TXTYoung; E670| Annotation to Young's Night Thoughts t1496
EDAnnYoung; E670| In his watercolor illumination (NT 199) of Night
EDAnnYoung; E670| the Fifth, lines 735-36 ("But you are learn'd; in Volumes, deep
EDAnnYoung; E670| you sit, / In Wisdom shallow: pompous Ignorance!"), Blake
EDAnnYoung; E670| identifies the pictured volumes of pompous ignorance by the
EDAnnYoung; E670| following titles on their spines:
AnnYoung; E670| PLATO / De / Animae / Immortali/-tate--
AnnYoung; E670| Cicero / De Nat: Deor:
AnnYoung; E670| Plutarchi / Char: Bk:
AnnYoung; E670| Lock / on / human / under