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ED; E773|     70

L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        [To] J[ohn] Linnell Esqre, Cirencester Place,
L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        Fitzroy Square

L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        12 O Clock Wednesday [March 1825]
L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        Dear Sir

L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        A return of the old Shivering Fit came on this Morning as
L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        soon as I awaked & I am now in Bed--Better & as I think almost
L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        well If I can possibly I will be at Mr Lahees tomorrow Morning.
L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        these attacks are too serious at the time to permit me to be out
L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        of Bed. but they go off by rest which seems to be All that I
L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        want--I send the Pilgrims under your Care with the Two First
L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        Plates of Job
L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        I am Yours Sincerely
L70.Linnell3'25; E773|        WILLm BLAKE




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