4; E189| And his own beloveds: then he turn'd sick! his soul died within him
J42.5; E189| Also Los sick & terrified beheld the Furnaces of Death
J42.6; E189| And must have died, but the Divine Saviour descended
J42.7; E189| Among the infant loves & affections, and the Divine Vision wept
J42.8; E189| Like evening dew on every herb upon the breathing ground
J42.9; E189| Albion spoke in his dismal dreams: O thou deceitful friend
J42.10; E189| Worshipping mercy & beholding thy friend in such affliction:
J42.11; E189| Los! thou now discoverest thy turpitude to the heavens.
J42.12; E189| I demand righteousness & justice. O thou ingratitude!
J42.13; E189| Give me my Emanations back[,] food for my dying soul!
J42.14; E189| My daughters are harlots! my sons are accursed before me.
J42.15; E189| Enitharmon is my daughter: accursed with a fathers curse!
J42.16; E189| O! I have utterly been wasted! I have given my daughters to devils
J42.17; E189| So spoke Albion in gloomy majesty, and deepest night
J42.18; E189| Of Ulro rolld round his skirts from Dover to Cornwall.
J42.19; E189| Los answerd. Righteousness & justice I give thee in return
J42.20; E189| For thy righteousness! but I add mercy also, and bind
J42.21; E189| Thee from destroying these little ones: am I to be only
J42.22; E189| Merciful to thee and cruel to all that thou hatest[?]
J42.23; E189| Thou wast the Image of God surrounded by the Four Zoa's
J42.24; E189| Three thou hast slain! I am the Fourth: thou canst not destroy me.
J42.25; E189| Thou art in Error; trouble me not with thy righteousness.
J42.26; E189| I have innocence to defend and ignorance to instruct:
J42.27; E189| I have no time for seeming; and little arts of compliment,
J42.28; E189| In morality and virtue: in self-glorying and pride.
J42.29; E189| There is a limit of Opakeness, and a limit of Contraction;
J42.30; E189| In every Individual Man, and the limit of Opakeness,
J42.31; E189| Is named Satan: and the limit of Contraction is named Adam.
J42.32; E189| But when Man sleeps in Beulah, the Saviour in mercy takes
J42.33; E189| Contractions Limit, and of the Limit he forms Woman: That
J42.34; E189| Himself may in process of time be born Man to redeem
J42.35; E189| But there is no Limit of Expansion! there is no Limit of Translucence.
J42.36; E189| In the bosom of Man for ever from eternity to eternity.
J42.37; E189| Therefore I break thy bonds of righteousness; I crush thy messengers!
J42.38; E189| That they may not crush me and mine: do thou be righteous,
J42.39; E189| And I will return it; otherwise I defy thy worst revenge:
J42.40; E190| Consider me as thine enemy: on me turn all thy fury
J42.41; E190| But destroy not these little ones, nor mock the Lords anointed:
J42.42; E190| Destroy not by Moral Virtue, the little ones whom he hath chosen!
J42.43; E190| The little ones whom he hath chosen in preference to thee.
J42.44; E190| He hath cast thee off for ever; the little ones he hath anointed!
J42.45; E190| Thy Selfhood is for ever accursed from the Divine presence
J42.46; E190| So Los spoke: then turn'd his face & wept for Albion.
J42.47; E190| Albion replied. Go! Hand & Hyle! sieze the abhorred friend: t287
J42.48; E190| As you Have siezd the Twenty-four rebellious ingratitudes;
J42.49; E190| To atone for you, for spiritual death! Man lives by deaths of Men
J42.50; E190| Bring him to justice before heaven here upon London stone,
J42.51; E190| Between Blackheath & Hounslow, between Norwood & Finchley
J42.52; E190| All that they have is mine: from my free genrous gift,
J42.53; E190| They now hold all they have: ingratitude to me!
J42.54; E190| To me their benefactor calls aloud for vengeance deep.
J42.55; E190| Los stood before his Furnaces awaiting the fury of the Dead:
J42.56; E190| And the Divine hand was upon him, strengthening him mightily.
J42.57; E190| The Spectres of the Dead cry out from the deeps beneath
J42.58; E190| Upon the hills of Albion; Oxford groans in his iron furnace
J42.59; E190| Winchester in his den & cavern; they lament against
J42.60; E190| Albion: they curse their human kindness & affection
J42.61; E190| They rage like wild beasts in the forests of affliction
J42.62; E190| In the dreams of Ulro they repent of their human kindness.
J42.63; E190| Come up, build Babylon, Rahab is ours & all her multitudes
J42.64; E190| With her in pomp and glory of victory. Depart
J42.65; E190| Ye twenty-four into the deeps! let us depart to glory!
J42.66; E190| Their Human majestic forms sit up upon their Couches
J42.67; E190| Of death: they curb their Spectres as with iron curbs
J42.68; E190| They enquire after Jerusalem in the regions of the dead,
J42.69; E190| With the voices of dead men, low, scarcely articulate,
J42.70; E190| And with tears cold on their cheeks they weary repose.
J42.71; E190| O when shall the morning of the grave appear, and when
J42.72; E190| Shall our salvation come? we sleep upon our watch
J42.73; E190| We cannot awake! and our Spectres rage in the forests
J42.74; E190| O God of Albion where art thou! pity the watchers!
J42.75; E190| Thus mourn they. Loud the Furnaces of Los thunder upon
J42.76; E190| The clouds of Europe & Asia, among the Serpent Temples!
J42.77; E190| And Los drew his Seven Furnaces around Albions Altars
J42.78; E190| And as Albion built his frozen Altars, Los built the Mundane Shell,
J42.79; E190| In the Four Regions of Humanity East & West & North & South,
J42.80; E191| Till Norwood & Finchley & Blackheath & Hounslow, coverd the whole Earth.
J42.81; E191| This is the Net & Veil of Vala, among the Souls of the Dead.
J43.1; E191| Then the Divine Vision like a silent Sun appeard above
J43.2; E191| Albions dark rocks: setting behind the Gardens of Kensington
J43.3; E191| On Tyburns River, in clouds of blood: where was mild Zion Hills
J43.4; E191| Most ancient promontory, and in the Sun, a Human Form appeard
J43.5; E191| And thus the Voice Divine went forth upon the rocks of Albion
J43.6; E191| I elected Albion for my glory; I gave to him the Nations,
J43.7; E191| Of the whole Earth. he was the Angel of my Presence: and all
J43.8; E191| The Sons of God were Albions Sons: and Jerusalem was my joy.
J43.9; E191| The Reactor hath hid himself thro envy. I behold him.
J43.10; E191| But you cannot behold him till he be reveald in his System
J43.11; E191| Albions Reactor must have a Place prepard: Albion must Sleep
J43.12; E191| The Sleep of Death, till the Man of Sin & Repentance be reveald.
J43.13; E191| Hidden in Albions Forests he lurks: he admits of no Reply
J43.14; E191| From Albion: but hath founded his Reaction into a Law
J43.15; E191| Of Action, for Obedience to destroy the Contraries of Man[.]
J43.16; E191| He hath compelld Albion to become a Punisher & hath possessd
J43.17; E191| Himself of Albions Forests & Wilds! and Jerusalem is taken!
J43.18; E191| The City of the Woods in the Forest of Ephratah is taken!
J43.19; E191| London is a stone of her ruins; Oxford is the dust of her walls!
J43.20; E191| Sussex & Kent are her scatterd garments: Ireland her holy place!
J43.21; E191| And the murderd bodies of her little ones are Scotland and Wales
J43.22; E191| The Cities of the Nations are the smoke of her consummation
J43.23; E191| The Nations are her dust! ground by the chariot wheels
J43.24; E191| Of her lordly conquerors, her palaces levelld with the dust
J43.25; E191| I come that I may find a way for my banished ones to return
J43.26; E191| Fear not O little Flock I come! Albion shall rise again.
J43.27; E191| So saying, the mild Sun inclosd the Human Family.
J43.28; E191| Forthwith from Albions darkning [r]ocks came two Immortal forms t288
J43.29; E191| Saying We alone are escaped. O merciful Lord and Saviour,
J43.30; E191| We flee from the interiors of Albions hills and mountains!
J43.31; E191| From his Valleys Eastward: from Amalek Canaan & Moab:
J43.32; E191| Beneath his vast ranges of hills surrounding Jerusalem.
J43.33; E191| Albion walkd on the steps of fire before his Halls
J43.34; E191| And Vala walkd with him in dreams of soft deluding slumber.
J43.35; E191| He looked up & saw the Prince of Light with splendor faded
J43.36; E191| Then Albion ascended mourning into the porches of his Palace
J43.37; E191| Above him rose a Shadow from his wearied intellect:
J43.38; E191| Of living gold, pure, perfect, holy: in white linen pure he hoverd
J43.39; E192| A sweet entrancing self-delusion a watry vision of Albion
J43.40; E192| Soft exulting in existence; all the Man absorbing!
J43.41; E192| Albion fell upon his face prostrate before the watry Shadow
J43.42; E192| Saying O Lord whence is this change! thou knowest I am nothing!
J43.43; E192| And Vala trembled & coverd her face! & her locks were spread on the pavement
J43.44; E192| We heard astonishd at the Vision & our heart trembled within us:
J43.45; E192| We heard the voice of slumberous Albion, and thus he spake,
J43.46; E192| Idolatrous to his own Shadow words of eternity uttering:
J43.47; E192| O I am nothing when I enter into judgment with thee!
J43.48; E192| If thou withdraw thy breath I die & vanish into Hades
J43.49; E192| If thou dost lay thine hand upon me behold I am silent:
J43.50; E192| If thou withhold thine hand; I perish like a fallen leaf:
J43.51; E192| O I am nothing: and to nothing must return again:
J43.52; E192| If thou withdraw thy breath. Behold I am oblivion.
J43.53; E192| He ceasd: the shadowy voice was silent: but the cloud hoverd over their heads
J43.54; E192| In golden wreathes, the sorrow of Man; & the balmy drops fell down.
J43.55; E192| And lo! that son of Man that Shadowy Spirit of mild Albion:
J43.56; E192| Luvah descended from the cloud; in terror Albion rose:
J43.57; E192| Indignant rose the awful Man, & turnd his back on Vala.
J43.58; E192| We heard the voice of Albion starting from his sleep:
J43.59; E192| Whence is this voice crying Enion! that soundeth in my ears?
J43.60; E192| O cruel pity! O dark deceit! can love seek for dominion?
J43.61; E192| And Luvah strove to gain dominion over Albion
J43.62; E192| They strove together above the Body where Vala was inclosd
J43.63; E192| And the dark Body of Albion left prostrate upon the crystal pavement,
J43.64; E192| Coverd with boils from head to foot: the terrible smitings of Luvah.
J43.65; E192| Then frownd the fallen Man, and put forth Luvah from his presence
J43.66; E192| Saying. Go and Die the Death of Man, for Vala the sweet wanderer.
J43.67; E192| I will turn the volutions of your ears outward, and bend your nostrils
J43.68; E192| Downward, and your fluxile eyes englob'd roll round in fear:
J43.69; E192| Your withring lips and tongue shrink up into a narrow circle,
J43.70; E192| Till into narrow forms you creep: go take your fiery way:
J43.71; E192| And learn what tis to absorb the Man you Spirits of Pity & Love.
J43.72; E192| They heard the voice and fled swift as the winters setting sun.
J43.73; E192| And now the human blood foamd high, the Spirits Luvah & Vala,
J43.74; E192| Went down the Human Heart where Paradise & its joys abounded,
J43.75; E192| In jealous fears & fury & rage, & flames roll round their fervid feet:
J43.76; E192| And the vast form of Nature like a serpent playd before them
J43.77; E192| And as they fled in folding fires & thunders of the deep:
J43.78; E193| Vala shrunk in like the dark sea that leaves its slimy banks.
J43.79; E193| And from her bosom Luvah fell far as the east and west.
J43.80; E193| And the vast form of Nature like a serpent rolld between,
J43.81; E193| Whether of Jerusalems or Valas ruins congenerated, we know not:
J43.82; E193| All is confusion: all is tumult, & we alone are escaped.
J43.83; E193| So spoke the fugitives; they joind the Divine Family, trembling t289
J44.1; E193| And the Two that escaped; were the Emanation of Los & his
J44.2; E193| Spectre: for whereever the Emanation goes, the Spectre
J44.3; E193| Attends her as her Guard, & Los's Emanation is named
J44.4; E193| Enitharmon, & his Spectre is named Urthona: they knew
J44.5; E193| Not where to flee: they had been on a visit to Albions Children
J44.6; E193| And they strove to weave a Shadow of the Emanation
J44.7; E193| To hide themselves: weeping & lamenting for the Vegetation
J44.8; E193| Of Albions Children; fleeing thro Albions vales in streams of gore
J44.9; E193| Being not irritated by insult bearing insulting benevolences
J44.10; E193| They percieved that corporeal friends are spiritual enemies
J44.11; E193| They saw the Sexual Religion in its embryon Uncircumcision
J44.12; E193| And the Divine hand was upon them bearing them thro darkness
J44.13; E193| Back safe to their Humanity as doves to their windows:
J44.14; E193| Therefore the Sons of Eden praise Urthonas Spectre in Songs
J44.15; E193| Because he kept the Divine Vision in time of trouble.
J44.16; E193| They wept & trembled: & Los put forth his hand & took them in
J44.17; E193| Into his Bosom: from which Albion shrunk in dismal pain;
J44.18; E193| Rending the fibres of Brotherhood & in Feminine Allegories
J44.19; E193| Inclosing Los: but the Divine Vision appeard with Los
J44.20; E193| Following Albion into his Central Void among his Oaks.
J44.21; E193| And Los prayed and said. O Divine Saviour arise
J44.22; E193| Upon the Mountains of Albion as in ancient time. Behold!
J44.23; E193| The Cities of Albion seek thy face, London groans in pain
J44.24; E193| From Hill to Hill & the Thames laments along the Valleys
J44.25; E193| The little Villages of Middlesex & Surrey hunger & thirst
J44.26; E193| The Twenty-eight Cities of Albion stretch their hands to thee:
J44.27; E193| Because of the Opressors of Albion in every City & Village:
J44.28; E193| They mock at the Labourers limbs! they mock at his starvd Children.
J44.29; E193| They buy his Daughters that they may have power to sell his Sons:
J44.30; E193| They compell the Poor to live upon a crust of bread by soft mild arts:
J44.31; E193| They reduce the Man to want: then give with pomp & ceremony.
J44.32; E193| The praise of Jehovah is chaunted from lips of hunger & thirst!
J44.33; E193| Humanity knows not of Sex: wherefore are Sexes in Beulah?
J44.34; E193| In Beulah the Female lets down her beautiful Tabernacle;
J44.35; E193| Which the Male enters magnificent between her Cherubim:
J44.36; E193| And becomes One with her mingling condensing in Self-love
J44.37; E193| The Rocky Law of Condemnation & double Generation, & Death.
J44.38; E194| Albion hath enterd the Loins the place of the Last Judgment:
J44.39; E194| And Luvah hath drawn the Curtains around Albion in Vala's bosom
J44.40; E194| The Dead awake to Generation! Arise O Lord, & rend the Veil!
J44.41; E194| So Los in lamentations followd Albion, Albion coverd,
J45.1; E194| His western heaven with rocky clouds of death & despair.
J45.2; E194| Fearing that Albion should turn his back against the Divine Vision
J45.3; E194| Los took his globe of fire to search the interiors of Albions
J45.4; E194| Bosom, in all the terrors of friendship, entering the caves
J45.5; E194| Of despair & death, to search the tempters out, walking among
J45.6; E194| Albions rocks & precipices! caves of solitude & dark despair,
J45.7; E194| And saw every Minute Particular of Albion degraded & murderd
J45.8; E194| But saw not by whom; they were hidden within in the minute particulars
J45.9; E194| Of which they had possessd themselves; and there they take up
J45.10; E194| The articulations of a mans soul, and laughing throw it down
J45.11; E194| Into the frame, then knock it out upon the plank, & souls are bak'd
J45.12; E194| In bricks to build the pyramids of Heber & Terah. But Los
J45.13; E194| Searchd in vain: closd from the minutia he walkd, difficult.
J45.14; E194| He came down from Highgate thro Hackney & Holloway towards London
J45.15; E194| Till he came to old Stratford & thence to Stepney & the Isle
J45.16; E194| Of Leuthas Dogs, thence thro the narrows of the Rivers side
J45.17; E194| And saw every minute particular, the jewels of Albion, running down
J45.18; E194| The kennels of the streets & lanes as if they were abhorrd.
J45.19; E194| Every Universal Form, was become barren mountains of Moral
J45.20; E194| Virtue: and every Minute Particular hardend into grains of sand:
J45.21; E194| And all the tendernesses of the soul cast forth as filth & mire,
J45.22; E194| Among the winding places of deep contemplation intricate
J45.23; E194| To where the Tower of London frownd dreadful over Jerusalem:
J45.24; E194| A building of Luvah builded in Jerusalems eastern gate to be
J45.25; E194| His secluded Court: thence to Bethlehem where was builded
J45.26; E194| Dens of despair in the house of bread: enquiring in vain
J45.27; E194| Of stones and rocks he took his way, for human form was none:
J45.28; E194| And thus he spoke, looking on Albions City with many tears
J45.29; E194| What shall I do! what could I do, if I could find these Criminals
J45.30; E194| I could not dare to take vengeance; for all things are so constructed
J45.31; E194| And builded by the Divine hand, that the sinner shall always escape,
J45.32; E194| And he who takes vengeance alone is the criminal of Providence;
J45.33; E194| If I should dare to lay my finger on a grain of sand
J45.34; E194| In way of vengeance; I punish the already punishd: O whom
J45.35; E194| Should I pity if I pity not the sinner who is gone astray!
J45.36; E194| O Albion, if thou takest vengeance; if thou revengest thy wrongs
J45.37; E194| Thou art for ever lost! What can I do to hinder the Sons
J45.38; E194| Of Albion from taking vengeance? or how shall I them perswade.
J45.39; E195| So spoke Los, travelling thro darkness & horrid solitude:
J45.40; E195| And he beheld Jerusalem in Westminster & Marybone,
J45.41; E195| Among the ruins of the Temple: and Vala who is her Shadow,
J45.42; E195| Jerusalems Shadow bent northward over the Island white.
J45.43; E195| At length he sat on London Stone, & heard Jerusalems voice.
J45.44; E195| Albion I cannot be thy Wife. thine own Minute Particulars,
J45.45; E195| Belong to God alone. and all thy little ones are holy
J45.46; E195| They are of Faith & not of Demonstration: wherefore is Vala
J45.47; E195| Clothd in black mourning upon my rivers currents, Vala awake!
J45.48; E195| I hear thy shuttles sing in the sky, and round my limbs
J45.49; E195| I feel the iron threads of love & jealousy & despair.
J45.50; E195| Vala reply'd. Albion is mine! Luvah gave me to Albion
J45.51; E195| And now recieves reproach & hate. Was it not said of old
J45.52; E195| Set your Son before a man & he shall take you & your sons
J45.53; E195| For slaves: but set your Daughter before a man & She
J45.54; E195| Shall make him & his sons & daughters your slaves for ever!
J45.55; E195| And is this Faith? Behold the strife of Albion, & Luvah
J45.56; E195| Is great in the east, their spears of blood rage in the eastern heaven
J45.57; E195| Urizen is the champion of Albion, they will slay my Luvah:
J45.58; E195| And thou O harlot daughter! daughter of despair art all
J45.59; E195| This cause of these shakings of my towers on Euphrates.
J45.60; E195| Here is the House of Albion, & here is thy secluded place
J45.61; E195| And here we have found thy sins: & hence we turn thee forth,
J45.62; E195| For all to avoid thee: to be astonishd at thee for thy sins:
J45.63; E195| Because thou art the impurity & the harlot: & thy children!
J45.64; E195| Children of whoredoms: born for Sacrifice: for the meat & drink
J45.65; E195| Offering: to sustain the glorious combat & the battle & war
J45.66; E195| That Man may be purified by the death of thy delusions.
J45.67; E195| So saying she her dark threads cast over the trembling River:
J45.68; E195| And over the valleys; from the hills of Hertfordshire to the hills
J45.69; E195| Of Surrey across Middlesex & across Albions House
J45.70; E195| Of Eternity! pale stood Albion at his eastern gate,
J46.1; E195| Leaning against the pillars, & his disease rose from his skirts
J46.2; E195| Upon the Precipice he stood! ready to fall into Non-Entity.
J46.3; E195| Los was all astonishment & terror: he trembled sitting on the Stone
J46.4; E195| Of London: but the interiors of Albions fibres & nerves were hidden
J46.5; E195| From Los; astonishd be beheld only the petrified surfaces:
J46.6; E195| And saw his Furnaces in ruins, for Los is the Demon of the Furnaces;
J46.7; E195| He saw also the Four Points of Albion reversd inwards
J46.8; E195| He siezd his Hammer & Tongs, his iron Poker & his Bellows,
J46.9; E195| Upon the valleys of Middlesex, Shouting loud for aid Divine.
J46.10; E195| In stern defiance came from Albions bosom Hand, Hyle, Koban,
J46.11; E195| Gwantok, Peachy, Brertun, Slaid, Huttn, Skofeld, Kock, Kotope
J46.12; E196| Bowen: Albions Sons: they bore him a golden couch into the porch
J46.13; E196| And on the Couch reposd his limbs, trembling from the bloody field.
J46.14; E196| Rearing their Druid Patriarchal rocky Temples around his limbs.
J46.15; E196| (All things begin & end, in Albions Ancient Druid Rocky Shore.)
J47.1; E196| [When Albion utterd his last words Hope is banishd from me] t290
J47.2; E196| From Camberwell to Highgate where the mighty Thames shudders along,
J47.3; E196| Where Los's Furnaces stand, where Jerusalem & Vala howl:
J47.4; E196| Luvah tore forth from Albions Loins, in fibrous veins, in rivers
J47.5; E196| Of blood over Europe: a Vegetating Root in grinding pain.
J47.6; E196| Animating the Dragon Temples, soon to become that Holy Fiend
J47.7; E196| The Wicker Man of Scandinavia in which cruelly consumed
J47.8; E196| The Captives reard to heaven howl in flames among the stars
J47.9; E196| Loud the cries of War on the Rhine & Danube, with Albions Sons,
J47.10; E196| Away from Beulahs hills & vales break forth the Souls of the Dead,
J47.11; E196| With cymbal, trumpet, clarion; & the scythed chariots of Britain.
J47.12; E196| And the Veil of Vala, is composed of the Spectres of the Dead
J47.13; E196| Hark! the mingling cries of Luvah with the Sons of Albion
J47.14; E196| Hark! & Record the terrible wonder! that the Punisher
J47.15; E196| Mingles with his Victims Spectre, enslaved and tormented
J47.16; E196| To him whom he has murderd, bound in vengeance & enmity
J47.17; E196| Shudder not, but Write, & the hand of God will assist you!
J47.18; E196| Therefore I write Albions last words. Hope is banish'd from me.
J48.1; E196| These were his last words, and the merciful Saviour in his arms
J48.2; E196| Reciev'd him, in the arms of tender mercy and repos'd
J48.3; E196| The pale limbs of his Eternal Individuality
J48.4; E196| Upon the Rock of Ages. Then, surrounded with a Cloud:
J48.5; E196| In silence the Divine Lord builded with immortal labour,
J48.6; E196| Of gold & jewels a sublime Ornament, a Couch of repose,
J48.7; E196| With Sixteen pillars: canopied with emblems & written verse.
J48.8; E196| Spiritual Verse, order'd & measur'd, from whence, time shall reveal.
J48.9; E196| The Five books of the Decalogue, the books of Joshua & Judges,
J48.10; E196| Samuel, a double book & Kings, a double book, the Psalms & Prophets
J48.11; E196| The Four-fold Gospel, and the Revelations everlasting
J48.12; E196| Eternity groan'd & was troubled, at the image of Eternal Death!
J48.13; E196| Beneath the bottoms of the Graves, which is Earths central joint,
J48.14; E196| There is a place where Contrarieties are equally true:
J48.15; E196| (To protect from the Giant blows in the sports of intellect,
J48.16; E196| Thunder in the midst of kindness, & love that kills its beloved:
J48.17; E196| Because Death is for a period, and they renew tenfold.)
J48.18; E196| From this sweet Place Maternal Love awoke Jerusalem
J48.19; E197| With pangs she forsook Beulah's pleasant lovely shadowy Universe
J48.20; E197| Where no dispute can come; created for those who Sleep.
J48.21; E197| Weeping was in all Beulah, and all the Daughters of Beulah
J48.22; E197| Wept for their Sister the Daughter of Albion, Jerusalem:
J48.23; E197| When out of Beulah the Emanation of the Sleeper descended
J48.24; E197| With solemn mourning out of Beulahs moony shades and hills:
J48.25; E197| Within the Human Heart, whose Gates closed with solemn sound.
J48.26; E197| And this the manner of the terrible Separation
J48.27; E197| The Emanations of the grievously afflicted Friends of Albion
J48.28; E197| Concenter in one Female form an Aged pensive Woman.
J48.29; E197| Astonish'd! lovely! embracing the sublime shade: the Daughters of Beulah
J48.30; E197| Beheld her with wonder! With awful hands she took
J48.31; E197| A Moment of Time, drawing it out with many tears & afflictions
J48.32; E197| And many sorrows: oblique across the Atlantic Vale
J48.33; E197| Which is the Vale of Rephaim dreadful from East to West,
J48.34; E197| Where the Human Harvest waves abundant in the beams of Eden
J48.35; E197| Into a Rainbow of jewels and gold, a mild Reflection from
J48.36; E197| Albions dread Tomb. Eight thousand and five hundred years
J48.37; E197| In its extension. Every two hundred years has a door to Eden
J48.38; E197| She also took an Atom of Space, with dire pain opening it a Center
J48.39; E197| Into Beulah: trembling the Daughters of Beulah dried
J48.40; E197| Her tears. she ardent embrac'd her sorrows. occupied in labours
J48.41; E197| Of sublime mercy in Rephaims Vale. Perusing Albions Tomb
J48.42; E197| She sat: she walk'd among the ornaments solemn mourning.
J48.43; E197| The Daughters attended her shudderings, wiping the death sweat
J48.44; E197| Los also saw her in his seventh Furnace, he also terrified
J48.45; E197| Saw the finger of God go forth upon his seventh Furnace:
J48.46; E197| Away from the Starry Wheels to prepare Jerusalem a place.
J48.47; E197| When with a dreadful groan the Emanation mild of Albion.
J48.48; E197| Burst from his bosom in the Tomb like a pale snowy cloud,
J48.49; E197| Female and lovely, struggling to put off the Human form
J48.50; E197| Writhing in pain. The Daughters of Beulah in kind arms reciev'd
J48.51; E197| Jerusalem: weeping over her among the Spaces of Erin,
J48.52; E197| In the Ends of Beulah, where the Dead wail night & day.
J48.53; E197| And thus Erin spoke to the Daughters of Beulah, in soft tears
J48.54; E197| Albion the Vortex of the Dead!Albion the Generous!
J48.55; E197| Albion the mildest son of Heaven! The Place of Holy Sacrifice!
J48.56; E197| Where Friends Die for each other: will become the Place,
J48.57; E197| Of Murder, & Unforgiving, Never-awaking Sacrifice of Enemies
J48.58; E197| The Children must be sacrific'd! (a horror never known
J48.59; E197| Till now in Beulah.) unless a Refuge can be found
J48.60; E197| To hide them from the wrath of Albions Law that freezes sore
J48.61; E197| Upon his Sons & Daughters, self-exiled from his bosom
J48.62; E198| Draw ye Jerusalem away from Albions Mountains
J48.63; E198| To give a Place for Redemption, let Sihon and Og
J48.64; E198| Remove Eastward to Bashan and Gilead, and leave
J49.1; E198| The secret coverts of Albion & the hidden places of America
J49.2; E198| Jerusalem Jerusalem! why wilt thou turn away
J49.3; E198| Come ye O Daughters of Beulah, lament for Og & Sihon
J49.4; E198| Upon the Lakes of Ireland from Rathlin to Baltimore:
J49.5; E198| Stand ye upon the Dargle from Wicklow to Drogheda
J49.6; E198| Come & mourn over Albion the White Cliff of the Atlantic
J49.7; E198| The Mountain of Giants: all the Giants of Albion are become
J49.8; E198| Weak! witherd! darkend! & Jerusalem is cast forth from Albion.
J49.9; E198| They deny that they ever knew Jerusalem, or ever dwelt in Shiloh
J49.10; E198| The Gigantic roots & twigs of the vegetating Sons of Albion
J49.11; E198| Filld with the little-ones are consumed in the Fires of their Altars
J49.12; E198| The vegetating Cities are burned & consumed from the Earth:
J49.13; E198| And the Bodies in which all Animals & Vegetations, the Earth & Heaven
J49.14; E198| Were containd in the All Glorious Imagination are witherd & darkend;
J49.15; E198| The golden Gate of Havilah, and all the Garden of God,
J49.16; E198| Was caught up with the Sun in one day of fury and war:
J49.17; E198| The Lungs, the Heart, the Liver, shrunk away far distant from Man
J49.18; E198| And left a little slimy substance floating upon the tides.
J49.19; E198| In one night the Atlantic Continent was caught up with the Moon,
J49.20; E198| And became an Opake Globe far distant clad with moony beams.
J49.21; E198| The Visions of Eternity, by reason of narrowed perceptions,
J49.22; E198| Are become weak Visions of Time & Space, fix'd into furrows of death;
J49.23; E198| Till deep dissimulation is the only defence an honest man has left
J49.24; E198| O Polypus of Death O Spectre over Europe and Asia
J49.25; E198| Withering the Human Form by Laws of Sacrifice for Sin
J49.26; E198| By Laws of Chastity & Abhorrence I am witherd up.
J49.27; E198| Striving to Create a Heaven in which all shall be pure & holy
J49.28; E198| In their Own Selfhoods, in Natural Selfish Chastity to banish Pity
J49.29; E198| And dear Mutual Forgiveness; & to become One Great Satan
J49.30; E198| Inslavd to the most powerful Selfhood: to murder the Divine Humanity
J49.31; E198| In whose sight all are as the dust & who chargeth his Angels with folly!
J49.32; E198| Ah! weak & wide astray! Ah shut in narrow doleful form!
J49.33; E198| Creeping in reptile flesh upon the bosom of the ground!
J49.34; E198| The Eye of Man, a little narrow orb, closd up & dark,
J49.35; E198| Scarcely beholding the Great Light; conversing with the [Void]: t291
J49.36; E198| The Ear, a little shell, in small volutions shutting out
J49.37; E198| True Harmonies, & comprehending great, as very small:
J49.38; E198| The Nostrils, bent down to the earth & clos'd with senseless flesh.
J49.39; E198| That odours cannot them expand, nor joy on them exult:
J49.40; E198| The Tongue, a little moisture fills, a little food it cloys,
J49.41; E198| A little sound it utters, & its cries are faintly heard.
J49.42; E199| Therefore they are removed: therefore they have taken root
J49.43; E199| In Egypt & Philistea: in Moab & Edom & Aram:
J49.44; E199| In the Erythrean Sea their Uncircu[m]cision in Heart & Loins
J49.45; E199| Be lost for ever & ever. then they shall arise from Self,
J49.46; E199| By Self Annihilation into Jerusalems Courts & into Shiloh
J49.47; E199| Shiloh the Masculine Emanation among the Flowers of Beulah
J49.48; E199| Lo Shiloh dwells over France, as Jerusalem dwells over Albion
J49.49; E199| Build & prepare a Wall & Curtain for Americas shore!
J49.50; E199| Rush on: Rush on! Rush on! ye vegetating Sons of Albion
J49.51; E199| The Sun shall go before you in Day: the Moon shall go
J49.52; E199| Before you in Night. Come on! Come on! Come on! The Lord
J49.53; E199| Jehovah is before, behind, above, beneath, around
J49.54; E199| He has builded the arches of Albions Tomb binding the Stars
J49.55; E199| In merciful Order, bending the Laws of Cruelty to Peace.
J49.56; E199| He hath placed Og & Anak, the Giants of Albion for their Guards:
J49.57; E199| Building the Body of Moses in the Valley of Peor: the Body
J49.58; E199| Of Divine Analogy; and Og & Sihon in the tears of Balaam
J49.59; E199| The Son of Beor, have given their power to Joshua & Caleb.
J49.60; E199| Remove from Albion, far remove these terrible surfaces.
J49.61; E199| They are beginning to form Heavens & Hells in immense
J49.62; E199| Circles: the Hells for food to the Heavens: food of torment,
J49.63; E199| Food of despair: they drink the condemnd Soul & rejoice
J49.64; E199| In cruel holiness, in their Heavens of Chastity & Uncircumcision
J49.65; E199| Yet they are blameless & Iniquity must be imputed only
J49.66; E199| To the State they are enterd into that they may be deliverd:
J49.67; E199| Satan is the State of Death, & not a Human existence:
J49.68; E199| But Luvah is named Satan, because he has enterd that State.
J49.69; E199| A World where Man is by Nature the enemy of Man
J49.70; E199| Because the Evil is Created into a State. that Men
J49.71; E199| May be deliverd time after time evermore. Amen.
J49.72; E199| Learn therefore O Sisters to distinguish the Eternal Human
J49.73; E199| That walks about among the stones of fire in bliss & woe
J49.74; E199| Alternate! from those States or Worlds in which the Spirit travels:
J49.75; E199| This is the only means to Forgiveness of Enemies[.]
J49.76; E199| Therefore remove from Albion these terrible Surfaces
J49.77; E199| And let wild seas & rocks close up Jerusalem away from
J50.1; E199| The Atlantic Mountains where Giants dwelt in Intellect;
J50.2; E199| Now given to stony Druids, and Allegoric Generation
J50.3; E199| To the Twelve Gods of Asia, the Spectres of those who Sleep:
J50.4; E199| Sway'd by a Providence oppos'd to the Divine Lord Jesus:
J50.5; E199| A murderous Providence! A Creation that groans, living on Death.
J50.6; E199| Where Fish & Bird & Beast & Man & Tree & Metal & Stone
J50.7; E199| Live by Devouring, going into Eternal Death continually:
J50.8; E199| Albion is now possess'd by the War of Blood! the Sacrifice
J50.9; E199| Of envy Albion is become, and his Emanation cast out:
J50.10; E200| Come Lord Jesus, Lamb of God descend! for if; O Lord!
J50.11; E200| If thou hadst been here, our brother Albion had not died.
J50.12; E200| Arise sisters! Go ye & meet the Lord, while I remain--
J50.13; E200| Behold the foggy mornings of the Dead on Albions cliffs!
J50.14; E200| Ye know that if the Emanation remains in them:
J50.15; E200| She will become an Eternal Death, an Avenger of Sin
J50.16; E200| A Self-righteousness: the proud Virgin-Harlot! Mother of War!
J50.17; E200| And we also & all Beulah, consume beneath Albions curse.
J50.18; E200| So Erin spoke to the Daughters of Beulah. Shuddering
J50.19; E200| With their wings they sat in the Furnace, in a night
J50.20; E200| Of stars, for all the Sons of Albion appeard distant stars,
J50.21; E200| Ascending and descending into Albions sea of death.
J50.22; E200| And Erins lovely Bow enclos'd the Wheels of Albions Sons.
J50.23; E200| Expanding on wing, the Daughters of Beulah replied in sweet response
J50.24; E200| Come O thou Lamb of God and take away the remembrance of Sin
J50.25; E200| To Sin & to hide the Sin in sweet deceit. is lovely!!
J50.26; E200| To Sin in the open face of day is cruel & pitiless! But
J50.27; E200| To record the Sin for a reproach: to let the Sun go down
J50.28; E200| In a remembrance of the Sin: is a Woe & a Horror!
J50.29; E200| A brooder of an Evil Day, and a Sun rising in blood
J50.30; E200| Come then O Lamb of God and take away the remembrance of SinJ50.31; E200| End of Chap. 2d. t292
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"To the Deists"