Title; E300| THE FOUR ZOAS t403FZ2-heading; E313| Night the [Second] t553
FZ2-23.1; E313| Rising upon his Couch of Death Albion beheld his Sons
FZ2-23.2; E313| Turning his Eyes outward to Self. losing the Divine Vision
FZ2-23.3; E313| Albion calld Urizen & said. Behold these sickning Spheres t554
FZ2-23.4; E313| Whence is this Voice of Enion that soundeth in my Porches t555
FZ2-23.5; E313| Take thou possession! take this Scepter! go forth in my might
FZ2-23.6; E313| For I am weary, & must sleep in the dark sleep of Death t556
FZ2-23.7; E313| Thy brother Luvah hath smitten me but pity thou his youth t557
FZ2-23.8; E313| Tho thou hast not pitid my Age O Urizen Prince of Light
FZ2-23.9; E313| Urizen rose from the bright Feast like a star thro' the evening sky
FZ2-23.10; E313| Exulting at the voice that calld him from the Feast of envy t558
FZ2-23.11; E313| First he beheld the body of Man pale, cold, the horrors of death
FZ2-23.12; E313| Beneath his feet shot thro' him as he stood in the Human Brain
FZ2-23.13; E313| And all its golden porches grew pale with his sickening light
FZ2-23.14; E313| No more Exulting for he saw Eternal Death beneath
FZ2-23.15; E313| Pale he beheld futurity; pale he beheld the Abyss
FZ2-23.16; E313| Where Enion blind & age bent wept in direful hunger craving
FZ2-23.17; E313| All rav'ning like the hungry worm, & like the silent grave
FZ2-24.1; E314| Mighty was the draught of Voidness to draw Existence in
FZ2-24.2; E314| Terrific Urizen strode above, in fear & pale dismay
FZ2-24.3; E314| He saw the indefinite space beneath & his soul shrunk with horror
FZ2-24.4; E314| His feet upon the verge of Non Existence; his voice went forth t559
FZ2-24.5; E314| Luvah & Vala trembling & shrinking, beheld the great Work master t560
FZ2-24.6; E314| And heard his Word! Divide ye bands influence by influence
FZ2-24.7; E314| Build we a Bower for heavens darling in the grizly deep
FZ2-24.8; E314| Build we the Mundane Shell around the Rock of Albion
FZ2-24.9; E314| The Bands of Heaven flew thro the air singing & shouting to Urizen t561
FZ2-24.10; E314| Some fix'd the anvil, some the loom erected, some the plow
FZ2-24.11; E314| And harrow formd & framd the harness of silver & ivory
FZ2-24.12; E314| The golden compasses, the quadrant & the rule & balance
FZ2-24.13; E314| They erected the furnaces, they formd the anvils of gold beaten in mills
FZ2-24.14; E314| Where winter beats incessant, fixing them firm on their base
FZ2-24.15; E314| The bellows began to blow & the Lions of Urizen stood round the anvil
FZ2-25.1; E314| And the leopards coverd with skins of beasts tended the roaring fires
FZ2-25.2; E314| Sublime distinct their lineaments divine of human beauty t562
FZ2-25.3; E314| The tygers of wrath called the horses of instruction from their mangers
FZ2-25.4; E314| They unloos'd them & put on the harness of gold & silver & ivory
FZ2-25.5; E314| In human forms distinct they stood round Urizen prince of Light
FZ2-25.6; E314| Petrifying all the Human Imagination into rock & sand t563
FZ2-25.7; E314| Groans ran along Tyburns brook and along the River of Oxford
FZ2-25.8; E314| Among the Druid Temples. Albion groand on Tyburns brook
FZ2-25.9; E314| Albion gave his loud death groan The Atlantic Mountains trembled
FZ2-25.10; E314| Aloft the Moon fled with a cry the Sun with streams of blood
FZ2-25.11; E314| From Albions Loins fled all Peoples and Nations of the Earth t564
FZ2-25.12; E314| Fled with the noise of Slaughter & the stars of heaven Fled
FZ2-25.13; E314| Jerusalem came down in a dire ruin over all the Earth
FZ2-25.14; E314| She fell cold from Lambeths Vales in groans & Dewy death
FZ2-25.15; E314| The dew of anxious souls the death-sweat of the dying
FZ2-25.16; E314| In every pillard hall & arched roof of Albions skies
FZ2-25.17; E314| The brother & the brother bathe in blood upon the Severn
FZ2-25.18; E314| The Maiden weeping by. The father & the mother with
FZ2-25.19; E314| The Maidens father & her mother fainting over the body
FZ2-25.20; E314| And the Young Man the Murderer fleeing over the mountains
FZ2-25.21; E314| Reuben slept on Penmaenmawr & Levi slept on Snowdon
FZ2-25.22; E314| Their eyes their ears nostrils & tongues roll outward they behold
FZ2-25.23; E314| What is within now seen without they are raw to the hungry wind
FZ2-25.24; E314| They become Nations far remote in a little & dark Land
FZ2-25.25; E314| The Daughters of Albion girded around their garments of Needlework
FZ2-25.26; E317| Stripping Jerusalems curtains from mild demons of the hills
FZ2-25.27; E317| Across Europe & Asia to China & Japan like lightenings
FZ2-25.28; E317| They go forth & return to Albion on his rocky couch
FZ2-25.29; E317| Gwendolen Ragan Sabrina Gonorill Mehetabel Cordella
FZ2-25.30; E317| Boadicea Conwenna Estrild Gwinefrid Ignoge Cambel
FZ2-25.31; E317| Binding Jerusalems Children in the dungeons of Babylon
FZ2-25.32; E317| They play before the Armies before the hounds of Nimrod
FZ2-25.33; E317| While The Prince of Light on Salisbury plain among the druid stones t565
FZ2-25.34; E317| Rattling the adamantine chains & hooks heave up the ore
FZ2-25.35; E317| In mountainous masses, plung'd in furnaces, & they shut & seald t566
FZ2-25.36; E317| The furnaces a time & times; all the while blew the North
FZ2-25.37; E317| His cloudy bellows & the South & East & dismal West
FZ2-25.38; E317| And all the while the plow of iron cut the dreadful furrows
FZ2-25.39; E317| In Ulro beneath Beulah where the Dead wail Night & Day
FZ2-25.40; E317| Luvah was cast into the Furnaces of affliction & sealed
FZ2-25.41; E317| And Vala fed in cruel delight, the furnaces with fire
FZ2-25.42; E317| Stern Urizen beheld urg'd by necessity to keep
FZ2-25.43; E317| The evil day afar, & if perchance with iron power
FZ2-25.44; E317| He might avert his own despair; in woe & fear he saw
FZ2-26.1; E317| Vala incircle round the furnaces where Luvah was clos'd
FZ2-26.2; E317| In joy she heard his howlings, & forgot he was her Luvah
FZ2-26.3; E317| With whom she walkd in bliss, in times of innocence & youth
FZ2-26.4; E317| Hear ye the voice of Luvah from the furnaces of Urizen
FZ2-26.5; E317| If I indeed am Valas King & ye O sons of Men t567
FZ2-26.6; E317| The workmanship of Luvahs hands; in times of Everlasting
FZ2-26.7; E317| When I calld forth the Earth-worm from the cold & dark obscure
FZ2-26.8; E317| I nurturd her I fed her with my rains & dews, she grew
FZ2-26.9; E317| A scaled Serpent, yet I fed her tho' she hated me
FZ2-26.10; E317| Day after day she fed upon the mountains in Luvahs sight
FZ2-26.11; E317| I brought her thro' the Wilderness, a dry & thirsty land
FZ2-26.12; E317| And I commanded springs to rise for her in he black desart
FZ2-26.13; E317| Till she became a Dragon winged bright & poisonous t568
FZ2-26.14; E317| I opend all the floodgates of the heavens to quench her thirst
FZ2-27.1; E317| And I commanded the Great deep to hide her in his hand
FZ2-27.2; E317| Till she became a little weeping Infant a span long
FZ2-27.3; E317| I carried her in my bosom as a man carries a lamb
FZ2-27.4; E317| I loved her I gave her all my soul & my delight
FZ2-27.5; E317| I hid her in soft gardens & in secret bowers of Summer
FZ2-27.6; E317| Weaving mazes of delight along the sunny Paradise
FZ2-27.7; E317| Inextricable labyrinths, She bore me sons & daughters
FZ2-27.8; E317| And they have taken her away & hid her from my sight
FZ2-27.9; E318| They have surrounded me with walls of iron & brass, O Lamb t569
FZ2-27.10; E318| Of God clothed in Luvahs garments little knowest thou t570
FZ2-27.11; E318| Of death Eternal that we all go to Eternal Death
FZ2-27.12; E318| To our Primeval Chaos in fortuitous concourse of incoherent
FZ2-27.13; E318| Discordant principles of Love & Hate I suffer affliction
FZ2-27.14; E318| Because I love. for I was love but hatred awakes in me t571
FZ2-27.15; E318| And Urizen who was Faith & Certainty is changd to Doubt
FZ2-27.16; E318| The hand of Urizen is upon me because I blotted out
FZ2-27.17; E318| That Human delusion to deliver all the sons of God t572
FZ2-27.18; E318| From bondage of the Human form, O first born Son of Light
FZ2-27.19; E318| O Urizen my enemy I weep for thy stern ambition
FZ2-27.20; E318| But weep in vain O when will you return Vala the Wanderer
FZ2-28.1; E318| These were the words of Luvah patient in afflictions
FZ2-28.2; E318| Reasoning from the loins in the unreal forms of Ulros night t573
FZ2-28.3; E318| And when Luvah age after age was quite melted with woe
FZ2-28.4; E318| The fires of Vala faded like a shadow cold & pale
FZ2-28.5; E318| An evanescent shadow. last she fell a heap of Ashes
FZ2-28.6; E318| Beneath the furnaces a woful heap in living death
FZ2-28.7; E318| Then were the furnaces unscald with spades & pickaxes
FZ2-28.8; E318| Roaring let out th fluid, the molten metal ran in channels
FZ2-28.9; E318| Cut by the plow of ages held in Urizens strong hand
FZ2-28.10; E318| In many a valley, for the Bulls of Luvah dragd the Plow
FZ2-28.11; E318| With trembling horror pale aghast the Children of Man t574
FZ2-28.12; E318| Stood on the infinite Earth & saw these visions in the air
FZ2-28.13; E318| In waters & in Earth beneath they cried to one another
FZ2-28.14; E318| What are we terrors to one another. Come O brethren wherefore
FZ2-28.15; E318| Was this wide Earth spread all abroad. not for wild beasts to roam
FZ2-28.16; E318| But many stood silent & busied in their families
FZ2-28.17; E318| And many said We see no Visions in the darksom air
FZ2-28.18; E318| Measure the course of that sulphur orb that lights the darksom day t575
FZ2-28.19; E318| Set stations on this breeding Earth & let us buy & sell
FZ2-28.20; E318| Others arose & schools Erected forming Instruments
FZ2-28.21; E318| To measure out the course of heaven. Stern Urizen beheld
FZ2-28.22; E318| In woe his brethren & his Sons in darkning woe lamenting
FZ2-28.23; E318| Upon the winds in clouds involvd Uttering his voice in thunders
FZ2-28.24; E318| Commanding all the work with care & power & severity
FZ2-28.25; E318| Then siezd the Lions of Urizen their work, & heated in the forge
FZ2-28.26; E318| Roar the bright masses, thund'ring beat the hammers, many a pyramid t576
FZ2-28.27; E318| Is form'd & thrown down thund'ring into the deeps of Non Entity
FZ2-28.28; E318| Heated red hot they hizzing rend their way down many a league
FZ2-28.29; E318| Till resting. each his [center] finds; suspended there they stand t577
FZ2-28.30; E318| Casting their sparkies dire abroad into the dismal deep
FZ2-28.31; E318| For measurd out in orderd spaces the Sons of Urizen t578
FZ2-28.32; E318| With compasses divide the deep; they the strong scales erect
FZ2-29.1; E319| That Luvah rent from the faint Heart of the Fallen Man t579
FZ2-29.2; E319| And weigh the massy Cubes, then fix them in their awful stations t580
FZ2-29.3; E319| And all the time in Caverns shut, the golden Looms erected
FZ2-29.4; E319| First spun, then wove the Atmospheres, there the Spider & Worm
FZ2-29.5; E319| Plied the wingd shuttle piping shrill thro' all the list'ning threads
FZ2-29.6; E319| Beneath the Caverns roll the weights of lead & spindles of iron
FZ2-29.7; E319| The enormous warp & woof rage direful in the affrighted deep
FZ2-29.8; E319| While far into the vast unknown, the strong wing'd Eagles bend
FZ2-29.9; E319| Their venturous flight, in Human forms distinct; thro darkness deep
FZ2-29.10; E319| They bear the woven draperies; on golden hooks they hang abroad
FZ2-29.11; E319| The universal curtains & spread out from Sun to Sun
FZ2-29.12; E319| The vehicles of light, they separate the furious particles
FZ2-29.13; E319| Into mild currents as the water mingles with the wine.
FZ2-29.14; E319| While thus the Spirits of strongest wing enlighten the dark deep
FZ2-29.15; E319| The threads are spun & the cords twisted & drawn out; then the weak
FZ2-29.16; E319| Begin their work; & many a net is netted; many a net
FZ2-30.1; E319| Spread & many a Spirit caught, innumerable the nets
FZ2-30.2; E319| Innumerable the gins & traps; & many a soothing flute
FZ2-30.3; E319| Is form'd & many a corded lyre, outspread over the immense
FZ2-30.4; E319| In cruel delight they trap the listeners, & in cruel delight
FZ2-30.5; E319| Bind them, condensing the strong energies into little compass t581
FZ2-30.6; E319| Some became seed of every plant that shall be planted; some
FZ2-30.7; E319| The bulbous roots, thrown up together into barns & garners
FZ2-30.8; E319| Then rose the Builders; First the Architect divine his plan
FZ2-30.9; E319| Unfolds, The wondrous scaffold reard all round the infinite
FZ2-30.10; E319| Quadrangular the building rose the heavens squared by a line.
FZ2-30.11; E319| Trigon & cubes divide the elements in finite bonds
FZ2-30.12; E319| Multitudes without number work incessant: the hewn stone
FZ2-30.13; E319| Is placd in beds of mortar mingled with the ashes of Vala
FZ2-30.14; E319| Severe the labour, female slaves the mortar trod oppressed
FZ2-30.15; E319| Twelve halls after the names of his twelve sons composd
FZ2-30.16; E319| The wondrous building & three Central Dome after the Names t582
FZ2-30.17; E319| Of his three daughters were encompassd by the twelve bright halls
FZ2-30.18; E319| Every hall surrounded by bright Paradises of Delight
FZ2-30.19; E319| In which are towns & Cities Nations Seas Mountains & Rivers t583
FZ2-30.20; E319| Each Dome opend toward four halls & the Three Domes Encompassd
FZ2-30.21; E319| The Golden Hall of Urizen whose western side glowd bright
FZ2-30.22; E319| With ever streaming fires beaming from his awful limbs
FZ2-30.23; E319| His Shadowy Feminine Semblance here reposd on a White Couch t584
FZ2-30.24; E319| Or hoverd oer his Starry head & when he smild she brightend
FZ2-30.25; E319| Like a bright Cloud in harvest. but when Urizen frownd She wept
FZ2-30.26; E319| In mists over his carved throne & when he turnd his back
FZ2-30.27; E320| Upon his Golden hall & sought the Labyrinthine porches
FZ2-30.28; E320| Of his wide heaven Trembling, cold in paling fears she sat
FZ2-30.29; E320| A Shadow of Despair therefore toward the West Urizen formd
FZ2-30.30; E320| A recess in the wall for fires to glow upon the pale
FZ2-30.31; E320| Females limbs in his absence & her Daughters oft upon
FZ2-30.32; E320| A Golden Altar burnt perfumes with Art Celestial formd
FZ2-30.33; E320| Foursquare sculpturd & sweetly Engravd to please their shadowy mother t585
FZ2-30.34; E320| As[c]ending into her misty garments the blue smoke rolld to revive t586
FZ2-30.35; E320| Her cold limbs in the absence of her Lord. Also her sons
FZ2-30.36; E320| With lives of Victims sacrificed upon an altar of brass
FZ2-30.37; E320| On the East side. Revivd her Soul with lives of beasts & birds
FZ2-30.38; E320| Slain on the Altar up ascending into her cloudy bosom
FZ2-30.39; E320| Of terrible workmanship the Altar labour of ten thousand Slaves
FZ2-30.40; E320| One thousand Men of wondrous power spent their lives in its formation
FZ2-30.41; E320| It stood on twelve steps namd after the names of her twelve sons
FZ2-30.42; E320| And was Erected at the chief entrance of Urizens hall
FZ2-30.43; E320| When Urizen returnd from his immense labours & travels t587
FZ2-30.44; E320| Descending She reposd beside him folding him round
FZ2-30.45; E320| In her bright skirts. Astonishd & Confounded he beheld
FZ2-30.46; E320| Her shadowy form now Separate he shudderd & was silent
FZ2-30.47; E320| Till her caresses & her tears revivd him to life & joy
FZ2-30.48; E320| Two wills they had two intellects & not as in times of old
FZ2-30.49; E320| This Urizen percievd & silent brooded in darkning Clouds
FZ2-30.50; E320| To him his Labour was but Sorrow & his Kingdom was Repentance
FZ2-30.51; E320| He drave the Male Spirits all away from Ahania
FZ2-30.52; E320| And she drave all the Females from him away
FZ2-30.53; E320| Los joyd & Enitharmon laughd, saying Let us go down
FZ2-30.54; E320| And see this labour & sorrow; They went down to see the woes
FZ2-30.55; E320| Of Vala & the woes of Luvah, to draw in their delights
FZ2-30.56; E320| And Vala like a shadow oft appeard to Urizen
FZ2-31.1; E320| The King of Light beheld her mourning among the Brick kilns compelld
FZ2-31.2; E320| To labour night & day among the fires, her lamenting voice
FZ2-31.3; E320| Is heard when silent night returns & the labourers take their rest
FZ2-31.4; E320| O Lord wilt thou not look upon our sore afflictions
FZ2-31.5; E320| Among these flames incessant labouring, our hard masters laugh
FZ2-31.6; E320| At all our sorrow. We are made to turn the wheel for water
FZ2-31.7; E320| To carry the heavy basket on our scorched shoulders, to sift
FZ2-31.8; E320| The sand & ashes, & to mix the clay with tears & repentance
FZ2-31.9; E320| I see not Luvah as of old I only see his feet t588
FZ2-31.10; E320| Like pillars of fire travelling thro darkness & non entity
FZ2-31.11; E321| The times are now returnd upon us, we have given ourselves
FZ2-31.12; E321| To scorn and now are scorned by the slaves of our enemies
FZ2-31.13; E321| Our beauty is coverd over with clay & ashes, & our backs
FZ2-31.14; E321| Furrowd with whips, & our flesh bruised with the heavy basket
FZ2-31.15; E321| Forgive us O thou piteous one whom we have offended, forgive
FZ2-31.16; E321| The weak remaining shadow of Vala that returns in sorrow to thee.
FZ2-31.17; E321| Thus she lamented day & night, compelld to labour & sorrow
FZ2-31.18; E321| Luvah in vain her lamentations heard; in vain his love
FZ2-31.19; E321| Brought him in various forms before her still she knew him not
FZ2-32.1; E321| Still she despisd him, calling on his name & knowing him not
FZ2-32.2; E321| Still hating still professing love, still labouring in the smoke
FZ2-32.3; E321| And Los & Enitharmon joyd, they drank in tenfold joy t589
FZ2-32.4; E321| From all the sorrow of Luvah & the labour of Urizen
FZ2-32.5; E321| And Enitharmon joyd Plotting to rend the secret cloud
FZ2-32.6; E321| To plant divisions in the Soul of Urizen & Ahania
FZ2-32.7; E321| But infinitely beautiful the wondrous work arose t590
FZ2-32.8; E321| In sorrow & care. a Golden World whose porches round the heavens t591
FZ2-32.9; E321| And pillard halls & rooms recievd the eternal wandering stars
FZ2-32.10; E321| A wondrous golden Building; many a window many a door
FZ2-32.11; E321| And many a division let in & out into the vast unknown
FZ2-32.12; E321| [Cubed] in [window square] immoveable, within its walls & cielings
FZ2-32.13; E321| The heavens were closd and spirits mournd their bondage night and day
FZ2-32.14; E321| And the Divine Vision appeard in Luvahs robes of blood t593
FZ2-32.15; E321| Thus was the Mundane shell builded by Urizens strong power
FZ2-32.16; E321| Sorrowing went the Planters forth to plant, the Sowers to sow t594
FZ2-32.17; E321| They dug the channels for the rivers & they pourd abroad
FZ2-33.1; E321| The seas & lakes, they reard the mountains & the rocks & hills
FZ2-33.2; E321| On broad pavilions, on pillard roofs & porches & high towers
FZ2-33.3; E321| In beauteous order, thence arose soft clouds & exhalations
FZ2-33.4; E321| Wandering even to the sunny Cubes of light & heat t595
FZ2-33.5; E321| For many a window ornamented with sweet ornaments
FZ2-33.6; E321| Lookd out into the World of Tharmas, where in ceaseless torrents t596
FZ2-33.7; E321| His billows roll where monsters wander in the foamy paths
FZ2-33.8; E321| On clouds the Sons of Urizen beheld Heaven walled round t597
FZ2-33.9; E321| They weighd & orderd all & Urizen comforted saw t598
FZ2-33.10; E321| The wondrous work flow forth like visible out of the invisible
FZ2-33.11; E321| For the Divine Lamb Even Jesus who is the Divine Vision t599
FZ2-33.12; E321| Permitted all lest Man should fall into Eternal Death
FZ2-33.13; E321| For when Luvah sunk down himself put on the robes of blood
FZ2-33.14; E321| Lest the state calld Luvah should cease. & the Divine Vision
FZ2-33.15; E321| Walked in robes of blood till he who slept should awake
FZ2-33.16; E322| Thus were the stars of heaven created like a golden chain
FZ2-33.17; E322| To bind the Body of Man to heaven from failing into the Abyss t600
FZ2-33.18; E322| Each took his station, & his course began with sorrow & care t601
FZ2-33.19; E322| In sevens & tens & fifties, hundreds, thousands, numberd all
FZ2-33.20; E322| According to their various powers. Subordinate to Urizen
FZ2-33.21; E322| And to his sons in their degrees & to his beauteous daughters
FZ2-33.22; E322| Travelling in silent majesty along their orderd ways
FZ2-33.23; E322| In right lined paths outmeasurd by proportions of number weight t602
FZ2-33.24; E322| And measure. mathematic motion wondrous. along the deep
FZ2-33.25; E322| In fiery pyramid. or Cube. or unornamented pillar t603
FZ2-33.26; E322| Of fire far shining. travelling along even to its destind end
FZ2-33.27; E322| Then falling down. a terrible space recovring in winter dire
FZ2-33.28; E322| Its wasted strength. It back returns upon a nether course t604
FZ2-33.29; E322| Till fired with ardour fresh recruited in its humble season t605
FZ2-33.30; E322| It rises up on high all summer till its wearied course
FZ2-33.31; E322| Turns into autumn. such the period of many worlds
FZ2-33.32; E322| Others triangular right angled course maintain. others obtuse t606
FZ2-33.33; E322| Acute Scalene, in simple paths. but others move t607
FZ2-33.34; E322| In intricate ways biquadrate. Trapeziums Rhombs Rhomboids
FZ2-33.35; E322| Paralellograms. triple & quadruple. polygonic
FZ2-33.36; E322| In their amazing hard subdued course in the vast deep t608
FZ2-34.1; E322| And Los & Enitharmon were drawn down by their desires
FZ2-34.2; E322| Descending sweet upon the wind among soft harps & voices t609
FZ2-34.3; E322| To plant divisions in the Soul of Urizen & Ahania t610
FZ2-34.4; E322| To conduct the Voice of Enion to Ahanias midnight pillow
FZ2-34.5; E322| Urizen saw & envied & his imagination was filled
FZ2-34.6; E322| Repining he contemplated the past in his bright sphere
FZ2-34.7; E322| Terrified with his heart & spirit at the visions of futurity
FZ2-34.8; E322| That his dread fancy formd before him in the unformd void
FZ2-34.9; E322| For Los & Enitharmon walkd forth on the dewy Earth t611
FZ2-34.10; E322| Contracting or expanding their all flexible senses
FZ2-34.11; E322| At will to murmur in the flowers small as the honey bee
FZ2-34.12; E322| At will to stretch across the heavens & step from star to star
FZ2-34.13; E322| Or standing on the Earth erect, or on the stormy waves
FZ2-34.14; E322| Driving the storms before them or delighting in sunny beams
FZ2-34.15; E322| While round their heads the Elemental Gods kept harmony t612
FZ2-34.16; E322| And Los said. Lo the Lilly pale & the rose reddning fierce t613
FZ2-34.17; E322| Reproach thee & the beamy gardens sicken at thy beauty
FZ2-34.18; E322| I grasp thy vest in my strong hand in vain. like water springs
FZ2-34.19; E322| In the bright sands of Los. evading my embrace. then I alone
FZ2-34.20; E322| Wander among the virgins of the summer Look they cry
FZ2-34.21; E323| The poor forsaken Los mockd by the worm the shelly snail
FZ2-34.22; E323| The Emmet & the beetle hark they laugh & mock at Los
FZ2-34.23; E323| Enitharmon answerd Secure now from the smitings of thy Power t614
FZ2-34.24; E323| Demon of fury If the God enrapturd me infolds
FZ2-34.25; E323| In clouds of sweet obscurity my beauteous form dissolving
FZ2-34.26; E323| Howl thou over the body of death tis thine But if among the virgins t615
FZ2-34.27; E323| Of summer I have seen thee sleep & turn thy cheek delighted
FZ2-34.28; E323| Upon the rose or lilly pale. or on a bank where sleep t616
FZ2-34.29; E323| The beamy daughters of the light starting they rise they flee
FZ2-34.30; E323| From thy fierce love for tho I am dissolvd in the bright God
FZ2-34.31; E323| My spirit still pursues thy false love over rocks & valleys
FZ2-34.32; E323| Los answerd Therefore fade I thus dissolvd in rapturd trance
FZ2-34.33; E323| Thou canst repose on clouds of secrecy while oer my limbs
FZ2-34.34; E323| Cold dews & hoary frost creeps thro I lie on banks of summer
FZ2-34.35; E323| Among the beauties of the World Cold & repining Los
FZ2-34.36; E323| Still dies for Enitharmon nor a spirit springs from my dead corse t617
FZ2-34.37; E323| Then I am dead till thou revivest me with thy sweet song
FZ2-34.38; E323| Now taking on Ahanias form & now the form of Enion
FZ2-34.39; E323| I know thee not as once I knew thee in those blessed fields
FZ2-34.40; E323| Where memory wishes to repose among the flocks of Tharmas
FZ2-34.41; E323| Enitharmon answerd Wherefore didst thou throw thine arms around
FZ2-34.42; E323| Ahanias Image I decievd thee & will still decieve
FZ2-34.43; E323| Urizen saw thy sin & hid his beams in darkning Clouds
FZ2-34.44; E323| I still keep watch altho I tremble & wither across the heavens
FZ2-34.45; E323| In strong vibrations of fierce jealousy for thou art mine
FZ2-34.46; E323| Created for my will my slave tho strong tho I am weak
FZ2-34.47; E323| Farewell the God calls me away I depart in my sweet bliss
FZ2-34.48; E323| She fled vanishing on the wind And left a dead cold corse
FZ2-34.49; E323| In Los's arms howlings began over the body of death t618
FZ2-34.50; E323| Los spoke. Thy God in vain shall call thee if by my strong power
FZ2-34.51; E323| I can infuse my dear revenge into his glowing breast
FZ2-34.52; E323| Then jealousy shall shadow all his mountains & Ahania
FZ2-34.53; E323| Curse thee thou plague of woful Los & seek revenge on thee
FZ2-34.54; E323| So saying in deep sobs he languishd till dead he also fell
FZ2-34.55; E323| Night passd & Enitharmon eer the dawn returnd in bliss
FZ2-34.56; E323| She sang Oer Los reviving him to Life his groans were terrible t619
FZ2-34.57; E323| But thus she sang. I sieze the sphery harp I strike the strings
FZ2-34.58; E323| At the first Sound the Golden sun arises from the Deep
FZ2-34.59; E323| And sakes his awful hair
FZ2-34.60; E323| The Eccho wakes the moon to unbind her silver locks
FZ2-34.61; E323| The golden sun bears on my song
FZ2-34.62; E323| And nine bright spheres of harmony rise round the fiery King
FZ2-34.63; E324| The joy of woman is the Death of her most best beloved
FZ2-34.64; E324| Who dies for Love of her
FZ2-34.65; E324| In torments of fierce jealousy & pangs of adoration.
FZ2-34.66; E324| The Lovers night bears on my song
FZ2-34.67; E324| And the nine Spheres rejoice beneath my powerful controll
FZ2-34.68; E324| They sing unceasing to the notes of my immortal hand
FZ2-34.69; E324| The solemn silent moon
FZ2-34.70; E324| Reverberates the living harmony upon my limbs
FZ2-34.71; E324| The birds & beasts rejoice & play
FZ2-34.72; E324| And every one seeks for his mate to prove his inmost joy
FZ2-34.73; E324| Furious & terrible they sport & rend the nether deeps
FZ2-34.74; E324| The deep lifts up his rugged head
FZ2-34.75; E324| And lost in infinite hum[m]ing wings vanishes with a cry
FZ2-34.76; E324| The fading cry is ever dying
FZ2-34.77; E324| The living voice is ever living in its inmost joy
FZ2-34.78; E324| Arise you little glancing wings & sing your infant joy
FZ2-34.79; E324| Arise & drink your bliss
FZ2-34.80; E324| For every thing that lives is holy for the source of life
FZ2-34.81; E324| Descends to be a weeping babe
FZ2-34.82; E324| For the Earthworm renews the moisture of the sandy plain
FZ2-34.83; E324| Now my left hand I stretch to earth beneath
FZ2-34.84; E324| And strike the terrible string
FZ2-34.85; E324| I wake sweet joy in dens of sorrow & I plant a smile
FZ2-34.86; E324| In forests of affliction
FZ2-34.87; E324| And wake the bubbling springs of life in regions of dark death
FZ2-34.88; E324| O I am weary lay thine hand upon me or I faint
FZ2-34.89; E324| I faint beneath these beams of thine
FZ2-34.90; E324| For thou hast touchd my five senses & they answerd thee
FZ2-34.91; E324| Now I am nothing & I sink
FZ2-34.92; E324| And on the bed of silence sleep till thou awakest me
FZ2-34.93; E324| Thus sang the Lovely one in Rapturous delusive trance
FZ2-34.94; E324| Los heard reviving he siezd her in his arms delusive hopes t620
FZ2-34.95; E324| Kindling She led him int Shadows & thence fled outstretchd
FZ2-34.96; E324| Upon the immense like a bright rainbow weeping & smiling & fading
FZ2-34.97; E324| Thus livd Los driving Enion far into the deathful infinite t621
FZ2-34.98; E324| That he may also draw Ahania's spirit into her Vortex
FZ2-34.99; E324| Ah happy blindness Enion sees not the terrors of the uncertain t622
FZ2-34.100; E324| Thus Enion wails from the dark deep, the golden heavens tremble t623
FZ2-35.1; E324| I am made to sow the thistle for wheat; the nettle for a nourishing dainty
FZ2-35.2; E325| I have planted a false oath in the earth, it has brought forth a poison tree
FZ2-35.3; E325| I have chosen the serpent for a councellor & the dog
FZ2-35.4; E325| For a schoolmaster to my children
FZ2-35.5; E325| I have blotted out from light & living the dove & nightingale
FZ2-35.6; E325| And I have caused the earth worm to beg from door to door
FZ2-35.7; E325| I have taught the thief a secret path into the house of the just
FZ2-35.8; E325| I have taught pale artifice to spread his nets upon the morning
FZ2-35.9; E325| My heavens are brass my earth is iron my moon a clod of clay
FZ2-35.10; E325| My sun a pestilence burning at noon & a vapour of death in night
FZ2-35.11; E325| What is the price of Experience do men buy it for a song
FZ2-35.12; E325| Or wisdom for a dance in the street? No it is bought with the price
FZ2-35.13; E325| Of all that a man hath his house his wife his children
FZ2-35.14; E325| Wisdom is sold in the desolate market where none come to buy
FZ2-35.15; E325| And in the witherd field where the farmer plows for bread in vain
FZ2-35.16; E325| It is an easy thing to triumph in the summers sun
FZ2-35.17; E325| And in the vintage & to sing on the waggon loaded with corn
FZ2-35.18; E325| It is an easy thing to talk of patience to the afflicted
FZ2-35.19; E325| To speak the laws of prudence to the houseless wanderer
FZ2-36.1; E325| To listen to the hungry ravens cry in wintry season
FZ2-36.2; E325| When the red blood is filld with wine & with the marrow of lambs
FZ2-36.3; E325| It is an easy thing to laugh at wrathful elements
FZ2-36.4; E325| To hear the dog howl at the wintry door, the ox in the slaughter house moan
FZ2-36.5; E325| To see a god on every wind & a blessing on every blast
FZ2-36.6; E325| To hear sounds of love in the thunder storm that destroys our enemies house
FZ2-36.7; E325| To rejoice in the blight that covers his field, & the sickness that cuts off his children
FZ2-36.8; E325| While our olive & vine sing & laugh round our door & our children bring fruits & flowers
FZ2-36.9; E325| Then the groan & the dolor are quite forgotten & the slave grinding at the mill
FZ2-36.10; E325| And the captive in chains & the poor in the prison, & the soldier in the field
FZ2-36.11; E325| When the shatterd bone hath laid him groaning among the happier dead
FZ2-36.12; E325| It is an easy thing to rejoice in the tents of prosperity
FZ2-36.13; E325| Thus could I sing & thus rejoice, but it is not so with me!
FZ2-36.14; E325| Ahania heard the Lamentation & a swift Vibration t624
FZ2-36.15; E325| Spread thro her Golden frame. She rose up eer the dawn of day
FZ2-36.16; E326| When Urizen slept on his couch. drawn thro unbounded space
FZ2-36.17; E326| Onto the margin of Non Entity the bright Female came
FZ2-36.18; E326| There she beheld the Spectrous form of Enion in the Void t625
FZ2-36.19; E326| And never from that moment could she rest upon her pillow
FZ2-36; E326| End of the Second Night/BODY>