HomeED; E567| [First Prospectus]Home
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| THE FRESCO PICTURE,
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| Representing Chaucer's Characters painted by
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| WILLIAM BLAKE,
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| As it is now submitted to the Public,
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| The Designer proposes to Engrave, in a correct and finished
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| Line manner of Engraving, similar to those original Copper Plates
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| of Albert Durer, Lucas, Hisben, Aldegrave and the old original
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| Engravers, who were great Masters in Painting and Designing,
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| whose method, alone, can delineate Character as it is in this
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| Picture, where all the Lineaments are distinct.
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| It is hoped that the Painter will be allowed by the Public
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| (notwithstanding artfully dissemminated insinuations to the
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| contrary) to be better able than any other to keep his own
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| Characters and Expressions; having had sufficient evidence in the
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| Works of our own Hogarth, that no other Artist can reach the
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| original Spirit so well as the Painter himself, especially as Mr.
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| B. is an old well-known and acknowledged Engraver.
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| The size of the Engraving will be 3-feet 1-inch long, by
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| 1-foot high.--The Artist engages to deliver it, finished, in One
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| Year from September next.--No Work of Art, can take longer than a
ChaucerPro[1st]; E567| Year: it
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| may be worked backwards and forwards without end, and last a
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| Man's whole Life; but he will, at length, only be forced to bring
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| it back to what it was, and it will be worse than it was at the
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| end of the first Twelve Months. The Value of this Artist's Year
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| is the Criterion of Society: and as it is valued, so does Society
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| flourish or decay.
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| The Price to Subscribers--Four Guineas, Two to be paid at
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| the time of Subscribing, the other Two, on delivery of the Print.
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| Subscriptions received at No. 28, Corner of Broad-street,
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| Golden Square; where the Picture is now Exhibiting, among other
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| Works, by the same Artist.
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| The Price will be considerably raised to Non-subscribers.
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| May 15th, 1809.
ChaucerPro[1st]; E568| Printed by Watts & Bridgewater, Southmolton-Street.
ED; E568| [Second Prospectus, Composite Draft] t1455
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| BLAKE'S CHAUCER
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| An Original Engraving by [William Blake] <him> from
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| his Fresco Painting of [Chaucers Canterbury Pilgrims]
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| [Mr B having from early Youth cultivated the two Arts
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Painting & Engraving & during a Period of Forty Years never
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| suspended his Labours on Copper for a single Day Submits with
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Confidence to Public Patronage & requests the attention of the
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Amateur in a Large Stroke Engraving] 3 feet 1 inch long
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| by one foot high <Price Three Guineas>
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| [Containing Thirty original high finishd whole Length,
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Portraits on Horseback Of Chaucers Characters, where every
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Character & every Expression, every Lineament of Head Hand &
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Foot. every particular of Dress or Costume. where every Horse is
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| appropriate to his Rider & the Scene or Landscape with its
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Villages Cottages Churches & the Inn in Southwark is minutely
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| labourd not by the hands of Journeymen but by the Original Artist
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| himself even to the Stuffs & Embroidery of the Garments. the hair
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| upon the Horses the Leaves upon the Trees. & the Stones & Gravel
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| upon the road; the Great Strength of Colouring & depth of work
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| peculiar to Mr B's Prints will be here found accompanied by a
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Precision not to be seen but in the work of an Original
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Artist]
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Sir Jeffery Chaucer & the nine & twenty
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Pilgrims on their journey to Canterbury
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| The time chosen is early morning before Sunrise. when the
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| jolly Company are just quitting the Tabarde Inn. The Knight &.
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Squire with the Squires Yeoman lead the Procession: then the
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| Youthful Abbess her Nun & three Priests. her Greyhounds attend
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E568| her.
ChaucerPro[2nd]quote; E569| "Of small Hounds had she that she fed
ChaucerPro[2nd]quote; E569| With roast flesh milk & wastel bread"
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Next follow the Friar & Monk. then the Tapiser the Pardoner.
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| the Sompnour & the Manciple.
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| After these "Our Host" who occupies the Center of the Cavalcade
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| [(the Fun afterwards exhibited on the road may he seen
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| depicted in his jolly face)] directs them to the Knight
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| [(whose solemn Gallantry no less fixes attention)] as
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| the person who will be likely to commense their Task of each
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| telling a Tale in their order. After the Host, follow, the
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Shipman, the Haberdasher, the Dyer, the Franklin, the Physician
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| the Plowman, the Lawyer, the [Poor] Parson, the
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Merchant, the Wife of Bath the Cook. the Oxford Scholar. Chaucer
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| himself & the Reeve comes as Chaucer has described
ChaucerPro[2nd]quote; E569| "And ever he rode hinderest of the rout"
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| These last are issuing from the Gateway of the Inn the Cook
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| & Wife of Bath are both taking their mornings draught of
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| comfort. Spectators stand at the Gateway of the Inn & are
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| composed of an old man a woman & children
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| <The Inn is yet extant under the name of the Talbot; and
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| the Landlord, Robert Bristow, Esq. of Broxmore near Rumsey, has
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| continued a Board over the Gateway, inscribed, "This is the Inn
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| from which Sir Jeffery Chaucer and his Pilgrims set out for
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Canterbury."
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| St. Thomas's Hospital which is situated near to it, is one
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| of the most amiable features of the Christian Church; it belonged
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| to the Monastery [o]f St. Mary Overies and was dedicated to
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Thomas a Becket. The Pilgrims, if sick or lame, on their journey
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| to and from his Shrine, were received at this House. Even at
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| this day every friendless wretch who wants the succour of it, is
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| considered as a Pilgrim travelling through this Journey of Life.>
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| The Landscape is an Eastward view of the Country from the
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Tabarde Inn in Southwark as it may be supposed to have appeard in
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Chaucers time. interspersed with Cottages & Villages, the first
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| beams of the Sun, are seen above the Horizon. some buildings &
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| spires indicate the situation of the Great City. The Inn is a
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Gothic Building which Thynne in his Glossary says was the Lodging
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| of the Abbot of Hyde by Winchester. On the Inn is inscribed its
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| title & a proper advantage is taken of this circumstance to
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| describe the Subject of the Picture. the Words written in Gothic
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Letters over the Gateway are as follow "The Tabarde Inne by Henry
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Bailly the Lodgynge House for Pilgrims who Journey to Saint
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Thomass Shrine at Canterbury."
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| [The Characters of Chaucers Pilgrims are the Characters
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| that compose all Ages & Nations, as one Age falls another rises.
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| different to Mortal Sight but to Immortals only the same, for we
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| see the same Characters repeated again & again in Animals in
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Vegetables in Minerals & in Men. Nothing new occurs in Identical
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Existence . . Accident ever varies Substance can never suffer
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| change nor decay]
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| <Of Chaucer's Characters as described in his Canterbury
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| Tales, some of the Names are altered by Time, but the Characters
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| themselves for ever remain unaltered [a]nd consequently they are
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| the Physiognomies or L[i]neaments of Universal Human Life beyond
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| which Nature never steps. The Painter has consequently varied
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| the heads and forms of his Personages into all Nature's
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| varieties; the Horses he has varied to accord to their riders,
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| the Costume is correct according to authentic Monuments.
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| Subscriptions received at No. 28, Corner of Broad Street,
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| Golden Square.
ChaucerPro[2nd]; E570| G. Smeeton, Printer, 17, St. Martin's Lane, London.>