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Title; E300|        THE FOUR ZOAS   t403

FZ4-header; E331|        PAGE 47 Vala
FZ4-headers; E331|        Night The Fourth

FZ4-47.1;   E331|        But Tharmas rode on the dark Abyss. the voice of Tharmas rolld
FZ4-47.2;   E331|        Over the heaving deluge. he saw Los & Enitharmon Emerge
FZ4-47.3;   E331|        In strength & brightness from the Abyss his bowels yearnd over them
FZ4-47.4;   E331|        They rose in strength above the heaving deluge. in mighty scorn
FZ4-47.5;   E331|        Red as the Sun in the hot morning of the bloody day
FZ4-47.6;   E331|        Tharmas beheld them his bowels yearnd over them

FZ4-47.7;   E331|        And he said Wherefore do I feel such love & pity   t668
FZ4-47.8;   E331|        Ah Enion Ah Enion Ah lovely lovely Enion
FZ4-47.9;   E331|        How is this All my hope is gone for ever fled   t669
FZ4-47.10; E331|        Like a famishd Eagle Eyeless raging in the vast expanse
FZ4-47.11; E331|        Incessant tears are now my food. incessant rage & tears
FZ4-47.12; E331|        Deathless for ever now I wander seeking oblivion
FZ4-47.13; E331|        In torrents of despair in vain. for if I plunge beneath
FZ4-47.14; E331|        Stifling I live. If dashd in pieces from a rocky height
FZ4-47.15; E331|        I reunite in endless torment. would I had never risen
FZ4-47.16; E331|        From deaths cold sleep beneath the bottom of the raging Ocean   t670
FZ4-47.17; E331|        And cannot those who once have lovd. ever forget their Love?
FZ4-47.18; E331|        Are love & rage the same passion? they are the same in me
FZ4-47.19; E331|        Are those who love. like those who died. risen again from death
FZ4-47.20; E331|        Immortal. in immortal torment. never to be deliverd
FZ4-47.21; E331|        Is it not possible that one risen again from Death
FZ4-47.22; E331|        Can die! When dark despair comes over [me] can I not   t671
FZ4-47.23; E331|        Flow down into the sea & slumber in oblivion. Ah Enion

FZ4-48.1;   E332|        Deformd I see these lineaments of ungratified Desire
FZ4-48.2;   E332|        The all powerful curse of an honest man be upon Urizen & Luvah
FZ4-48.3;   E332|        But thou My Son Glorious in brightness comforter of Tharmas
FZ4-48.4;   E332|        Go forth Rebuild this Universe beneath my indignant power
FZ4-48.5;   E332|        A Universe of Death & Decay. Let Enitharmons hands
FZ4-48.6;   E332|        Weave soft delusive forms of Man above my watry world
FZ4-48.7;   E332|        Renew these ruind souls of Men thro Earth Sea Air & Fire
FZ4-48.8;   E332|        To waste in endless corruption. renew thou I will destroy
FZ4-48.9;   E332|        Perhaps Enion may resume some little semblance
FZ4-48.10; E332|        To ease my pangs of heart & to restore some peace to Tharmas

FZ4-48.11; E332|        Los answerd in his furious pride sparks issuing from his hair
FZ4-48.12; E332|        Hitherto shalt thou come. no further. here thy proud waves cease
FZ4-48.13; E332|        We have drunk up the Eternal Man by our unbounded power   t673
FZ4-48.14; E332|        Beware lest we also drink up thee rough demon of the waters
FZ4-48.15; E332|        Our God is Urizen the King. King of the Heavenly hosts
FZ4-48.16; E332|        We have no other God but he thou father of worms & clay
FZ4-48.17; E332|        And he is falln into the Deep rough Demon of the waters
FZ4-48.18; E332|        And Los remains God over all. weak father of worms & clay
FZ4-48.19; E332|        I know I was Urthona keeper of the gates of heaven
FZ4-48.20; E332|        But now I am all powerful Los & Urthona is but my shadow

FZ4-48.21; E332|        Doubting stood Tharmas in the solemn darkness. his dim Eyes   t674
FZ4-48.22; E332|        Swam in red tears. he reard his waves above the head of Los
FZ4-48.23; E332|        In wrath. but pitying back withdrew with many a sigh
FZ4-48.24; E332|        Now he resolvd to destroy Los & now his tears flowd down

FZ4-48.25; E332|        In scorn stood Los red sparks of blighting from his furious head
FZ4-48.26; E332|        Flew over the waves of Tharmas. pitying Tharmas stayd his Waves

FZ4-48.27; E332|        For Enitharmon shriekd amain crying O my sweet world
FZ4-48.28; E332|        Built by the Architect divine whose love to Los & Enitharmon
FZ4-48.29; E332|        Thou rash abhorred Demon in thy fury hast oerthrown

FZ4-49.1;   E332|        What Sovereign Architect said Tharmas dare my will controll
FZ4-49.2;   E332|        For if I will I urge these waters. If I will they sleep
FZ4-49.3;   E332|        In peace beneath my awful frown my will shall be my Law

FZ4-49.4;   E332|        So Saying in a Wave he rap'd bright Enitharmon far
FZ4-49.5;   E332|        Apart from Los. but coverd her with softest brooding care
FZ4-49.6;   E332|        On a broad wave in the warm west. balming her bleeding wound

FZ4-49.7;   E332|        O how Los howld at the rending asunder all the fibres rent
FZ4-49.8;   E332|        Where Enitharmon joind to his left side in griding pain   t675
FZ4-49.9;   E332|        He falling on the rocks bellowd his Dolor. till the blood
FZ4-49.10; E332|        Stanch'd, then in ululation waild his woes upon the wind

FZ4-49.11; E333|        And Tharmas calld to the Dark Spectre who upon the Shores
FZ4-49.12; E333|        With dislocated Limbs had falln. The Spectre rose in pain
FZ4-49.13; E333|        A Shadow blue obscure & dismal. like a statue of lead
FZ4-49.14; E333|        Bent by its fall from a high tower the dolorous shadow rose

FZ4-49.15; E333|        Go forth said Tharmas works of joy are thine obey & live
FZ4-49.16; E333|        So shall the spungy marrow issuing from thy splinterd bones
FZ4-49.17; E333|        Bonify. & thou shalt have rest when this thy labour is done
FZ4-49.18; E333|        Go forth bear Enitharmon back to the Eternal Prophet
FZ4-49.19; E333|        Build her a bower in the midst of all my dashing waves
FZ4-49.20; E333|        Make first a resting place for Los & Enitharmon. then
FZ4-49.21; E333|        Thou shalt have rest. If thou refusest dashd abroad on all
FZ4-49.22; E333|        My waves. thy limbs shall separate in stench & rotting & thou
FZ4-49.23; E333|        Become a prey to all my demons of despair & hope

FZ4-49.24; E333|        The Spectre of Urthona seeing Enitharmon writhd   t676
FZ4-49.25; E333|        His cloudy form in jealous fear & muttering thunders hoarse
FZ4-49.26; E333|        And casting round thick glooms. thus utterd his fierce pangs of heart

FZ4-49.27; E333|        Tharmas I know thee. how are we alterd our beauty decayd
FZ4-49.28; E333|        But still I know thee tho in this horrible ruin whelmd
FZ4-49.29; E333|        Thou once the mildest son of heaven art now become a Rage
FZ4-49.30; E333|        A terror to all living things. think not that I am ignorant
FZ4-49.31; E333|        That thou art risen from the dead or that my power forgot

FZ4-50.1;   E333|        I slumber here in weak repose. I well remember the Day
FZ4-50.2;   E333|        The day of terror & abhorrence   t677
FZ4-50.3;   E333|        When fleeing from the battle thou fleeting like the raven
FZ4-50.4;   E333|        Of dawn outstretching an expanse where neer expanse had been
FZ4-50.5;   E333|        Drewst all the Sons of Beulah into thy dread vortex following   t678
FZ4-50.6;   E333|        Thy Eddying spirit down the hills of Beulah. All my sons
FZ4-50.7;   E333|        Stood round me at the anvil where new heated the wedge
FZ4-50.8;   E333|        Of iron glowd furious prepard for spades & mattocks
FZ4-50.9;   E333|        Hearing the symphonies of war loud sounding All my sons
FZ4-50.10; E333|        Fled from my side then pangs smote me unknown before. I saw
FZ4-50.11; E333|        My loins begin to break forth into veiny pipes & writhe   t679
FZ4-50.12; E333|        Before me in the wind englobing trembling with strong vibrations
FZ4-50.13; E333|        The bloody mass began to animate. I bending over
FZ4-50.14; E333|        Wept bitter tears incessant. Still beholding how the piteous form
FZ4-50.15; E333|        Dividing & dividing from my loins a weak & piteous
FZ4-50.16; E333|        Soft cloud of snow a female pale & weak I soft embracd
FZ4-50.17; E333|        My counter part & calld it Love I named her Enitharmon
FZ4-50.18; E333|        But found myself & her together issuing down the tide
FZ4-50.19; E333|        Which now our rivers were become delving thro caverns huge
FZ4-50.20; E333|        Of goary blood strugg[l]ing to be deliverd from our bonds
FZ4-50.21; E333|        She strove in vain not so Urthona strove for breaking forth,
FZ4-50.22; E333|        A shadow blue obscure & dismal from the breathing Nostrils

FZ4-50.23; E334|        Of Enion I issued into the air divided from Enitharmon
FZ4-50.24; E334|        I howld in sorrow I beheld thee rotting upon the Rocks
FZ4-50.25; E334|        I pitying hoverd over thee I protected thy ghastly corse
FZ4-50.26; E334|        From Vultures of the deep then wherefore shouldst thou rage
FZ4-50.27; E334|        Against me who thee guarded in the night of death from harm

FZ4-50.28; E334|        Tharmas replied. Art thou Urthona My friend my old companion,
FZ4-50.29; E334|        With whom I livd in happiness before that deadly night
FZ4-50.30; E334|        When Urizen gave the horses of Light into the hands of Luvah
FZ4-50.31; E334|        Thou knowest not what Tharmas knows. O I could tell thee tales
FZ4-50.32; E334|        That would enrage thee as it has Enraged me even
FZ4-50.33; E334|        From Death in wrath & fury. But now come bear back
FZ4-50.34; E334|        Thy loved Enitharmon. For thou hast her here before thine Eyes

FZ4-51.1;   E334|        But my sweet Enion is vanishd & I never more
FZ4-51.2;   E334|        Shall see her unless thou O Shadow. wilt protect this Son
FZ4-51.3;   E334|        Of Enion & him assist. to bind the fallen King
FZ4-51.4;   E334|        Lest he should rise again from death in all his dreary power   t680
FZ4-51.5;   E334|        Bind him, take Enitharmon for thy sweet reward while I
FZ4-51.6;   E334|        In vain am driven on false hope. hope sister of despair

FZ4-51.7;   E334|        Groaning the terror rose & drave his solid rocks before   t681
FZ4-51.8;   E334|        Upon the tide till underneath the feet of Los a World
FZ4-51.9;   E334|        Dark dreadful rose & Enitharmon lay at Los's feet
FZ4-51.10; E334|        The dolorous shadow joyd. weak hope appeard around his head
FZ4-51.11; E334|        Tharmas before Los stood & thus the Voice of Tharmas rolld

FZ4-51.12; E334|        Now all comes into the power of Tharmas. Urizen is falln
FZ4-51.13; E334|        And Luvah hidden in the Elemental forms of Life & Death
FZ4-51.14; E334|        Urthona is My Son O Los thou art Urthona & Tharmas
FZ4-51.15; E334|        Is God. The Eternal Man is seald never to be deliverd
FZ4-51.16; E334|        I roll my floods over his body my billows & waves pass over him
FZ4-51.17; E334|        The Sea encompasses him & monsters of the deep are his companions
FZ4-51.18; E334|        Dreamer of furious oceans cold sleeper of weeds & shells
FZ4-51.19; E334|        Thy Eternal form shall never renew my uncertain prevails against thee
FZ4-51.20; E334|        Yet tho I rage God over all. A portion of my Life
FZ4-51.21; E334|        That in Eternal fields in comfort wanderd with my flocks
FZ4-51.22; E334|        At noon & laid her head upon my wearied bosom at night
FZ4-51.23; E334|        She is divided She is vanishd even like Luvah & Vala   t682
FZ4-51.24; E334|        O why did foul ambition sieze thee Urizen Prince of Light   t683
FZ4-51.25; E334|        And thee O Luvah prince of Love till Tharmas was divided
FZ4-51.26; E334|        And I what can I now behold but an Eternal Death
FZ4-51.27; E334|        Before my Eyes & an Eternal weary work to strive
FZ4-51.28; E334|        Against the monstrous forms that breed among my silent waves
FZ4-51.29; E334|        Is this to be A God far rather would I be a Man
FZ4-51.30; E334|        To know sweet Science & to do with simple companions
FZ4-51.31; E334|        Sitting beneath a tent & viewing sheepfolds & soft pastures

FZ4-51.32; E335|        Take thou the hammer of Urthona rebuild these furnaces
FZ4-51.33; E335|        Dost thou refuse mind I the sparks that issue from thy hair

FZ4-52.1;   E335|        I will compell thee to rebuild by these my furious waves
FZ4-52.2;   E335|        Death choose or life thou strugglest in my waters, now choose life
FZ4-52.3;   E335|        And all the Elements shall serve thee to their soothing flutes
FZ4-52.4;   E335|        Their sweet inspiriting lyres thy labours shall administer
FZ4-52.5;   E335|        And they to thee only remit not faint not thou my son
FZ4-52.6;   E335|        Now thou dost know what tis to strive against the God of waters

FZ4-52.7;   E335|        So saying Tharmas on his furious chariots of the Deep
FZ4-52.8;   E335|        Departed far into the Unknown & left a wondrous void
FZ4-52.9;   E335|        Round Los. afar his waters bore on all sides round. with noise
FZ4-52.10; E335|        Of wheels & horses hoofs & Trumpets Horns & Clarions   t684

FZ4-52.11; E335|        Terrified Los beheld the ruins of Urizen beneath
FZ4-52.12; E335|        A horrible Chaos to his eyes. a formless unmeasurable Death
FZ4-52.13; E335|        Whirling up broken rocks on high into the dismal air
FZ4-52.14; E335|        And fluctuating all beneath in Eddies of molten fluid

FZ4-52.15; E335|        Then Los with terrible hands siezd on the Ruind Furnaces
FZ4-52.16; E335|        Of Urizen. Enormous work: he builded them anew
FZ4-52.17; E335|        Labour of Ages in the Darkness & the war of Tharmas
FZ4-52.18; E335|        And Los formd Anvils of Iron petrific. for his blows
FZ4-52.19; E335|        Petrify with incessant beating many a rock. many a planet

FZ4-52.20; E335|        But Urizen slept in a stoned stupor in the nether Abyss
FZ4-52.21; E335|        A dreamful horrible State in tossings on his icy bed
FZ4-52.22; E335|        Freezing to solid all beneath, his grey oblivious form
FZ4-52.23; E335|        Stretchd over the immense heaves in strong shudders. silent his voice
FZ4-52.24; E335|        In brooding contemplation stretching out from North to South
FZ4-52.25; E335|        In mighty power. Round him Los rolld furious
FZ4-52.26; E335|        His thunderous wheels from furnace to furnace. tending diligent
FZ4-52.27; E335|        The contemplative terror. frightend in his scornful sphere
FZ4-52.28; E335|        Frightend with cold infectious madness. in his hand the thundering
FZ4-52.29; E335|        Hammer of Urthona. forming under his heavy hand the hours

FZ4-53.1;   E335|        The days & years. in chains of iron round the limbs of Urizen
FZ4-53.2;   E335|        Linkd hour to hour & day to night & night to day & year to year
FZ4-53.3;   E335|        In periods of pulsative furor. mills he formd & works
FZ4-53.4;   E335|        Of many wheels resistless in the power of dark Urthona

FZ4-53.5;   E335|        But Enitharmon wrapd in clouds waild loud. for as Los beat
FZ4-53.6;   E335|        The anvils of Urthona link by link the chains of sorrow
FZ4-53.7;   E335|        Warping upon the winds & whirling round in the dark deep
FZ4-53.8;   E335|        Lashd on the limbs of Enitharmon & the sulphur fires
FZ4-53.9;   E335|        Belchd from the furnaces wreathd round her. chaind in ceaseless fire
FZ4-53.10; E335|        The lovely female howld & Urizen beneath deep groand
FZ4-53.11; E335|        Deadly between the hammers beating grateful to the Ears

FZ4-53.12; E336|        Of Los. absorbd in dire revenge he drank with joy the cries
FZ4-53.13; E336|        Of Enitharmon & the groans of Urizen fuel for his wrath
FZ4-53.14; E336|        And for his pity secret feeding on thoughts of cruelty

FZ4-53.15; E336|        The Spectre wept at his dire labours when from Ladles huge   t685
FZ4-53.16; E336|        He pourd the molten iron round the limbs of Enitharmon
FZ4-53.17; E336|        But when he pourd it round the bones of Urizen he laughd
FZ4-53.18; E336|        Hollow upon the hollow wind. his shadowy form obeying
FZ4-53.19; E336|        The voice of Los compelld he labourd round the Furnaces

FZ4-53.20; E336|        And thus began the binding of Urizen day & night in fear
FZ4-53.21; E336|        Circling round the dark Demon with howlings dismay & sharp blightings
FZ4-53.22; E336|        The Prophet of Eternity beat on his iron links & links of brass
FZ4-53.23; E336|        And as he beat round the hurtling Demon. terrified at the Shapes
FZ4-53.24; E336|        Enslavd humanity put on he became what he beheld
FZ4-53.25; E336|        Raging against Tharmas his God & uttering
FZ4-53.26; E336|        Ambiguous words blasphemous filld with envy firm resolvd
FZ4-53.27; E336|        On hate Eternal in his vast disdain he labourd beating
FZ4-53.28; E336|        The Links of fate link after link an endless chain of sorrows

FZ4-54.1;   E336|        The Eternal Mind bounded began to roll eddies of wrath ceaseless
FZ4-54.2;   E336|        Round & round & the sulphureous foam surgeing thick
FZ4-54.3;   E336|        Settled a Lake bright & shining clear. White as the snow

FZ4-54.4;   E336|        Forgetfulness dumbness necessity in chains of the mind lockd up
FZ4-54.5;   E336|        In fetters of ice shrinking. disorganizd rent from Eternity
FZ4-54.6;   E336|        Los beat on his fetters & heated his furnaces   t686
FZ4-54.7;   E336|        And pourd iron sodor & sodor of brass

FZ4-54.8;   E336|        Restless the immortal inchaind heaving dolorous
FZ4-54.9;   E336|        Anguished unbearable till a roof shaggy wild inclosd
FZ4-54.10; E336|        In an orb his fountain of thought

FZ4-54.11; E336|        In a horrible dreamful slumber like the linked chain
FZ4-54.12; E336|        A vast spine writhd in torment upon the wind
FZ4-54.13; E336|        Shooting paind. ribbs like a bending Cavern
FZ4-54.14; E336|        And bones of solidness froze over all his nerves of joy
FZ4-54.15; E336|        A first age passed. a state of dismal woe

FZ4-54.16; E336|        From the Caverns of his jointed spine down sunk with fright
FZ4-54.17; E336|        A red round globe. hot burning. deep deep down into the Abyss
FZ4-54.18; E336|        Panting Conglobing trembling Shooting out ten thousand branches
FZ4-54.19; E336|        Around his solid bones & a Second Age passed over

FZ4-54.20; E336|        In harrowing fear rolling his nervous brain shot branches   t687
FZ4-54.21; E336|        On high into two little orbs hiding in two little caves
FZ4-54.22; E336|        Hiding carefully from the wind his eyes beheld the deep
FZ4-54.23; E336|        And a third age passed a State of dismal woe

FZ4-54.24; E337|        The pangs of hope began in heavy pain striving struggling
FZ4-54.25; E337|        Two Ears in close volutions from beneath his orbs of vision
FZ4-54.26; E337|        Shot spiring out & petrified as they grew. And a Fourth   t688
FZ4-54.27; E337|        Age passed over & a State of dismal woe

FZ4-54.28; E337|        In ghastly torment sick hanging upon the wind
FZ4-54.29; E337|        Two nostrils bent down to the deeps--

FZ4-55[1st].1;   E337|        And a fifth age passed & a state of dismal woe

FZ4-55[1st].2;   E337|        In ghastly torment sick. within his ribs bloated round
FZ4-55[1st].3;   E337|        A craving hungry cavern. Thence arose his channeld
FZ4-55[1st].4;   E337|        Throat. then like a red flame a tongue of hunger
FZ4-55[1st].5;   E337|        And thirst appeard and a sixth age passed of dismal woe

FZ4-55[1st].6;   E337|        Enraged,& stifled with torment he threw his right arm to the north
FZ4-55[1st].7;   E337|        His left arm to the south shooting out in anguish deep
FZ4-55[1st].8;   E337|        And his feet stampd the nether abyss in trembling howling & dismay
FZ4-55[1st].9;   E337|        And a seventh age passed over & a state of dismal woe

FZ4-55[1st].10; E337|        The Council of God on high watching over the Body   t689
FZ4-55[1st].11; E337|        Of Man clothd in Luvahs robes of blood saw & wept
FZ4-55[1st].12; E337|        Descending over Beulahs mild moon coverd regions
FZ4-55[1st].13; E337|        The daughters of Beulah saw the Divine Vision they were comforted
FZ4-55[1st].14; E337|        And as a Double female form loveliness & perfection of beauty
FZ4-55[1st].15; E337|        They bowd the head & worshippd & with mild voice spoke these words

FZ4-56.1;   E337|        Lord. Saviour if thou hadst been here our brother had not died
FZ4-56.2;   E337|        And now we know that whatsoever thou wilt ask of God
FZ4-56.3;   E337|        He will give it thee for we are weak women & dare not lift
FZ4-56.4;   E337|        Our eyes to the Divine pavilions. therefore in mercy thou
FZ4-56.5;   E337|        Appearest clothd in Luvahs garments that we may behold thee
FZ4-56.6;   E337|        And live. Behold Eternal Death is in Beulah Behold
FZ4-56.7;   E337|        We perish & shall not be found unless thou grant a place
FZ4-56.8;   E337|        In which we may be hidden under the Shadow of wings
FZ4-56.9;   E337|        For if we who are but for a time & who pass away in winter
FZ4-56.10; E337|        Behold these wonders of Eternity we shall consume

FZ4-56.11; E337|        Such were the words of Beulah of the Feminine Emanation   t690
FZ4-56.12; E337|        The Empyrean groand throughout All Eden was darken
FZ4-56.13; E337|        The Corse of Albion lay on the Rock the sea of Time & Space   t691
FZ4-56.14; E337|        Beat round the Rock in mighty waves & as a Polypus
FZ4-56.15; E337|        That vegetates beneath the Sea the limbs of Man vegetated
FZ4-56.16; E337|        In monstrous forms of Death a Human polypus of Death

FZ4-56.17; E337|        The Saviour mild & gentle bent over the corse of Death
FZ4-56.18; E337|        Saying If ye will Believe your Brother shall rise again   t692

FZ4-56.19; E338|        And first he found the Limit of Opacity & namd it Satan
FZ4-56.20; E338|        In Albions bosom for in every human bosom these limits stand
FZ4-56.21; E338|        And next he found the Limit of Contraction & namd it Adam
FZ4-56.22; E338|        While yet those beings were not born nor knew of good or Evil

FZ4-56.23; E338|        Then wondrously the Starry Wheels felt the divine hand. Limit   t693
FZ4-56.24; E338|        Was put to Eternal Death Los felt the Limit & saw
FZ4-56.25; E338|        The Finger of God touch the Seventh furnace in terror
FZ4-56.26; E338|        And Los beheld the hand of God over his furnaces
FZ4-56.27; E338|        Beneath the Deeps in dismal Darkness beneath immensity   t694

FZ4-55[2nd].16; E338|        In terrors Los shrunk from his task. his great hammer
FZ4-55[2nd].17; E338|        Fell from his hand his fires hid their strong limbs in smoke
FZ4-55[2nd].18; E338|        For with noises ruinous hurtlings & clashings & groans   t695
FZ4-55[2nd].19; E338|        The immortal endur'd. tho bound in a deadly sleep
FZ4-55[2nd].20; E338|        Pale terror siezd the Eyes of Los as he beat round
FZ4-55[2nd].21; E338|        The hurtling Demon. terrifid at the shapes
FZ4-55[2nd].22; E338|        Enslavd humanity put on he became what he beheld
FZ4-55[2nd].23; E338|        He became what he was doing he was himself transformd   t696

FZ4-55[2nd].24; E338|        [The globe of life blood trembled Branching out into roots;
FZ4-55[2nd].25; E338|        Fibrous, writhing upon the winds; Fibres of blood, milk and tears;
FZ4-55[2nd].26; E338|        In pangs, eternity on eternity. At length in tears & cries imbodied
FZ4-55[2nd].27; E338|        A female form trembling and pale Waves before his deathy face]

FZ4-55[2nd].28; E338|        Spasms siezd his muscular fibres writhing to & fro his pallid lips   t697
FZ4-55[2nd].29; E338|        Unwilling movd as Urizen howld his loins wavd like the sea
FZ4-55[2nd].30; E338|        At Enitharmons shriek his knees each other smote & then he lookd   t698
FZ4-55[2nd].31; E338|        With stony Eyes on Urizen & then swift writhd his neck   t699
FZ4-55[2nd].32; E338|        Involuntary to the Couch where Enitharmon lay
FZ4-55[2nd].33; E338|        The bones of Urizen hurtle on the wind the bones of Los
FZ4-55[2nd].34; E338|        Twinge & his iron sinews bend like lead & fold
FZ4-55[2nd].35; E338|        Into unusual forms dancing & howling stamping the Abyss

FZ4;   E338|        PAGE 56 (SECOND PORTION)
FZ4;   E338|        End of the Fourth Night   t700



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