ED; E449| [In a Manuscript Fragment]
ED-IM; E449| [Chapter 1]
IM-1-prose1; E449| In the Moon, is a certain Island near by a mighty continent,
IM-1-prose2; E449| which small island seems to have some affinity to England. & what
IM-1-prose3; E449| is more extraordinary the people are so much alike & their
IM-1-prose4; E449| language so much the same that you would think you was among your
IM-1-prose5; E449| friends. in this Island dwells three Philosophers Suction, the
IM-1-prose6; E449| Epicurean, Quid the Cynic, & Sipsop, the Pythagorean. I call them
IM-1-prose7; E449| by the names of these sects tho the sects are not ever mentiond
IM-1-prose8; E449| there as being quite out of date however the things still remain,
IM-1-prose9; E449| and the vanities are the same. the three Philosophers sat
IM-1-prose10; E449| together thinking of nothing. in comes--Etruscan Column the
IM-1-prose11; E449| Antiquarian & after an abundance of Enquiries to no purpose sat
IM-1-prose12; E449| himself down & described something that nobody listend to so
IM-1-prose13; E449| they were employd when Mrs Gimblet came in [tipsy] the
IM-1-prose14; E449| corners of her mouth seemd I dont know how, but very odd as if
IM-1-prose15; E449| she hoped you had not an ill opinion of her. to be sure we are
IM-1-prose16; E449| all poor creatures. well she seated & [listend] seemd
IM-1-prose17; E449| to listen with great attention while the Antiquarian seemd to be
IM-1-prose18; E449| talking of virtuous cats, but it was not so. she was thinking of
IM-1-prose19; E449| the shape of her eyes & mouth & he was thinking, of his eternal
IM-1-prose20; E449| fame the three Philosophers at this time were each endeavouring
IM-1-prose21; E449| t1069 to conceal [the] his laughter, (not at them but) at
IM-1-prose22; E449| his own imaginations this was the situation of this improving
IM-1-prose23; E449| company, when in a great hurry, Inflammable Gass the Wind finder
IM-1-prose24; E449| enterd. they seemd to rise & salute each other
IM-1-prose25; E449| Etruscan Column & Inflammable Gass fixd their eyes on each
IM-1-prose26; E449| other, their tongues went in question & answer, but their
IM-1-prose27; E449| thoughts were otherwise employd
IM-1-prose28; E449| I dont like his eyes said Etruscan Column. he's a foolish puppy
IM-1-prose29; E449| said Inflammable Gass, smiling on him. the 3 Philosophers
IM-1-prose30; E449| [Quid] [<the
IM-1-prose31; E450| Elder> t1070] the Cynic smiling the Epicurean seeming
IM-1-prose32; E450| [not] studying the flame of the candle & the Pythagorean
IM-1-prose33; E450| playing with the cat, listend with open mouths to the edifying
IM-1-prose34; E450| discourses.
IM-1-prose35; E450| Sir said the Antiquarian I have seen these works & I do affirm
IM-1-prose36; E450| that they are no such thing. they seem to me to be the most
IM-1-prose37; E450| wretched paltry flimsy Stuff that ever--What d'ye say What dye
IM-1-prose38; E450| say said Inflammable Gass, why why I wish I could see you write
IM-1-prose39; E450| so. Sir said the Antiquarian, according to my opinion the author
IM-1-prose40; E450| is an errant blockhead.--Your reason Your reason said
IM-1-prose41; E450| Inflammable Gass--why why I think it very abominable to call a
IM-1-prose42; E450| man a blockhead that you know nothing of.--Reason Sir said the
IM-1-prose43; E450| Antiquarian I'll give you an example for your reason As I was
IM-1-prose44; E450| walking along the street I saw a <vast> number of swallows on the
IM-1-prose45; E450| [top of an house] rails of an old Gothic square they
IM-1-prose46; E450| seemd to be going on their passage, as Pliny says as I was
IM-1-prose47; E450| looking up, a little outre<accent> fellow pulling me by the
IM-1-prose48; E450| sleeve cries pray Sir who do all they belong to. I turnd my self
IM-1-prose49; E450| about with great [[An Island in the Moon] P 2] contempt. Said I, Go along you fool.--Fool
IM-1-prose50; E450| said he who do you call fool I only askd you a civil
IM-1-prose51; E450| question--[here Etr] I had a great mind to have thrashd
IM-1-prose52; E450| the fellow only he was bigger than I--here Etruscan column left
IM-1-prose53; E450| off--Inflammable Gass, recollecting himself Indeed I do not think
IM-1-prose54; E450| the man was a fool for he seems to me to have been desirous of
IM-1-prose55; E450| enquiring into the works of nature--Ha Ha Ha said the
IM-1-prose56; E450| Pythagorean. it was reechod by [the] Inflammable Gass to
IM-1-prose57; E450| overthrow the argument--Etruscan Column then star[t]ing up &
IM-1-prose58; E450| clenching both his fists was prepared to give a formal answer to
IM-1-prose59; E450| the company But Ob[t]use Angle, entering the room having made a
IM-1-prose60; E450| gentle bow, proceeded to empty his pockets of a vast number of
IM-1-prose61; E450| papers, turned about & sat down wiped his [head]
IM-1-prose62; E450| <face> with his pocket handkerchief & shutting his eyes began to
IM-1-prose63; E450| scratch his head--well gentlemen said he what is the cause of
IM-1-prose64; E450| strife the Cynic answerd. they are only quarreling about
IM-1-prose65; E450| Voltaire--Yes said the Epicurean & having a bit of fun with him.
IM-1-prose66; E450| And said the Pythagorean endeavoring to incorporate their souls
IM-1-prose67; E450| with their bodies
IM-1-prose68; E450| Obtuse Angle giving a grin said Voltaire understood nothing
IM-1-prose69; E450| of the Mathematics and a man must be a fool ifaith not to
IM-1-prose70; E450| understand the Mathematics
IM-1-prose71; E450| Inflammable Gass turning round hastily in his chair said
IM-1-prose72; E450| Mathematics he found out a number of Queries in Philosophy.
IM-1-prose73; E450| Obtuse Angle shutting his eyes & saying that he always understood
IM-1-prose74; E450| better when he shut his eyes [It is not of use to make]
IM-1-prose75; E450| <said> In the first place it is of no use for a man to make
IM-1-prose76; E450| Queries but to solve them, for a man may be a fool & make Queries
IM-1-prose77; E450| but a man must have good sound sense to solve them. a query & an
IM-1-prose78; E450| answer are as different as a strait line & a crooked one.
IM-1-prose79; E450| secondly I, I, I. aye Secondly, Voltaire's a fool, says the
IM-1-prose80; E450| Epicurean--.Pooh says the Mathematician scratching his head with
IM-1-prose81; E450| double violence, it is not worth Quarreling about.--The
IM-1-prose82; E450| Antiquarian
IM-1-prose83; E451| here got up--& hemming twice to shew the strength of his Lungs,
IM-1-prose84; E451| said but my Good Sir, Voltaire was immersed in matter, & seems to
IM-1-prose85; E451| have understood very little but what he saw before his eyes, like
IM-1-prose86; E451| the Animal upon the Pythagoreans lap always playing with its own
IM-1-prose87; E451| tail. Ha Ha Ha said Inflammable Gass he was the Glory of
IM-1-prose88; E451| France--I have got a bottle of air that would spread a Plague.
IM-1-prose89; E451| here the Antiquarian shruggd up his shoulders & was silent
IM-1-prose90; E451| [talkd for half an hour] while Inflammable Gass talkd
IM-1-prose91; E451| for half an hour
IM-1-prose92; E451| When Steelyard <the lawgiver> coming in stalking--with an act
IM-1-prose93; E451| of parliament in his hand said that it was a shameful thing that
IM-1-prose94; E451| acts of parliament should be in a free state, it had so engrossed
IM-1-prose95; E451| his mind that he did not salute the company
IM-1-prose96; E451| Mrs Gimblet drew her mouth downwards
ED-IM; E451| [An Island in the Moon] PAGE 3
IM-2-prose1; E451| Tilly Lally the Siptippidist Aradobo, the dean of Morocco,
IM-2-prose2; E451| [Miss] Miss Gittipin [&] Mrs Nannicantipot, <Mrs
IM-2-prose3; E451| Sigtagatist> t1071 Gibble Gabble the wife of Inflammable Gass--&
IM-2-prose4; E451| Little Scopprell enterd the room (If I have not presented you
IM-2-prose5; E451| with every character in the piece call me *Arse--) t1072
IM; E451| Chap 3d
IM-3-prose1; E451| In the Moon as Phebus stood over his oriental Gardening O ay
IM-3-prose2; E451| come Ill sing you a song said the Cynic. the trumpeter shit in
IM-3-prose3; E451| his hat said the Epicurean & clapt it on his head said the Pythagorean
IM-3-prose4; E451| Ill begin again said the Cynic
IM-3; E451| Little Phebus came strutting in
IM-3; E451| With his fat belly & his round chin
IM-3; E451| What is it you would please to have
IM-3; E451| Ho Ho
IM-3; E451| I wont let it go at only so & so
IM-3-prose5; E451| Mrs Gimblet lookd as if they meant her. Tilly Lally laught
IM-3-prose6; E451| like a Cherry clapper. Aradobo askd who was Phebus Sir. Obtuse
IM-3-prose7; E451| Angle answerd, quickly, He was the God of Physic, Painting
IM-3-prose8; E451| Perspective Geometry Geography Astronomy, Cookery, Chymistry
IM-3-prose9; E451| [Conjunctives] Mechanics, Tactics Pathology Phraseology
IM-3-prose10; E451| Theolog[y] Mythology Astrology Osteology, Somatology in short
IM-3-prose11; E451| every art & science adorn'd him as beads round his neck. here
IM-3-prose12; E451| Aradobo lookd Astonishd & askd if he understood Engraving--Obtuse
IM-3-prose13; E451| Angle Answerd indeed he did.--Well said the other he was as great
IM-3-prose14; E451| as Chatterton. Tilly Lally turnd round to Obtuse Angle & askd
IM-3-prose15; E451| who it was that was as great as Chatterton. Hay, how should I
IM-3-prose16; E451| know Answerd Obtuse Angle who was It Aradobo. why sir said he
IM-3-prose17; E451| the Gentleman that the song was about. Ah said
IM-3-prose18; E452| Tilly Lally I did not hear it. what was it Obtuse Angle. Pooh
IM-3-prose19; E452| said he Nonsense. Mhm said Tilly Lally--it was Phebus said the
IM-3-prose20; E452| Epicurean Ah that was the Gentleman said Aradobo. Pray Sir
IM-3-prose21; E452| said Tilly Lally who was Phebus. Obtuse Angle answerd the
IM-3-prose22; E452| heathens in the old ages usd to have Gods that they worshipd &
IM-3-prose23; E452| they usd to sacrifice to them you have read about that in the
IM-3-prose24; E452| bible. Ah said Aradobo I thought I had read of Phebus in the
IM-3-prose25; E452| Bible.--Aradobo you should always think [of what you st]
IM-3-prose26; E452| before you speak said Obtuse Angle--Ha Ha Ha he means Pharaoh
IM-3-prose27; E452| said Tilly Lally--I am ashamd of you making [[An Island in the Moon] P 4] use of the
IM-3-prose28; E452| names [of] in the Bible said Mrs. Sigtagatist. Ill tell
IM-3-prose29; E452| you what Mrs Sinagain I dont think theres any harm in it, said
IM-3-prose30; E452| Tilly Lally--No said Inflammable Gass. I have got a camera
IM-3-prose31; E452| obscura at home what was it you was talking about. Law said
IM-3-prose32; E452| Tilly Lally what has that to do with Pharaoh--. Pho nonsense
IM-3-prose33; E452| hang Pharoh & all his host said the Pythagorean sing away
IM-3-prose34; E452| Quid--
IM-3-prose35; E452| Then the Cynic sung
IM-3; E452| Honour & Genius is all I ask
IM-3; E452| And I ask the Gods no more
IM-3; E452| No more No more | the three Philosophers
IM-3; E452| No more No more | bear Chorus
IM-3-prose36; E452| Here Aradobo suckd his under lip
IM-4-prose1; E452| Hang names said the Pythagorean whats Pharoh better than Phebus
IM-4-prose2; E452| or Phebus than Pharoh. hang them both said the Cynic Dont be
IM-4-prose3; E452| prophane said Mrs Sigtagatist. Why said Mrs Nannicantipot I dont
IM-4-prose4; E452| think its prophane to say hang Pharoh. ah said Mrs, Sinagain, I'm
IM-4-prose5; E452| sure you ought to hold your tongue, for you never say any thing
IM-4-prose6; E452| about the scriptures, & you hinder your husband from going to
IM-4-prose7; E452| church--Ha Ha said Inflammable Gass what dont you like to go to
IM-4-prose8; E452| church. no said Mrs Nannicantipot I think a person may be as good
IM-4-prose9; E452| at home. If I had not a place of profit that forces me to go to
IM-4-prose10; E452| church said Inflammable Gass Id see the parsons all hangd a
IM-4-prose11; E452| parcel of lying--O said Mrs Sigtagatist if it was not for
IM-4-prose12; E452| churches & chapels I should not have livd so long--there was I up
IM-4-prose13; E452| in a Morning at four o clock when I was a Girl. I would run like
IM-4-prose14; E452| the dickins till I was all in a heat. I would stand till I was
IM-4-prose15; E452| ready to sink into the earth. ah Mr Huffcap would kick the bottom
IM-4-prose16; E452| of the Pulpit out, with Passion, would tear off the sleeve of his
IM-4-prose17; E452| Gown, & set his wig on fire & throw it at the people hed cry &
IM-4-prose18; E452| stamp & kick & sweat and all for the good of their souls.--Im
IM-4-prose19; E452| sure he must be a wicked villain said Mrs Nannicantipot a
IM-4-prose20; E452| passionate wretch. If I was a man Id wait at the bottom of the
IM-4-prose21; E452| pulpit stairs & knock him down & run away.--You would You
IM-4-prose22; E452| Ignorant jade I wish I could see you hit
IM-4-prose23; E453| any of the ministers. you deserve to have your ears boxed you
IM-4-prose24; E453| do.--Im sure this is not religion answers the [[An Island in the Moon] P 5] other--Then
IM-4-prose25; E453| Mr Inflammable Gass ran & shovd his head into the fire & set his
IM-4-prose26; E453| [head] hair all in a flame & ran about the room--No No
IM-4-prose27; E453| he did not I was only making a fool of you
IM-5-prose1; E453| Obtuse Angle Scopprell Aradobo & Tilly Lally are all met in
IM-5-prose2; E453| Obtuse Angles study--
IM-5-prose3; E453| Pray said Aradobo is Chatterton a Mathematician. No said
IM-5-prose4; E453| Obtuse Angle how <can you> be so foolish as to think he was. Oh
IM-5-prose5; E453| I did not think he was I only askd said Aradobo. How could you
IM-5-prose6; E453| think he was not, & ask if he was said Obtuse Angle.--<Oh no Sir>
IM-5-prose7; E453| I did think he was before you told me but afterwards I thought he
IM-5-prose8; E453| was not
IM-5-prose9; E453| Obtuse Angle said in the first place you thought he was
IM-5-prose10; E453| [not] & then afterwards when I said he was not you
IM-5-prose11; E453| thought he was not. <why I know that> t1073 --Oh no sir I thought
IM-5-prose12; E453| that lie was not but I askd t to know whether he was.--How can
IM-5-prose13; E453| that be said Obtuse Angle how could you ask & think that he was
IM-5-prose14; E453| not--why said he. It came into my bead that he was not--Why then
IM-5-prose15; E453| said Obtuse Angle you said that he was. Did I say so Law I did
IM-5-prose16; E453| not think I said that--Did not he said Obtuse Angle Yes said
IM-5-prose17; E453| Scopprell. But I meant said Aradobo I I I cant think Law Sir I
IM-5-prose18; E453| wish youd tell me, how it is
IM-5-prose19; E453| Then Obtuse Angle put his chin in his hand & said when ever you
IM-5-prose20; E453| think you must always think for yourself--How Sir said Aradobo,
IM-5-prose21; E453| whenever I think I must think myself--I think I do--in the first
IM-5-prose22; E453| place said he with a grin--Poo Poo said Obtuse Angle dont be a
IM-5-prose23; E453| fool--
IM-5-prose24; E453| Then Tilly Lally took up a Quadrant & askd. [what is this
IM-5-prose25; E453| gim crank for]. Is not this a sun dial. Yes said Scopprell
IM-5-prose26; E453| but its broke--at this moment the three Philosophers enterd and
IM-5-prose27; E453| lowring darkness hoverd oer th assembly.
IM-5-prose28; E453| Come said the Epicurean lets have some rum & water & hang the
IM-5-prose29; E453| mathematics come Aradobo say some thing then Aradobo began In the
IM-5-prose30; E453| first place I think I think in the first place that Chatterton
IM-5-prose31; E453| was clever at Fissic Follogy, Pistinology, Aridology, Arography,
IM-5-prose32; E453| Transmography Phizography, Hogamy HAtomy, & hall that but <in the
IM-5-prose33; E453| first place> he eat wery little wickly that is he slept very
IM-5-prose34; E453| little which he brought into a consumsion, & what was that that
IM-5-prose35; E453| he took [Cha] Fissic or somethink & so died
IM-5-prose36; E453| So all the people in the book enterd into the room & they could
IM-5-prose37; E453| not talk any more to the present purpose
IM; E454| [An Island in the Moon] PAGE 6
IM-6-prose1; E454| They all went home & left the Philosophers. then Suction Askd
IM-6-prose2; E454| if Pindar was not a better Poet, than Ghiotto was a Painter
IM-6-prose3; E454| Plutarch has not the life of Ghiotto said Sipsop no said Quid
IM-6-prose4; E454| to be sure he was an Italian. well said Suction that is not any
IM-6-prose5; E454| proof. Plutarch was a nasty ignorant puppy said Quid I hate your
IM-6-prose6; E454| sneaking rascals. theres Aradobo in [twen[ty]] ten or
IM-6-prose7; E454| twelve years will be a far superior genius. Ah, said the
IM-6-prose8; E454| Pythagorean Aradobo will make a very clever fellow. why said Quid
IM-6-prose9; E454| I think that [a] <any> natural fool would make a clever
IM-6-prose10; E454| fellow if he was properly brought up--Ah hang your reasoning said
IM-6-prose11; E454| the Epicurean I hate reasoning I do every thing by my feelings--
IM-6-prose12; E454| Ah said Sipsop, I only wish Jack [Hunter] Tearguts had
IM-6-prose13; E454| had the cutting of Plutarch he understands anatomy better than
IM-6-prose14; E454| any of the Ancients hell plunge his knife up to the hilt in a
IM-6-prose15; E454| single drive and thrust his fist in, and all in the space of a
IM-6-prose16; E454| Quarter of an hour. he does not mind their crying--tho they cry
IM-6-prose17; E454| ever so hell Swear at them & keep them down with his fist & tell
IM-6-prose18; E454| them that hell scrape their bones if they dont lay still & be
IM-6-prose19; E454| quiet--What the devil should the people in the hospital that have
IM-6-prose20; E454| it done for nothing, make such a piece of work for
IM-6-prose21; E454| Hang that said Suction let us have a Song
IM-6-prose22; E454| Then [Sipsop sang] the Cynic sang
IM-6-WhenOld1; E454| When old corruption first begun
IM-6-WhenOld2; E454| Adornd in yellow vest
IM-6-WhenOld3; E454| He committed on flesh a whoredom
IM-6-WhenOld4; E454| O what wicked beast
IM-6-WhenOld; E454| 2
IM-6-WhenOld5; E454| From them a callow babe did spring
IM-6-WhenOld6; E454| And old corruption smild
IM-6-WhenOld7; E454| To think his race should never end
IM-6-WhenOld8; E454| For now he had a child
IM-6-WhenOld; E454| 3
IM-6-WhenOld9; E454| He calld him Surgery & fed
IM-6-WhenOld10; E454| The babe with his own milk
IM-6-WhenOld11; E454| For flesh & he could neer agree
IM-6-WhenOld12; E454| She would not let him suck
IM-6-WhenOld; E454| 4
IM-6-WhenOld13; E454| And this he always kept in mind
IM-6-WhenOld14; E454| And formd a crooked knife
IM-6-WhenOld15; E455| And ran about with bloody hands
IM-6-WhenOld16; E455| To seek his mothers life
IM-6-WhenOld; E455| 5
IM-6-WhenOld17; E455| And as he ran to seek his mother
IM-6-WhenOld18; E455| He met with a dead woman
IM-6-WhenOld19; E455| He fell in love & married her
IM-6-WhenOld20; E455| A deed which is not common
IM-6-WhenOld; E455| 6
IM-6-WhenOld21; E455| She soon grew pregnant & brought forth
IM-6-WhenOld22; E455| Scurvy & spotted fever
IM-6-WhenOld23; E455| The father grind & skipt about
IM-6-WhenOld24; E455| And said I'm made for ever
IM-6-WhenOld; E455| 7
IM-6-WhenOld25; E455| For now I have procurd these imps
IM-6-WhenOld26; E455| Ill try experiments
IM-6-WhenOld27; E455| With that he tied poor scurvy down
IM-6-WhenOld28; E455| & stopt up all its vents
IM-6-WhenOld; E455| 8
IM-6-WhenOld29; E455| And when the child began to swell
IM-6-WhenOld30; E455| He shouted out aloud
IM-6-WhenOld31; E455| Ive found the dropsy out & soon
IM-6-WhenOld32; E455| Shall do the world more good
IM-6-WhenOld; E455| 9
IM-6-WhenOld33; E455| He took up fever by the neck
IM-6-WhenOld34; E455| And cut out all its spots
IM-6-WhenOld35; E455| And thro the holes which he had made
IM-6-WhenOld36; E455| He first discoverd guts
IM-6-prose23; E455| Ah said Sipsop you think we are rascals & we think you are
IM-6-prose24; E455| rascals. I do as I chuse what is it to any body what I do I am
IM-6-prose25; E455| always unhappy too. when I think of Surgery--I dont know I do
IM-6-prose26; E455| it because I like it. My father does what he likes & so do I. I
IM-6-prose27; E455| think some how Ill leave it off there was a woman having her
IM-6-prose28; E455| cancer cut & she shriekd so, that I was quite sick
IM-7-prose1; E455| Good night said Sipsop, Good night said the other two then
IM-7-prose2; E455| [they] Quid & Suction were left alone. then said Quid I
IM-7-prose3; E455| think that Homer is bombast & Shakespeare is too wild & Milton
IM-7-prose4; E455| has no feelings they might be easily outdone Chatterton never
IM-7-prose5; E455| writ those poems. a parcel of fools going to Bristol--if I was to
IM-7-prose6; E455| go Id find it out in a minute. but Ive found it out already-- If
IM-7-prose7; E455| I dont knock them all up next year in the
IM-7-prose8; E456| Exhibition Ill be hangd said Suction. hang Philosophy I would
IM-7-prose9; E456| not give a farthing for it do all by your feelings and never
IM-7-prose10; E456| think at all about it. Im hangd if I dont get up to morrow
IM-7-prose11; E456| morning by four o clock & work Sir Joshua-- Before ten years are
IM-7-prose12; E456| at an end said Quid how I will work these poor milk [[An Island in the Moon] P 8] sop
IM-7-prose13; E456| devils, an ignorant pack of wretches
IM-7-prose14; E456| So they went to bed
IM-8-prose1; E456| Steelyard the Lawgiver, sitting at his table taking extracts
IM-8-prose2; E456| from Herveys Meditations among the tombs & Youngs Night thoughts.
IM-8-prose3; E456| [This is unfair and ?I ?think] He is not able to hurt me
IM-8-prose4; E456| (said he) more than making me Constable or taking away the parish
IM-8-prose5; E456| business. Hah!
IM-8; E456| [O what a scene is here what a disguise]
IM-8; E456| My crop of corn is but a field of tares
IM-8-prose6; E456| Says Jerome happiness is not for us poor crawling reptiles of the
IM-8-prose7; E456| earth Talk of happiness & happiness its no such thing--every
IM-8-prose8; E456| person has a something
IM-8; E456| Hear then the pride & knowledge of a Sailor t1074
IM-8; E456| His sprit sail fore sail main sail & his mizen
IM-8; E456| A poor frail man god wot I know none frailer
IM-8; E456| I know no greater sinner than John Taylor
IM-8-prose9; E456| If I had only myself to care for I'd soon make Double Elephant
IM-8-prose10; E456| look foolish, & Filligree work I hope shall live to see--
IM-8; E456| The wreck of matter & the crush of worlds
IM-8-prose11; E456| as Younge says
IM-8-prose12; E456| Obtuse Angle enterd the Room. What news Mr Steelyard--I am
IM-8-prose13; E456| Reading Theron & Aspasio, said he. Obtuse Angle took up the
IM-8-prose14; E456| books one by one I dont find it here said he. Oh no said the
IM-8-prose15; E456| other it was the meditations. Obtuse Angle took up the book &
IM-8-prose16; E456| read till the other was quite tir'd out
IM-8-prose17; E456| Then Scopprell & Miss Gittipin, coming in Scopprell took up a
IM-8-prose18; E456| book & read <the following passage.>
IM-8-prose19; E456| An Easy of [Human] <Huming> Understanding by John
IM-8-prose20; E456| Lookye Gent t1075
IM-8-prose21; E456| John Locke said Obtuse Angle. O ay Lock said Scopprell.
IM-8-prose22; E456| [Its a book about]
IM-8-prose23; E456| Now here said Miss Gittipin I never saw such company in my
IM-8-prose24; E456| life. you are always talking of your books I like to be where we
IM-8-prose25; E456| talk.--you had better take a walk, that we may have some pleasure
IM-8-prose26; E456| I am sure I never see any pleasure. theres Double Elephants Girls
IM-8-prose27; E456| they have their
IM-8-prose28; E457| own way, & theres Miss Filligree work she goes out in her coaches
IM-8-prose29; E457| & her footman & her maids & Stormonts & Balloon hats & a
IM-8-prose30; E457| pair of
IM-8-prose31; E457| Gloves every day & the sorrows of Werter & Robinsons & the Queen
IM-8-prose32; E457| of Frances Puss colour & my Cousin Gibble Gabble says that I am
IM-8-prose33; E457| like nobody else I might as well be in a nunnery There they go
IM-8-prose34; E457| in Post chaises & Stages to Vauxhall & Ranelagh And I hardly know
IM-8-prose35; E457| what a coach is, except when I go to [ P 9]
IM-8-prose36; E457| Mr Jacko's he knows
IM-8-prose37; E457| what riding is [he does not] & his wife is the most
IM-8-prose38; E457| agreeable woman you hardly know she has a tongue in her head
IM-8-prose39; E457| and he is the funniest fellow, & I do believe he'll go in
IM-8-prose40; E457| partnership with his master. & they have black servants lodge at
IM-8-prose41; E457| their house I never saw such a place in my life he says he as
IM-8-prose42; E457| Six & twenty rooms in his house, and I believe it & he is not
IM-8-prose43; E457| such a liar as Quid thinks he is. [but he is always
IM-8-prose44; E457| Envying] Poo Poo hold your tongue hold your tongue, said the
IM-8-prose45; E457| Lawgiver. this quite provokd Miss Gittipin to interrupt her in
IM-8-prose46; E457| her favourite topic & she proceeded to use every Provoking speech
IM-8-prose47; E457| that ever she could, & he bore it <more> like a Saint than a
IM-8-prose48; E457| Lawgiver and with great Solemnity he addressd the company in
IM-8-prose49; E457| these words
IM-8-prose50; E457| They call women the weakest vessel but I think they are the
IM-8-prose51; E457| strongest A girl has always more tongue than a boy I have seen
IM-8-prose52; E457| a little brat no higher than a nettle & she had as much tongue as
IM-8-prose53; E457| a city clark but a boy would be such a fool not have any thing to
IM-8-prose54; E457| say and if any body askd him a question he would put his head
IM-8-prose55; E457| into a hole & hide it. I am sure I take but little pleasure you
IM-8-prose56; E457| have as much pleasure as I have. there I stand & bear every fools
IM-8-prose57; E457| insult. if I had only myself to care for, I'd wring off their
IM-8-prose58; E457| noses
IM-8-prose59; E457| To this Scopprell answerd. I think the Ladies discourses Mr
IM-8-prose60; E457| Steelyard are some of them more improving than any book. that is
IM-8-prose61; E457| the way I have got some of my knowledge
IM-8-prose62; E457| Then said Miss Gittipin, Mr Scopprell do you know the song of
IM-8-prose63; E457| Phebe and Jellicoe--no Miss said Scopprell--then she repeated
IM-8-prose64; E457| these verses while Steelyard walkd about the room
IM-8-"Phoebe"1; E457| Phebe drest like beauties Queen
IM-8-"Phoebe"2; E457| Jellicoe in faint peagreen
IM-8-"Phoebe"3; E457| Sitting all beneath a grot
IM-8-"Phoebe"4; E457| Where the little lambkins trot t1076
IM-8-"Phoebe"5; E457| Maidens dancing loves a sporting
IM-8-"Phoebe"6; E457| All the country folks a courting
IM-8-"Phoebe"7; E457| Susan Johnny Bet & Joe
IM-8-"Phoebe"8; E457| Lightly tripping on a row
IM-8-"Phoebe"9; E457| Happy people who can be
IM-8-"Phoebe"10; E457| In happiness compard with ye t1077
IM-8-"Phoebe"11; E457| The Pilgrim with his crook & hat
IM-8-"Phoebe"12; E457| Sees your happiness compleat
IM-8-prose65; E458| A charming Song indeed miss said Scopprell [That was all
IM-8-prose66; E458| for] here they recievd a summons for a merry making at the
IM-8-prose67; E458| Philosophers house
ED-IM; E458| [An Island in the Moon] PAGE 10
IM-9-prose1; E458| I say this evening [we'd] <we'll> all get drunk. I say dash. an
IM-9-prose2; E458| Anthem an Anthem, said Suction
IM-9-"LoTheBat"1; E458| Lo the Bat with Leathern wing
IM-9-"LoTheBat"2; E458| Winking & blinking
IM-9-"LoTheBat"3; E458| Winking & blinking
IM-9-"LoTheBat"4; E458| Winking & blinking
IM-9-"LoTheBat"5; E458| Like Doctor Johnson
IM-9-"LoTheBat"6; E458| Quid-----O ho Said Doctor Johnson
IM-9-"LoTheBat"7; E458| To Scipio Africanus
IM-9-"LoTheBat"8; E458| If you dont own me a Philosopher
IM-9-"LoTheBat"9; E458| Ill kick your Roman Anus
IM-9-"LoTheBat"10; E458| Suction--A ha To Doctor Johnson
IM-9-"LoTheBat"11; E458| Said Scipio Africanus
IM-9-"LoTheBat"12; E458| Lift up my Roman Petticoatt
IM-9-"LoTheBat"13; E458| And kiss my Roman Anus
IM-9-"LoTheBat"14; E458| And the Cellar goes down with a Step (Grand Chorus
IM-9-prose3; E458| Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Hooooo my poooooor siiides I I should
IM-9-prose4; E458| die if I was to live here said Scopprell Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho
IM-9; E458| 1st Vo Want Matches
IM-9; E458| 2d Vo Yes Yes Yes
IM-9; E458| 1 Vo Want Matches
IM-9; E458| 2d Vo No----------
IM-9; E458| 1st Vo Want Matches
IM-9; E458| 2d Vo Yes Yes Yes
IM-9; E458| 1st Vo Want Matches
IM-9; E458| 2d Vo No----------
IM-9-prose5; E458| Here was Great confusion & disorder Aradobo said that the
IM-9-prose6; E458| boys in the street sing something very pritty & funny [about
IM-9-prose7; E458| London O no] about Matches Then Mrs Nannicantipot sung
IM-9; E458| I cry my matches as far as Guild hall
IM-9; E458| God bless the duke & his aldermen all
IM-9-prose8; E458| Then sung Scopprell
IM-9; E458| I ask the Gods no more
IM-9; E458| no more no more
IM-9-prose9; E459| Then Said Suction come Mr Lawgiver your song and the Lawgiver
IM-9-prose10; E459| sung
IM-9; E459| As I walkd forth one may morning
IM-9; E459| To see the fields so pleasant & so gay
IM-9; E459| O there did I spy a young maiden sweet
ED-IM-9; E459| [An Island in the Moon] PAGE 11
IM-9; E459| Among the Violets that smell so sweet
IM-9; E459| Smell so sweet
IM-9; E459| Smell so sweet
IM-9; E459| Among the Violets that smell so sweet
IM-9-prose; E459| Hang your Violets heres your Rum & water [sweeter] O
IM-9-prose; E459| ay said Tilly Lally. Joe Bradley & I was going along one day in
IM-9-prose; E459| the Sugar house Joe Bradley saw for he had but one eye
IM-9-prose; E459| [?one] saw a treacle Jar So he goes of his blind side
IM-9-prose; E459| & dips his hand up to the shoulder in treacle. here [ll]
IM-9-prose; E459| lick lick lick said he Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha For he had but one eye
IM-9-prose; E459| Ha Ha Ha Ho then sung Scopprell
IM-9; E459| And I ask the Gods no more
IM-9; E459| no more no more
IM-9; E459| no more no more
IM-9-prose18; E459| Miss Gittipin said he you sing like a harpsichord. let your
IM-9-prose19; E459| bounty descend to our fair ears and favour us with a fine song
IM-9-prose20; E459| <then she sung>
IM-9-ThisFrog; E459| This frog he would a wooing ride t1078
IM-9-ThisFrog; E459| Kitty alone Kitty alone
IM-9-ThisFrog; E459| This frog he would a wooing ride
IM-9-ThisFrog; E459| Kitty alone & I
IM-9-ThisFrog; E459| Sing cock I cary Kitty alone t1079
IM-9-ThisFrog; E459| Kitty alone Kitty alone
IM-9-ThisFrog; E459| Cock I cary Kitty alone
IM-9-ThisFrog; E459| Kitty alone & I
IM-9-prose21; E459| Charming truly elegant said Scopprell
IM-9; E459| And I ask the gods no more
IM-9-prose22; E459| Hang your Serious Songs, said Sipsop & he sung as follows
IM-9; E459| Fa ra so bo ro
IM-9; E459| Fa ra bo ra
IM-9; E459| Sa ba ra ra ba rare roro
IM-9; E459| Sa ra ra ra bo ro ro ro
IM-9; E459| Radara
IM-9; E459| Sarapodo no flo ro
IM-9-prose23; E460| Hang Italian songs lets have English said Quid [Sing a
IM-9-prose24; E460| Mathematical Song Obtuse Angle then he sung] <English Genius
IM-9-prose25; E460| for ever here I go>
IM-9-HailMatrimony1; E460| Hail Matrimony made of Love
IM-9-HailMatrimony2; E460| To thy wide gates how great a drove
IM-9-HailMatrimony3; E460| On purpose to be yok'd do come
IM-9-HailMatrimony4; E460| Widows & maids & Youths also
IM-9-HailMatrimony5; E460| That lightly trip on beauty's toe
IM-9-HailMatrimony6; E460| Or sit on beauty's bum
IM-9-HailMatrimony7; E460| Hail fingerfooted lovely Creatures
IM-9-HailMatrimony8; E460| The females of our human Natures
IM-9-HailMatrimony9; E460| Formed to suckle all Mankind
IM-9-HailMatrimony10; E460| Tis you that come in time of need
IM-9-HailMatrimony11; E460| Without you we shoud never Breed
IM-9-HailMatrimony12; E460| Or any Comfort find
IM-9-HailMatrimony13; E460| For if a Damsel's blind or lame
IM-9-HailMatrimony14; E460| Or Nature's hand has crooked her frame
ED; E460| [An Island in the Moon] PAGE 12
IM-9-HailMatrimony15; E460| Or if she's deaf or is wall eyed
IM-9-HailMatrimony16; E460| Yet if her heart is well inclined
IM-9-HailMatrimony17; E460| Some tender lover she shall find
IM-9-HailMatrimony18; E460| That panteth for a Bride t1080
IM-9-HailMatrimony19; E460| The universal Poultice this
IM-9-HailMatrimony20; E460| To cure whatever is amiss
IM-9-HailMatrimony21; E460| In damsel or in Widow gay
IM-9-HailMatrimony22; E460| It makes them smile it makes them skip
IM-9-HailMatrimony23; E460| Like Birds just cured of the pip
IM-9-HailMatrimony24; E460| They chirp & hop away
IM-9-HailMatrimony25; E460| Then come ye Maidens come ye Swains
IM-9-HailMatrimony26; E460| Come & be eased of all your pains
IM-9-HailMatrimony27; E460| In Matrimony's Golden cage--
IM-9-prose26; E460| I [None of] Go & be hanged said Scopprel how can you
IM-9-prose27; E460| have the face to make game of Matrimony--[What you skipping
IM-9-prose28; E460| flea how dare ye? Ill dash you through your chair says the
IM-9-prose29; E460| Cynic This Quid (cries out Miss Gittipin) always spoils good
IM-9-prose30; E460| company in this manner & its a shame]
IM-9-prose31; E460| Then Quid calld upon Obtuse Angle for a Song & he wiping his
IM-9-prose32; E460| face & looking on the corner of the cieling Sang
IM-9-ToBeOrNot1; E460| To be or not to be
IM-9-ToBeOrNot2; E460| Of great capacity
IM-9-ToBeOrNot3; E460| Like Sir Isaac Newton
IM-9-ToBeOrNot4; E460| Or Locke or Doctor South
IM-9-ToBeOrNot5; E460| Or Sherlock upon death
IM-9-ToBeOrNot6; E460| Id rather be Sutton
IM-9-ToBeOrNot7; E461| For he did build a house
IM-9-ToBeOrNot8; E461| For aged men & youth
IM-9-ToBeOrNot9; E461| With walls of brick & stone
IM-9-ToBeOrNot10; E461| He furnishd it within
IM-9-ToBeOrNot11; E461| With whatever he could win
IM-9-ToBeOrNot12; E461| And all his own
IM-9-ToBeOrNot13; E461| He drew out of the Stocks
IM-9-ToBeOrNot14; E461| His money in a box
IM-9-ToBeOrNot15; E461| And sent his servant
IM-9-ToBeOrNot16; E461| To Green the Bricklayer
IM-9-ToBeOrNot17; E461| And to the Carpenter
IM-9-ToBeOrNot18; E461| He was so fervent
IM-9-ToBeOrNot19; E461| The chimneys were three score t1081
IM-9-ToBeOrNot20; E461| The windows many more
IM-9-ToBeOrNot21; E461| And for convenience
IM-9-ToBeOrNot22; E461| He sinks & gutters made
IM-9-ToBeOrNot23; E461| And all the way he pavd
IM-9-ToBeOrNot24; E461| To hinder pestilence
IM-9-ToBeOrNot25; E461| Was not this a good man
IM-9-ToBeOrNot26; E461| Whose life was but a span
IM-9-ToBeOrNot27; E461| Whose name was Sutton
ED-IM-9; E461| [An Island in the Moon] PAGE 13
IM-9-ToBeOrNot28; E461| As Locke or Doctor South
IM-9-ToBeOrNot29; E461| Or Sherlock upon Death
IM-9-ToBeOrNot30; E461| Or Sir Isaac Newton
IM-9-prose33; E461| The Lawgiver was very attentive & begd to have it sung over
IM-9-prose34; E461| again & again till the company were tired & insisted on the
IM-9-prose35; E461| Lawgiver singing song himself which he readily complied with
IM-9-ThisCity1; E461| This city & this country has brought forth many mayors
IM-9-ThisCity2; E461| To sit in state & give forth laws out of their old oak chairs
IM-9-ThisCity3; E461| With face as brown as any nut with drinking of strong ale
IM-9-ThisCity4; E461| Good English hospitality O then it did not fail
IM-9-ThisCity5; E461| With scarlet gowns & broad gold lace would make a yeoman sweat
IM-9-ThisCity6; E461| With stockings rolld above their knees & shoes as black as jet t1082
IM-9-ThisCity7; E461| With eating beef & drinking beer O they were stout & hale
IM-9-ThisCity8; E461| Good English hospitality O then it did not fail
IM-9-ThisCity9; E461| Thus sitting at the table wide the Mayor & Aldermen
IM-9-ThisCity10; E461| Were fit to give law to the city each eat as much as ten
IM-9-ThisCity11; E461| The hungry poor enterd the hall to eat good beef & ale
IM-9-ThisCity12; E461| Good English hospitality O then it did not fail
IM-9-prose36; E461| Here they gave a shout & the company broke up
IM-10-prose1; E462| Thus these happy Islanders spent their time but felicity does
IM-10-prose2; E462| not last long, for being met at the house of Inflammable Gass the
IM-10-prose3; E462| windfinder, the following affairs happend.
IM-10-prose4; E462| Come Flammable said Gibble Gabble & lets enjoy ourselves bring
IM-10-prose5; E462| the Puppets. Hay Hay, said he, you sho, why ya ya, how can you
IM-10-prose6; E462| be so foolish.--Ha Ha Ha she calls the experiments puppets Then
IM-10-prose7; E462| he went up stairs & loaded the maid, with glasses, & brass tubes,
IM-10-prose8; E462| & magic pictures
IM-10-prose9; E462| Here ladies & gentlemen said he Ill shew you a louse
IM-10-prose10; E462| [climing] or a flea or a butterfly or a cock chafer the
IM-10-prose11; E462| blade bone of a tittle back, no no heres a bottle of wind that I
IM-10-prose12; E462| took up in the bog house. o dear o dear the waters got into
IM-10-prose13; E462| the sliders. look here Gibble Gabble--lend me your handkerchief,
IM-10-prose14; E462| Tilly Lally Tilly Lally took out his handkerchief which smeard
IM-10-prose15; E462| the glass worse than ever. then he screwd it on then he took the
IM-10-prose16; E462| sliders & then he set up the glasses for the Ladies to view the
IM-10-prose17; E462| pictures thus he was employd & quite out of breath
IM-10-prose18; E462| While Tilly Laily & Scopprell were pumping at the air pump
IM-10-prose19; E462| Smack went the glass--. Hang said Tilly Lally. Inflammable Gass
IM-10-prose20; E462| turnd short round & threw down the table & Glasses & Pictures, &
IM-10-prose21; E462| broke the bottles of wind & let out the Pestilence He saw the
IM-10-prose22; E462| Pestilence fly out of the bottle & cried out [[An Island in the Moon] P 1] while he ran
IM-10-prose23; E462| out of the room. [Go] come out come out [you
IM-10-prose24; E462| ar] we are putrified, we are corrupted. our lungs are
IM-10-prose25; E462| destroyd with the Flogiston this will spread a plague all thro'
IM-10-prose26; E462| the Island he was down stairs the very first on the back of
IM-10-prose27; E462| him came all the others in a heap
IM-10-prose28; E462| So they need not bidding go
IM-11-prose1; E462| Another merry meeting at the house of Steelyard the Lawgiver
IM-11-prose2; E462| After Supper Steelyard & Obtuse Angle. had pumpd Inflammable
IM-11-prose3; E462| Gass quite dry. they playd at forfeits & tryd every method to get
IM-11-prose4; E462| good song then he sung humour. said Miss Gittipin pray
IM-11-prose5; E462| Mr Obtuse Angle sing us a song then he sung
IM-11-HolyThursday1; E462| Upon a holy thursday their innocent faces clean
IM-11-HolyThursday2; E462| The children walking two & two in grey & blue & green
IM-11-HolyThursday3; E462| Grey headed beadles walkd before with wands as white as snow
IM-11-HolyThursday4; E462| Till into the high dome of Pauls they like thames waters flow
IM-11-HolyThursday5; E462| O what a multitude they seemd, these flowers of London town
IM-11-HolyThursday6; E462| Seated in companies they sit with radiance all their own
IM-11-HolyThursday7; E462| The hum of multitudes were there but multitudes of lambs
IM-11-HolyThursday8; E462| Thousands of little girls & boys raising their innocent hands t1083
IM-11-HolyThursday9; E463| Then like a mighty wind they raise to heavn the voice of song t1084
IM-11-HolyThursday10; E463| Or like harmonious thunderings the seats of heavn among
IM-11-HolyThursday11; E463| Beneath them sit the revrend men the guardians of the poor
IM-11-HolyThursday12; E463| Then cherish pity lest you drive an angel from your door
IM-11-prose6; E463| After this they all sat silent for a quarter of an hour [&
IM-11-prose7; E463| Mrs Sigtagatist] <& Mrs Nannicantipot> said it puts me
IM-11-prose8; E463| in Mind of my [grand] mothers song
IM-11-[NursesSong]1; E463| When the tongues of children are heard on the green t1085
IM-11-[NursesSong]2; E463| And laughing is heard on the hill t1086
IM-11-[NursesSong]3; E463| My heart is at rest within my breast
IM-11-[NursesSong]4; E463| And every thing else is still
IM-11-[NursesSong]5; E463| Then come home my children the sun is gone down t1087
IM-11-[NursesSong]6; E463| And the dews of night arise
IM-11-[NursesSong]7; E463| Come Come leave off play & let us away
IM-11-[NursesSong]8; E463| Till the morning appears in the skies
IM-11; E463| [An Island in the Moon] PAGE 15
IM-11-[NursesSong]9; E463| No No let us play for it is yet day
IM-11-[NursesSong]10; E463| And we cannot go to sleep t1088
IM-11-[NursesSong]11; E463| Besides in the Sky the little birds fly t1089
IM-11-[NursesSong]12; E463| And the meadows are coverd with Sheep
IM-11-[NursesSong]13; E463| Well Well go & play till the light fades away
IM-11-[NursesSong]14; E463| And then go home to bed
IM-11-[NursesSong]15; E463| The little ones leaped & shouted & laughd
IM-11-[NursesSong]16; E463| And all the hills ecchoed
IM-11-prose9; E463| Then [Miss Gittipin] [Tilly Lally sung]
IM-11-prose10; E463| [Quid] sung <Quid>
IM-11-[LittleBoyLost]1; E463| O father father where are you going t1090
IM-11-[LittleBoyLost]2; E463| O do not walk so fast
IM-11-[LittleBoyLost]3; E463| O speak father speak to your little boy
IM-11-[LittleBoyLost]4; E463| Or else I shall be lost
IM-11-[LittleBoyLost]5; E463| The night it was dark & no father was there
IM-11-[LittleBoyLost]6; E463| And the child was wet with dew
IM-11-[LittleBoyLost]7; E463| The mire was deep & the child did weep
IM-11-[LittleBoyLost]8; E463| And away the vapour flew
IM-11-prose11; E463| Here nobody could sing any longer, till Tilly Lally pluckd up a
IM-11-prose12; E463| spirit & he sung.
IM-11-OIsayYou1; E463| O I say you Joe
IM-11-OIsayYou2; E463| Throw us the ball
IM-11-OIsayYou3; E463| Ive a good mind to go
IM-11-OIsayYou4; E463| And leave you all
IM-11-OIsayYou5; E464| I never saw saw such a bowler
IM-11-OIsayYou6; E464| To bowl the ball in a tansey t1091
IM-11-OIsayYou7; E464| And to clean it with my handkercher
IM-11-OIsayYou8; E464| Without saying a word
IM-11-OIsayYou9; E464| That Bills a foolish fellow
IM-11-OIsayYou10; E464| He has given me a black eye t1092
IM-11-OIsayYou11; E464| He does not know how to handle a bat
IM-11-OIsayYou12; E464| Any more than a dog or a cat t1093
IM-11-OIsayYou13; E464| He has knockd down the wicket
IM-11-OIsayYou14; E464| And broke the stumps
IM-11-OIsayYou15; E464| And runs without shoes to save his pumps
IM-11-prose13; E464| Here a laugh began and Miss Gittipin sung
IM-11-LeaveOLeave1; E464| Leave O leave [me] to my sorrows t1094
IM-11-LeaveOLeave2; E464| Here Ill sit & fade away
IM-11-LeaveOLeave3; E464| Till Im nothing but a spirit
IM-11-LeaveOLeave4; E464| And I lose this form of clay
ED-IM-11; E464| [An Island in the Moon] PAGE 16
IM-11-LeaveOLeave5; E464| Then if chance along this forest
IM-11-LeaveOLeave6; E464| Any walk in pathless ways
IM-11-LeaveOLeave7; E464| Thro the gloom he'll see my shadow
IM-11-LeaveOLeave8; E464| Hear my voice upon the Breeze
IM-11-prose14; E464| The Lawgiver all the while sat delighted to see them in such a
IM-11-prose15; E464| serious humour Mr Scopprell said he you must be acquainted with a
IM-11-prose16; E464| great many songs. O dear sir Ho Ho Ho I am no singer I must beg
IM-11-prose17; E464| of one of these tender hearted ladies to sing for me--they all
IM-11-prose18; E464| declined & he was forced to sing himself
IM-11-TheresDrClash1; E464| Theres Doctor Clash
IM-11-TheresDrClash2; E464| And Signior Falalasole
IM-11-TheresDrClash3; E464| O they sweep in the cash t1095
IM-11-TheresDrClash4; E464| Into their purse hole
IM-11-TheresDrClash5; E464| Fa me la sol La me fa sol t1096
IM-11-TheresDrClash6; E464| Great A little A
IM-11-TheresDrClash7; E464| Bouncing B
IM-11-TheresDrClash8; E464| Play away Play away
IM-11-TheresDrClash9; E464| Your out of the key
IM-11-TheresDrClash10; E464| Fa me la sol La me fa sol
IM-11-TheresDrClash11; E464| Musicians should have
IM-11-TheresDrClash12; E464| A pair of very good ears
IM-11-TheresDrClash13; E464| And Long fingers & thumbs
IM-11-TheresDrClash14; E464| And not like clumsy bears
IM-11-TheresDrClash15; E464| Fa me la sol La me fa sol
IM-11-TheresDrClash16; E465| Gentlemen Gentlemen
IM-11-TheresDrClash17; E465| Rap Rap Rap
IM-11-TheresDrClash18; E465| Fiddle Fiddle Fiddle
IM-11-TheresDrClash19; E465| Clap Clap Clap
IM-11-TheresDrClash20; E465| Fa me la sol La me fa sol
IM-11-prose19; E465| Hm said the Lawgiver, funny enough lets have handels
IM-11-prose20; E465| waterpiece then Sipsop sung
IM-11-ACrownedKing1; E465| A crowned king,
IM-11-ACrownedKing2; E465| On a white horse sitting
IM-11-ACrownedKing3; E465| With his trumpets sounding
IM-11-ACrownedKing4; E465| And Banners flying
IM-11-ACrownedKing5; E465| Thro the clouds of smoke he makes his way
IM-11-ACrownedKing6; E465| And the shout of his thousands fills his heart with rejoicing & victory
IM-11-ACrownedKing7; E465| And the shout of his thousands fills his heart with rejoicing & victory
IM-11-ACrownedKing8; E465| Victory Victory--twas William the prince of Orange
ED; E465| [Here a leaf or more is missing]
ED-IM; E465| [An Island in the Moon] PAGE X
IM-end-prose1; E465| them Illuminating the Manuscript--Ay said she that would be
IM-end-prose2; E465| excellent. Then said he I would have all the writing Engraved
IM-end-prose3; E465| instead of Printed & at every other leaf a high finishd print all
IM-end-prose4; E465| in three Volumes folio, & sell them a hundred pounds a piece.
IM-end-prose5; E465| they would Print off two thousand then said she whoever will
IM-end-prose6; E465| not have them will be ignorant fools & will not deserve to live
IM-end-prose7; E465| Dont you think I have something of the Goats face says he. Very
IM-end-prose8; E465| like a Goats face--she answerd--I think your face said he is like
IM-end-prose9; E465| that noble beast the Tyger--Oh I was at Mrs Sicknakens & I was
IM-end-prose10; E465| speaking of my abilities but their nasty hearts poor devils are
IM-end-prose11; E465| eat up with envy--they envy me my abilities & all the Women envy
IM-end-prose12; E465| your abilities my dear they hate people who are of higher
IM-end-prose13; E465| abil[it]ies than their nasty filthy [Souls] Selves but
IM-end-prose14; E465| do you outface them & then Strangers will see you have an
IM-end-prose15; E465| opinion--now I think we should do as much good as we can when we
IM-end-prose16; E465| are at Mr Femality's do yo[u] snap & take me up--and I will fall
IM-end-prose17; E465| into such a passion Ill hollow and stamp & frighten all the
IM-end-prose18; E465| People there & show them what truth is--at this Instant Obtuse
IM-end-prose19; E465| Angle came in Oh I am glad you are come said quid