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ED; E773|     69

EDL69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        [To John Linnell?]

L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        Oct 11 1819 Monday Evening
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        Dear Sir
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        I will have the Pleasure of meeting you on Thursday at 12 O
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        Clock it is quite as Convenient to me as any other day. It
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        appears to me that neither Time nor Place. can make any real
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        difference as to perfect Independence of Judgment. & If it is
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        more Convenient to Mr Heaphy for us to meet at his House let us
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        accomodate him in what is Indifferent but not at all in what is
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        of weight & moment to our Decision. hoping that I may meet you
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        again in perfect Health & Happiness
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        I remain Dear Sir
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        Yours Truly
L69.Linnell?10'19; E773|        WILLIAM BLAKE




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