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TXTLavTitle; E583|     Annotations to Lavater's Aphorisms on Man   t1460

TXTLavTitle; E583|        London 1788

TXTLav; E583|        TITLE PAGE

AnnLav-signature; E583|        Willm Blake
EDAnnLavTEXT; E583|        [signed and underlined, beneath the printed "Lavater", the
EDAnnLavTEXT; E583|        two names then being enclosed in an outline of a heart]

TXTLav1;   E583|        PAGE 1

AnnLav1;   E583|        for the reason of these remarks see the last aphorism

EDAnnLav; E583|        [Blake is referring to 643: "If you mean to know yourself,
EDAnnLav; E583|        interline such of these aphorisms as affected you agreeably in
EDAnnLav; E583|        reading, and set a mark to such as left a sense of uneasiness
EDAnnLav; E583|        with you; and then shew your copy to whom you please."
EDAnnLav; E583|        Blake's mark of uneasiness, a large rough X in the margin,
EDAnnLav; E583|        is shown here by an X beside the number of the aphorism. His
EDAnnLav; E583|        underlining of agreeable passages is represented by
EDAnnLav; E583|        italics, and he occasionally supplements the underlining
EDAnnLav; E583|        with a square dagger of emphatic approval, as shown.[<dag>] ]

TXTLav1;   E583|        1. Know, in the first place, that mankind agree in essence, as
TXTLav1;   E583|        they do in their limbs and senses.
TXTLav1;   E583|        2. Mankind differ as much in essence as they do in form, limbs,
TXTLav1;   E583|        and senses-and only so, and not more.

AnnLav1;   E584|        This is true Christian philosophy far above all abstraction
TXTLav1;   E584|        [written beside both aphorisms, with a line under each]

TXTLav3;   E584|        3. As in looking upward each beholder thinks himself the
TXTLav3;   E584|        centre of the sky; so Nature formed her individuals, that each
TXTLav3;   E584|        must see himself the centre of being.
TXTLav3;   E584|        Let me refer here, to a remark on aphorism 533 & another on. 630

TXTLav8;   E584|        8. Who pursues means of enjoyment contradictory,
TXTLav8;   E584|        irreconcilable, and self-destructive, is a fool, or what is
TXTLav8;   E584|        called a sinner-- Sin and destruction of order are the
TXTLav8;   E584|        same.
AnnLav8;   E584|        a golden sentence

TXTLav11; E584|        11. The less you can enjoy, the poorer, the scantier
TXTLav11; E584|        yourself--the more you can enjoy, the richer, the more vigorous.
TXTLav11; E584|        You enjoy with wisdom or with folly, as the gratification of
TXTLav11; E584|        your appetites capacitates or unnerves your powers.
AnnLav11; E584|        [?Doubtful] false for weak is the joy that is never wearied
TXTLav11; E584|        (Written beside the second paragraph)

TXTLav13; E584|        13. Joy and grief decide character. What exalts prosperity?
TXTLav13; E584|        what imbitters grief? what leaves us indifferent? what interests
TXTLav13; E584|        us? As the interest of man, so his God--as his God, so he.

AnnLav13; E584|        All Gold

TXTLav14; E584|        14. What is a man's interest? what constitutes his God,
TXTLav14; E584|        the ultimate of his wishes, his end of existence? Either
TXTLav14; E584|        that which on every occasion he communicates with the most
TXTLav14; E584|        unrestrained cordiality, or hides from every profane eye and ear
TXTLav14; E584|        with mysterious awe; to which he makes every other thing a mere
TXTLav14; E584|        appendix;--the vortex, the centre, the comparative point from
TXTLav14; E584|        which he sets out, on which he fixes, to which he irresistibly
TXTLav14; E584|        returns;--that, at the loss of which you may safely think him
TXTLav14; E584|        inconsolable;--that which he rescues from the gripe of danger
TXTLav14; E584|        with equal anxiety and boldness.
TXTLav14; E584|        The story of the painter and the prince is well known: to
TXTLav14; E584|        get at the best piece in the artist's collection, . . .
TXTLav14; E584|        [All bracketed to this comment:]
AnnLav14; E584|        Pure gold
TXTLav14; E584|        [The story continues, unmarked, and concludes:] . . . of
TXTLav14; E584|        thousands it may be decided what loss, what gain, would affect
TXTLav14; E584|        them most. And suppose we cannot pronounce on others, cannot we
TXTLav14; E584|        determine on ourselves? This the sage of Nazareth meant when he
TXTLav14; E584|        -The object of your love is your God.
AnnLav14; E584|        This should be written in gold letters on our temples

TXTLav16; E584|        16. The greatest of characters, no doubt, was he, who, free
TXTLav16; E584|        of all trifling accidental helps, could see objects through one
TXTLav16; E584|        grand immutable medium, always at hand, and proof against
TXTLav16; E584|        illusion and time, reflected by every object, and invariably
TXTLav16; E584|        traced through all the fluctuation of things.

AnnLav16; E584|        this was Christ

TXTLav20; E584|        20. Distinguish with exactness, in thyself and others,
TXTLav20; E584|        between WISHES and WILL, in the strictest sense.
TXTLav20; E584|        Who has many wishes has generally but little will. Who has
TXTLav20; E584|        energy of will has few diverging wishes. Whose will is bent with
TXTLav20; E584|        energy on ONE, MUST renounce the wishes for MANY things. Who
TXTLav20; E584|        cannot do this is not stamped with the majesty of human nature.
TXTLav20; E584|        The energy of choice, the unison of various powers for one is
TXTLav20; E584|        only WILL, born under the agonies of self-denial and renounced
TXTLav20; E584|        desires.

AnnLav20; E584|        Regeneration

TXTLav21; E584|        X21.Calmness of will is a sign of grandeur. The vulgar, far
TXTLav21; E584|        from hiding their WILL, blab their wishes--a single spark of
TXTLav21; E584|        occasion discharges the child of passions into a thousand
TXTLav21; E584|        crackers of desire.
AnnLav21; E584|        uneasy
AnnLav21; E584|        See 384.

TXTLav23; E585|        23. Who in the same given time can produce more than many
TXTLav23; E585|        others, has VIGOUR; who can produce more and better, has TALENTS;
TXTLav23; E585|        who can produce what none else can, has GENIUS.

TXTLav25; E585|        25. WISHES run over into loquacious impotence, WILL presses on
TXTLav25; E585|        with laconic energy. [Horizontal line in left margin]

TXTLav28; E585|        28. The glad gladdens--who gladdens not is not glad.
TXTLav28; E585|        fatal to others is so to himself--to him, heaven,
TXTLav28; E585|        wisdom, folly, virtue, vice, are equally so--to such an
TXTLav28; E585|        one tell neither good nor bad of yourself.
TXTLav28; E585|        X32. Let the degree of egotism be the measure of
TXTLav28; E585|        confidence.
AnnLav28; E585|        uneasy

TXTLav36; E585|        X36. Who begins with severity, in judging of another, ends
TXTLav36; E585|        commonly with falsehood.
AnnLav36; E585|        false
AnnLav36; E585|        Severity of judgment is a great virtue

TXTLav37; E585|        X37. The smiles that encourage severity of judgment, hide
TXTLav37; E585|        malice and insincerity.
AnnLav37; E585|        false
AnnLav37; E585|        Aphorisms should be universally true
TXTLav39; E585|        X39. Who, without pressing temptation, tells a lie, will,
TXTLav39; E585|        without pressing temptation, act ignobly and meanly.
AnnLav39; E585|        uneasy
AnnLav39; E585|        false
AnnLav39; E585|        a man may lie for his own pleasure. but if any one is hurt
AnnLav39; E585|        by his lying will confess his lie see N 124

TXTLav40; E585|        40. Who, under pressing temptations to lie, adheres to
TXTLav40; E585|        truth, nor to the profane betrays aught of a sacred trust, is
TXTLav40; E585|        near the summit of wisdom and virtue.
AnnLav40; E585|        Excellent

TXTLav43; E585|        43. As the present character of a man, so his past, so
TXTLav43; E585|        his future Who knows intuitively the history of the past, knows
TXTLav43; E585|        his destiny to come.

TXTLav44; E585|        44. YOU can depend on no man, on no friend, but him who can
TXTLav44; E585|        depend on himself. He only who acts consequentially
TXTLav44; E585|        toward himself will act so toward others, and VICE
TXTLav44; E585|        VERSA.
TXTLav44; E585|        Man is for ever the same; the same under every form, in all
TXTLav44; E585|        situations and relations that admit of free and unrestrained
TXTLav44; E585|        exertion. The same regard which you have for yourself, you
TXTLav44; E585|        have for others, for nature, for the invisible NUMEN, which you
TXTLav44; E585|        call God--Who has witnessed one free]and unconstrained act
TXTLav44; E585|        of yours, has witnessed all.

TXTLav54; E585|        X54.Frequent laughing has been long called a sign of a
TXTLav54; E585|        little mind--whilst the scarcer smile of harmless quiet has been
TXTLav54; E585|        complimented as the mark of a noble heart--But to abstain from
TXTLav54; E585|        laughing, and exciting laughter, merely not to offend, or to risk
TXTLav54; E585|        giving offence, or not to debase the inward dignity of character-
TXTLav54; E585|        -is a power unknown to many a vigorous mind.
AnnLav54; E585|        I hate scarce smiles I love laughing

TXTLav59; E585|        59. A sneer is often the sign of heartless malignity.
AnnLav59; E585|        damn Sneerers

TXTLav60; E585|        60.Who courts the intimacy of a professed sneerer, is a
TXTLav60; E585|        professed knave.

TXTLav61; E585|        61. I know not which of these two I should wish to avoid most;
TXTLav61; E585|        the scoffer at virtue and religion, who, with heartless villany,
TXTLav61; E585|        butchers innocence and truth; or the pietist, who crawls,
TXTLav61; E585|        groans, blubbers, and secretly says to gold, thou art m
TXTLav61; E585|        hope! and to his belly, thou art my god !
AnnLav61; E585|        I hate crawlers

TXTLav62; E586|        62. All moral dependence on him, who has been guilty Of
TXTLav62; E586|        ONE act of positive cool villanyagainst an acknowledged,
TXTLav62; E586|        virtuous and noble character, is credulity, imbecility, or
TXTLav62; E586|        insanity.
AnnLav62; E586|        is being like him rather

TXTLav63; E586|        63. The most stormy ebullitions of passion, from
TXTLav63; E586|        blasphemy to murder, are less terrific than one single act of
TXTLav63; E586|        cool villany: a still RABIES is more dangerous than the paroxisms
TXTLav63; E586|        of a fever--Fear the boisterous savage of passion less than the
TXTLav63; E586|        sedate grin of villany.
AnnLav63; E586|        bravo

TXTLav66; E586|        66. Can he love truth who can take a knave to his bosom?
TXTLav66; E586|
AnnLav66; E586|        --No

TXTLav67; E586|        67. There are offences against individuals, to all
TXTLav67; E586|        appearance trifling, which are capital offences against the
TXTLav67; E586|        human race--fly him who can commit them.

TXTLav68; E586|        68. There ought to be a perpetual whisper in the ear of plain
TXTLav68; E586|        honesty--take heed not even to pronounce the name of a knave--he
TXTLav68; E586|        will make the very sound of his name a handle of mischief. And
TXTLav68; E586|        do you think a knave begins mischief to leave off? Know this--
TXTLav68; E586|        whether he overcome or be foiled, he will wrangle on.
AnnLav68; E586|        therefore pronounce him a knave, why should honesty fear a knave

TXTLav69; E586|        69. Humility and love, whatever obscurities may involve
TXTLav69; E586|        religious tenets, constitute the essence of true religion.
TXTLav69; E586|        The humble is formed to adore; the loving to associate with
TXTLav69; E586|        eternal love.
AnnLav69; E586|        Sweet.

TXTLav70; E586|        X70. Have you ever seen a vulgar mind warm or humble? or a
TXTLav70; E586|        proud one that could love?--where pride begins, love ceases--as
TXTLav70; E586|        love, so humility--as both, so the still real power of man.
TXTLav70; E586|
AnnLav70; E586|        <pride may love> (over a deletion)

TXTLav71; E586|        X71. Every thing may be mimicked by hypocrisy, but humility
TXTLav71; E586|        and love united. The humblest star twinkles most in the darkest
TXTLav71; E586|        night--the more rare humility and love united, the more radiant
TXTLav71; E586|        where they meet.
AnnLav71; E586|        all this may be mimicked very well. this Aphorism
AnnLav71; E586|        certainly was an oversight for what are all crawlers but
AnnLav71; E586|        mimickers of humility & love
TXTLav71; E586|        X73.Modesty is silent when it would not be improper to
TXTLav71; E586|        speak: the humble, without being called upon, never recollects to
TXTLav71; E586|        say any thing of himself.
AnnLav71; E586|        uneasy

TXTLav78; E586|        78. The wrath that on conviction subsides into mildness,
TXTLav78; E586|        is the wrath of a generous mind.
TXTLav80; E586|        80. Thousands are hated, whilst none are ever loved, without
TXTLav80; E586|        a real cause. The amiable alone can be loved.

TXTLav81; E586|        81. He who is loved and commands love, when he corrects or is
TXTLav81; E586|        the cause of uneasiness, must be loveliness itself; and

TXTLav82; E586|        82. He who can love him, in the moment of correction, is the
TXTLav82; E586|        most amiable of mortals,

TXTLav83; E586|        83. He, to whom you may tell any thing, may see every thing,
TXTLav83; E586|        and will betray nothing.

TXTLav86; E586|        X86. The freer you feel yourself in the presence of
TXTLav86; E586|        another, the more free is he: who is free makes free
AnnLav86; E586|        rather uneasy

TXTLav92; E586|        X92.Who instantly does the best that can be done, what no
TXTLav92; E586|        other could have done, and what all must acknowledge to be the
TXTLav92; E586|        best, is a genius and a hero at once.
AnnLav92; E586|        uneasy

TXTLav93; E587|        93. The discovery of truth, by slow progressive meditation,
TXTLav93; E587|        is wisdom--Intuition of truth, not preceded by perceptible
TXTLav93; E587|        meditation, is genius

TXTLav94; E587|        94. The degree of genius is determined by its velocity,
TXTLav94; E587|        clearness, depth, simplicity, copiousness, extent of glance (COUP
TXTLav94; E587|        D'OEIL), and instantaneous intuition of the whole at once.
AnnLav94; E587|        copiousness of glance

TXTLav96; E587|        X96. Dread more the blunderer's friendship than the calumniator's
TXTLav96; E587|        enmity.
AnnLav96; E587|        I doubt this

TXTLav97; E587|        X97. He only, who can give durability to his exertions, has
TXTLav97; E587|        genuine power and energy of mind.
AnnLav97; E587|        uneasy
AnnLav97; E587|        Sterling

TXTLav98; E587|        X98. Before thou callest a man hero or genius, investigate
TXTLav98; E587|        whether his exertion has features of indelibility; for all that
TXTLav98; E587|        is celestial, all genius, is the offspring of immortality.
AnnLav98; E587|        uneasy Sterling

TXTLav99; E587|        99. Who despises all that is despicable, is made to he
TXTLav99; E587|        impressed with all that is grand.

TXTLav107; E587|        107.Who takes from you, ought to give in his turn, or he is a
TXTLav107; E587|        thief: I distinguish taking and accepting, robbing and receiving:
TXTLav107; E587|        many give already by the mere wish to give; their still
TXTLav107; E587|        unequivocal wish of improvement and gratitude, whilst it
TXTLav107; E587|        draws from us, opens treasures within us, that might have
TXTLav107; E587|        remained locked up, even to ourselves.
AnnLav107; E587|        Noble & Generous

TXTLav114; E587|        114. Who writes as he speaks, speaks as he writes,
TXTLav114; E587|        looks as he speaks and writes--is honest.

TXTLav115; E587|        115.A habit of sneering marks the egotist, or the fool, or the
TXTLav115; E587|        knave--or all three.
AnnLav115; E587|        --all three

TXTLav121; E587|        X121. Who knows not how to wait with YES, will often be with
TXTLav121; E587|        shame reduced to say No. Letting "I DARE NOT wait upon I WOULD"
TXTLav121; E587|
AnnLav121; E587|        uneasy

TXTLav124; E587|        124. Who has a daring eye, tells downright truths and
TXTLav124; E587|        downright lies.
AnnLav124; E587|        contrary to N 39 but most True

TXTLav141; E587|        X141. Many trifling inattentions, neglects, indiscretions-
TXTLav141; E587|        -are so many unequivocal proofs of dull frigidity, hardness, or
TXTLav141; E587|        extreme egotism.
AnnLav141; E587|        rather uneasy

TXTLav150; E587|        X150. As your enemies and your friends, so are you.
TXTLav150; E587|
AnnLav150; E587|        very uneasy

TXTLav151; E587|        X151. You may depend upon it that he is a good man whose
TXTLav151; E587|        intimate friends are all good, and whose enemies are characters
TXTLav151; E587|        decidedly bad.
AnnLav151; E587|        uneasy
AnnLav151; E587|        I fear I have not many enemies

TXTLav157; E587|        157. Say not you know another entirely, till you have
TXTLav157; E587|        divided an inheritance with him.
AnnLav157; E587|        !!

TXTLav163; E587|        X163. Who, at the pressing solicitation of bold and noble
TXTLav163; E587|        confidence, hesitates one moment before he consents, proves
TXTLav163; E587|        himself at once inexorable.
AnnLav163; E587|        uneasy
AnnLav163; E587|        I do not believe it

TXTLav164; E588|        X164. Who, at the solicitations of cunning, self-interest,
TXTLav164; E588|        silliness, or impudence, hesitates one moment before he refuses,
TXTLav164; E588|        proves himself at once a silly giver.
AnnLav164; E588|        uneasy
TXTLav165; E588|        165. Examine carefully whether a man is fonder of exceptions
TXTLav165; E588|        than of rules; as he makes use of exceptions he is sagacious; as
TXTLav165; E588|        he applies them against the rule he is wrong-headed. I heard in
TXTLav165; E588|        one day a man, who thought himself wise, . . . sophist's
TXTLav165; E588|        character. . . (Vertical line in margin of passage from "rules"
TXTLav165; E588|        to "wise")

TXTLav168; E588|        X168.Whenever a man undergoes a considerable change, in
TXTLav168; E588|        consequence of being observed by others, whenever he assumes
TXTLav168; E588|        another gait, another language, than what he had before he
TXTLav168; E588|        thought himself observed, be advised to guard yourself against
TXTLav168; E588|        him.
AnnLav168; E588|        rather uneasy

TXTLav170; E588|        170. I am prejudiced in favour of him who can solicit
TXTLav170; E588|        boldly, without impudence--he has faith in humanity--hhas
TXTLav170; E588|        faith in himself. No one, who is not accustomed to give grandly,
TXTLav170; E588|        can ask nobly and with boldness.

TXTLav176; E588|        176. As a man's salutation, so the total of his character: in
TXTLav176; E588|        nothing do we lay ourselves so open as in our manner of meeting
TXTLav176; E588|        and salutation.

TXTLav177; E588|        177. Be afraid of him who meets you with friendly aspect,
TXTLav177; E588|        and, in the midst of a flattering salutation, avoids your direct
TXTLav177; E588|        open look

TXTLav185; E588|        185. All finery is a sign of littleness.
AnnLav185; E588|        not always

TXTLav200; E588|        200. The more honesty a man has, the less he affects the
TXTLav200; E588|        air of a saint--the affectation of sanctity is a blotch on the
TXTLav200; E588|        face of piety
AnnLav200; E588|        bravo

TXTLav201; E588|        201. There are more heroes than saints; (heroes I call
TXTLav201; E588|        rulers over the minds and destinies of men); more saints than
TXTLav201; E588|        humane characters, Him, who humanises all that is within and
TXTLav201; E588|        around himself, adore: I know but of one such by
TXTLav201; E588|        tradition.
AnnLav201; E588|        Sweet

TXTLav203; E588|        203. Who seeks those that are greater than himself,
TXTLav203; E588|        their greatness enjoys, and forgets his greatest qualities in
TXTLav203; E588|        their greater ones, is already truly great
AnnLav203; E588|        I hope I do not flatter my self that this is pleasant to me

TXTLav219; E588|        219. <dag>None love without being loved; and none
TXTLav219; E588|        beloved is without loveliness

TXTLav225; E588|        225. The friend of order has made half his way to
TXTLav225; E588|        virtue
TXTLav226; E588|        X226. There is no mortal truly wise and restless at once-
TXTLav226; E588|        -wisdom is the repose of minds.
AnnLav226; E588|        rather uneasy

TXTLav242; E588|        242. The connoisseur in painting discovers an original by
TXTLav242; E588|        some great line, though covered with dust, and disguised by
TXTLav242; E588|        daubing; so he who studies man discovers a valuable character by
TXTLav242; E588|        some original trait, though unnoticed, disguised, or debased-
TXTLav242; E588|        -ravished at the discovery, he feels it his duty to restore it to
TXTLav242; E588|        its own genuine splendour. Him who, in spite of contemptuous
TXTLav242; E588|        pretenders, has the boldness to do this, choose for your
TXTLav242; E588|        friend

TXTLav244; E588|        244. Who writes what he should tell, and dares not tell what he
TXTLav244; E588|        writes, is either like a wolf in sheep's clothing, or like a
TXTLav244; E588|        sheep in a wolfs skin.
AnnLav244; E588|        Some cannot tell what they can write tho they dare

TXTLav248; E589|        248. Know that the great art to love your enemy consists in
TXTLav248; E589|        never losing sight of MAN in him: humanity has power over all
TXTLav248; E589|        that is human; the most inhuman man still remains man, and never
TXTLav248; E589|        CAN throw off all taste for what becomes a man--but you must
TXTLav248; E589|        learn to wait.
AnnLav248; E589|        none can see the man in the enemy if he is ignorantly so,
AnnLav248; E589|        he is not truly an enemy if maliciously not a man
AnnLav248; E589|        I cannot love my enemy for my enemy is not man but beast &
AnnLav248; E589|        devil if I have any. I can love him as a beast & wish to beat him

TXTLav253; E589|        253. Who welcomes the look of the good is good
TXTLav253; E589|        himself

TXTLav254; E589|        254. I know deists, whose religiousness I venerate, and
TXTLav254; E589|        atheists, whose honesty and nobleness of mind I wish for; but I
TXTLav254; E589|        have not yet seen the man who could have tempteme to think
TXTLav254; E589|        him honest who[m] I knew publicly acted the Christian whilst
TXTLav254; E589|        privately he was a positive deist
AnnLav254; E589|        bravo
TXTLav254; E589|        (Whom corrected to who, in accord with Errata
TXTLav254; E589|        list)

TXTLav256; E589|        256. He who laughed at you till he got to your door,
TXTLav256; E589|        flattered you as you opened it--felt the force of your argument
TXTLav256; E589|        whilst he was with you--applauded when he rose, and, after he
TXTLav256; E589|        went away, blasts you--has the most indisputable title
TXTLav256; E589|        to an archdukedom in hell
AnnLav256; E589|        Such a one I can never forgive while he continues such a one

TXTLav261; E589|        X261. Ask not only, am I hated? but, by whom?--am I
TXTLav261; E589|        loved? but why?--as the GOOD love thee, the BAD will
TXTLav261; E589|        hate thee
AnnLav261; E589|        uneasy

TXTLav272; E589|        272. Who can act or perform as if each workor
TXTLav272; E589|        action were the first, the last, and only one in his life, is
TXTLav272; E589|        great [in his sphere.
TXTLav272; E589|        (The last three words deleted by Blake)

TXTLav276; E589|        X276. We can do all by speech and silence. He, who
TXTLav276; E589|        understands the double art of speaking opportunely to the moment,
TXTLav276; E589|        and of saying not a syllable more or less than it demanded--and
TXTLav276; E589|        he who can wrap himself up in silence when every word would be in
TXTLav276; E589|        vain--will understand to connect energy with patience.
AnnLav276; E589|        uneasy

TXTLav278; E589|        278. Let the unhappiness you feel at another's errors,
TXTLav278; E589|        and the happiness you enjoy in their perfections, be the
TXTLav278; E589|        measure of your progress in wisdom and virtue
AnnLav278; E589|        Excellent

TXTLav279; E589|        279. Who becomes every day more sagacious, in observing his
TXTLav279; E589|        own faults, and the perfections of another, without either
TXTLav279; E589|        envying him or despairing of himself, is ready to mount the
TXTLav279; E589|        ladder on which angels ascend and descend.
AnnLav279; E589|        Noble

TXTLav282; E589|        282. The more there is of mind in your solitary
TXTLav282; E589|        employments, the more dignity there is in your character

TXTLav285; E589|        285. He, who can at all times sacrifice pleasure to duty,
TXTLav285; E589|        approaches sublimity
TXTLav285; E589|        (Vertical line in margin; also underlined)

TXTLav287; E589|        287. The most eloquent speaker, the most ingenious writer, and
TXTLav287; E589|        the most accomplished statesman, cannot effect so much as the
TXTLav287; E589|        mere presence of the man [who tempers his wisdom and his
TXTLav287; E589|        vigour with, humanity.]
TXTLav287; E589|        (The last nine words deleted by Blake)
AnnLav287; E589|        unsophisticated

TXTLav289; E590|        289. Between the best and the worst, there are, you say,
TXTLav289; E590|        innumerable degrees--and you are right; but admit that I am right
TXTLav289; E590|        too, in saying that the best and the worst differ only in one
TXTLav289; E590|        thing--<dag> in the object of their love.
AnnLav289; E590|        <dag>would to God that every one would consider this

TXTLav290; E590|        290. What is it you love in him you love? what is it you
TXTLav290; E590|        hate in him you hate? Answer this closely to yourself, pronounce
TXTLav290; E590|        it loudly, and you will know yourself and him.
AnnLav290; E590|        All Gold

TXTLav292; E590|        292. If you see one cold and vehement at the same time, set
TXTLav292; E590|        him down for a fanatic.
AnnLav292; E590|        i.e. hypocrite

TXTLav295; E590|        295. Who can hide magnanimity, stands on the supreme
TXTLav295; E590|        degree of human nature, and is admired by the world of
TXTLav295; E590|        spirits

TXTLav301; E590|        301. He has not a little of the devil in him who prays and
TXTLav301; E590|        bites.
AnnLav301; E590|        there is no other devil, he who bites without praying is
AnnLav301; E590|        only a beast

TXTLav302; E590|        302. He who, when called upon to speak a disagreeable
TXTLav302; E590|        truth, tells it boldly and has done, is both bolder and milder
TXTLav302; E590|        than he who nibbles in a low voice, and never ceases
TXTLav302; E590|        nibbling.
AnnLav302; E590|        damn such

TXTLav305; E590|        305. Be not the fourth friend of him who had three
TXTLav305; E590|        before and lost them.
AnnLav305; E590|        an excellent rule

TXTLav308; E590|        X308. Want of friends argues either want of humility or
TXTLav308; E590|        courage, or both.
AnnLav308; E590|        uneasy

TXTLav309; E590|        309. He who, at a table of forty covers, thirty-nine of
TXTLav309; E590|        which are exquisite, and one indifferent, lays hold of that, and
TXTLav309; E590|        with a "damn your dinner" dashes it in the landlord's face,
TXTLav309; E590|        should be sent to Bethlem or to Bridewell--and whither he, who
TXTLav309; E590|        blasphemes a book, a work of art, or perhaps a man of
TXTLav309; E590|        nine-and-thirty good and but one bad quality, and calls those
TXTLav309; E590|        fools or flatterers who, engrossed by the superior number of good
TXTLav309; E590|        qualities, would fain forget the bad one<?>
TXTLav309; E590|        (Question marked added by Blake)
AnnLav309; E590|        to hell till he behaves better. mark that I do not believe
AnnLav309; E590|        there is such a thing litterally. but hell is the being shut up
AnnLav309; E590|        in the possession of corporeal desires which shortly weary the
AnnLav309; E590|        man for all life is holy

TXTLav328; E590|        328. Keep him at least three paces distant who hates
TXTLav328; E590|        bread, music, and the laugh of a child
AnnLav328; E590|        the best in the book

TXTLav333; E590|        333. Between passion and lie there is not a finger's
TXTLav333; E590|        breadth.
AnnLav333; E590|        Lie, is the contrary to Passion

TXTLav334; E590|        334.. Avoid, like a serpent, him who writes
TXTLav334; E590|        impertinently, yet speaks politely
AnnLav334; E590|        a dog get a stick to him
TXTLav338; E590|        X338. Search carefully if one patiently finishes what he
TXTLav338; E590|        boldly began.
AnnLav338; E590|        uneasy

TXTLav339; E590|        339. Who comes from the kitchen smells of its smoke;
TXTLav339; E590|        who adheres to a sect has something of its cant: the
TXTLav339; E590|        college-air pursues the student, and dry inhumanity him who herds
TXTLav339; E590|        with literary pedants.

TXTLav341; E590|        341. Call him truly religious who believes in something
TXTLav341; E590|        higher, more powerful, more living, than visible nature; and who,
TXTLav341; E590|        clear as his own existence, feels his conformity to that superior
TXTLav341; E590|        being.

TXTLav342; E591|        342. [Superstition] <Hipocrisy> always inspires
TXTLav342; E591|        littleness, religion grandeur of mind: the
TXTLav342; E591|        [superstitious] <hypocrite> raises beings inferior to
TXTLav342; E591|        himself to deities.
AnnLav342; E591|        no man was ever truly superstitious who was not truly
AnnLav342; E591|        religious as far as he knew
AnnLav342; E591|        True superstition is ignorant honesty & this is beloved of
AnnLav342; E591|        god & man
AnnLav342; E591|        I do not allow that there is such a thing as Superstition
AnnLav342; E591|        taken in the strict sense of the word
AnnLav342; E591|        A man must first decieve himself before he is <thus>
AnnLav342; E591|        Superstitious & so he is a hypocrite
AnnLav342; E591|        Hipocrisy. is as distant from superstition. as the wolf from
AnnLav342; E591|        the lamb.

TXTLav343; E591|        343. Who are the saints of humanity? those whom perpetual
TXTLav343; E591|        habits of goodness and of grandeur have made nearly unconscious
TXTLav343; E591|        that what they do is good or grand--<dag> heroes with
TXTLav343; E591|        infantine simplicity
AnnLav343; E591|        <dag>this is heavenly

TXTLav345; E591|        345. The jealous is possessed by a "fine mad devil*" and a
TXTLav345; E591|        dull spirit at once.
TXTLav345; E591|        *Shakspeare.
AnnLav345; E591|        pity the jealous

TXTLav352; E591|        352. He alone has energy that cannot be deprived of
TXTLav352; E591|        it

TXTLav353; E591|        353. Sneers are the blasts that precede quarrels.
AnnLav353; E591|        hate the sneerer

TXTLav354; E591|        354. Who loves will not be adored.
AnnLav354; E591|        false

TXTLav359; E591|        359. No great character cavils.
TXTLav365; E591|        365. He can love who can forget all and nothing.

TXTLav366; E591|        366. The purest religion is the most refined Epicurism. He,
TXTLav366; E591|        who in the smallest given time can enjoy most of what he never
TXTLav366; E591|        shall repent, and what furnisheenjoyments, still more
TXTLav366; E591|        unexhausted, still less changeable--is the most religious and the
TXTLav366; E591|        most voluptuous of men.
AnnLav366; E591|        True Christian philosophy

TXTLav370; E591|        370. The generous, who is always just--and the just, who is
TXTLav370; E591|        always generous--may, unannounced, approach the throne of
TXTLav370; E591|        God.

TXTLav376; E591|        376. Spare the lover without flattering his passion; to make the
TXTLav376; E591|        pangs of love the butt of ridicule, is unwise and harsh--soothing
TXTLav376; E591|        meekness and wisdom subdue in else unconquerable things.
AnnLav376; E591|        and consider that love is life

TXTLav377; E591|        377. There is none so bad to do the twentieth part of the
TXTLav377; E591|        evil he might, nor any so good as to do the tenth part of the
TXTLav377; E591|        good it is in his power to do. Judge of yourself by the good you
TXTLav377; E591|        might do and neglect--and of others by the evil they might do and
TXTLav377; E591|        omit--and your judgment will be poised between too much
TXTLav377; E591|        indulgence for yourself and too much severity on others.
AnnLav377; E591|        Most Excellent

TXTLav380; E591|        380. To him who is simple, and inexhaustible, like
TXTLav380; E591|        nature, simple and inexhausted nature resigns her sway

TXTLav383; E592|        383. How can he be pious who loves not the beautiful, whilst
TXTLav383; E592|        piety is nothing but the love of beauty? Beauty we Call the
TXTLav383; E592|        MOST VARIED ONE, the MOST UNITED VARIETY. Could there be a man
TXTLav383; E592|        who should harmoniously unite each variety of knowledge and of
TXTLav383; E592|        powers--were he not the most beautiful? were he not your
TXTLav383; E592|        god?
AnnLav383; E592|        this is our Lord

TXTLav384; E592|        384. Incredible are his powers who DESIRES nothing that he
TXTLav384; E592|        CANNOT WILL.
AnnLav384; E592|        See 20 & 21

TXTLav385; E592|        X385. The unloved cannot love.
AnnLav385; E592|        doubtful

TXTLav386; E592|        X386. Let the object of love be careful to lose none of its
TXTLav386; E592|        loveliness.

TXTLav389; E592|        X389. We cannot be great, if we calculate how great we and
TXTLav389; E592|        how little others are, and calculate not how great others, how
TXTLav389; E592|        minute, how impotent ourselves.
AnnLav389; E592|        uneasy

TXTLav391; E592|        391. He loves unalterably who keeps within the bounds of
TXTLav391; E592|        love; who always shews somewhat less than what he is
TXTLav391; E592|        possessed of--nor ever utters a syllable, or
TXTLav391; E592|        gives a hint, of more than what in fact remains
TXTLav391; E592|        behind--is just and friendly in the same degree.

TXTLav396; E592|        396. Who kindles love loves warmly.

TXTLav400; E592|        400. There is a manner of forgiving so divine, that you are
TXTLav400; E592|        ready to embrace the offender for having called it forth.
AnnLav400; E592|        this I cannot conceive

TXTLav401; E592|        401. Expect the secret resentment of him whom your
TXTLav401; E592|        forgiveness has impressed with a sense of his inferiority; expect
TXTLav401; E592|        the resentment of the woman whose proffered love you have
TXTLav401; E592|        repulsed; yet surer still expect the unceasing rancour of envy
TXTLav401; E592|        against the progress of genius and merit--renounce the hopes of
TXTLav401; E592|        reconciling him: but know, that whilst you steer on, mindless of
TXTLav401; E592|        his grin, allruling destiny will either change his rage to awe,
TXTLav401; E592|        or blast his powers to their deepest root.
AnnLav401; E592|        If you expect his resentment you do not forgive him
AnnLav401; E592|        now. tho you did once forgiveness of enemies can only
AnnLav401; E592|        come upon their repentance

TXTLav407; E592|        407. Whatever is visible is the vessel or veil of the
TXTLav407; E592|        invisible past, present, future--as man penetrates to this more,
TXTLav407; E592|        or perceives it less, he raises or depresses his dignity of
TXTLav407; E592|        being.
AnnLav407; E592|        A vision of the Eternal Now--

TXTLav408; E592|        408. Let none turn over books, or roam the stars in
TXTLav408; E592|        quest of God, who sees him not in man

TXTLav409; E592|        409. He alone is good, who, though possessed of energy, prefers
TXTLav409; E592|        virtue, with the appearance of weakness, to the invitation of
TXTLav409; E592|        acting brilliantly ill
AnnLav409; E592|        Noble But Mark Active Evil is better than Passive Good.

TXTLav410; E592|        X410. Clearness, rapidity, comprehension of look, glance
TXTLav410; E592|        (what the French call 'COUP D'OEIL'), is the greatest, simplest,
TXTLav410; E592|        most inexhausted gift a mortal can receive from heaven: who has
TXTLav410; E592|        that has all; and who has it not has little of what constitutes
TXTLav410; E592|        the good and great.
AnnLav410; E592|        uneasy
AnnLav410; E592|        doubtful

TXTLav413; E592|        413. As the presentiment of the possible, deemed
TXTLav413; E592|        impossible, so genius, so heroism--every genius, every hero,
TXTLav413; E592|        is a prophet

TXTLav414; E592|        X414. He who goes one step beyond his real faith, or
TXTLav414; E592|        presentiment, is in danger of deceiving himself and others.
AnnLav414; E592|        uneasy

TXTLav416; E593|        416 He, who to obtain much will suffer little or nothing,
TXTLav416; E593|        can never be called great; and none ever little, who, to obtain
TXTLav416; E593|        one great object, will suffer much.
AnnLav416; E593|        the man who does this is a Sectary therefore not great

TXTLav419; E593|        419. You beg as you question.; you give as you
TXTLav419; E593|        answer
AnnLav419; E593|        Excellent

TXTLav424; E593|        424. Love sees what no eye sees; love hears what no ear
TXTLav424; E593|        hears; and what never rose in the heart of man love prepares for
TXTLav424; E593|        itobject.
AnnLav424; E593|        Most Excellent

TXTLav426; E593|        426. Him, who arrays malignity in good nature and treachery
TXTLav426; E593|        in familiarity, a miracle of Omnipotence alone can make an honest
TXTLav426; E593|        man.
AnnLav426; E593|        no Omnipotence can act against order

TXTLav427; E593|        427. He, who sets fire to one part of a town to rob more
TXTLav427; E593|        safely in another, is, no doubt, a villain: what will you call
TXTLav427; E593|        him, who, to avert suspicion from himself, accuses the innocent
TXTLav427; E593|        of a crime he knows himself guilty of, and means to commit
TXTLav427; E593|        again?
AnnLav427; E593|        damn him

TXTLav432; E593|        432. The richer you are, the more calmly you bear the
TXTLav432; E593|        reproach of poverty: the more genius you have, the more
TXTLav432; E593|        easily you bear the imputation of mediocrity
TXTLav432; E593|        435. There is no instance of a miser becoming a prodigal without
TXTLav432; E593|        losing his intellect; but there are thousands of prodigals
TXTLav432; E593|        becoming misers; if, therefore, your turn be profuse, nothing
TXTLav432; E593|        is so much to be avoided as avariceand, if you be a miser,
TXTLav432; E593|        procure a physician who can cure an irremediable disorder.
AnnLav432; E593|        Excellent

TXTLav437; E593|        437. Avarice has sometimes been the flaw of great men, but
TXTLav437; E593|        never of great minds; great men produce effects that cannot be
TXTLav437; E593|        produced by a thousand of the vulgar; but great minds are stamped
TXTLav437; E593|        with expanded benevolence, unattainable by most.

TXTLav440; E593|        X440. He is much greater and more authentic, who produces
TXTLav440; E593|        one thing entire and perfect, than he who does many by
TXTLav440; E593|        halves.
AnnLav440; E593|        uneasy

TXTLav444; E593|        X444. Say what you please of your humanity, no wise man
TXTLav444; E593|        will ever believe a syllable while I and MINE are the two only
TXTLav444; E593|        gates at which you sally forth and enter, and through which alone
TXTLav444; E593|        all must pass who seek admittance.
AnnLav444; E593|        uneasy

TXTLav447; E593|        447. Who hides love, to bless with unmixed happiness, is
TXTLav447; E593|        great, like the king of heaven.
AnnLav447; E593|        I do not understand this or else I do not agree to it I know
AnnLav447; E593|        not what hiding love means

TXTLav449; E593|        X449. Trust not him with your secrets, who, when left alone
TXTLav449; E593|        in your room, turns over your papers.
AnnLav449; E593|        uneasy yet I hope I should not do it

TXTLav450; E593|        450. A woman whose ruling passion is not vanity, is
TXTLav450; E593|        superior to any man of equal faculties
AnnLav450; E593|        Such a woman I adore

TXTLav451; E593|        451. He who has but one way of seeing every thing is as
TXTLav451; E593|        important for him who studies man as fatal to friendship.
AnnLav451; E593|        this I do not understand

TXTLav452; E594|        452. Who has written will write again, says the Frenchman;
TXTLav452; E594|        [he who has written against you will write against you
TXTLav452; E594|        again]: he who has begun certain things is under the
TXTLav452; E594|        [curse] <blessing> of leaving off no more.
TXTLav452; E594|        (Text altered by Blake)

TXTLav460; E594|        X460. Nothing is more impartial than the stream-like
TXTLav460; E594|        public; always the same and never the same; of whom, sooner or
TXTLav460; E594|        later, each misrepresented character obtains justice, and each
TXTLav460; E594|        calumniated, honour: he who cannot wait for that, is either
TXTLav460; E594|        ignorant of human nature, or feels that he was not made for
TXTLav460; E594|        honour.
AnnLav460; E594|        uneasy

TXTLav462; E594|        462. The obstinacy of the indolent and weak is less
TXTLav462; E594|        conquerable than that of the fiery and bold

TXTLav463; E594|        463. Who, with calm wisdom alone, imperceptibly directs the
TXTLav463; E594|        obstinacy of others, will be the most eligible friend or the most
TXTLav463; E594|        dreadful enemy.
AnnLav463; E594|        this must be a grand fellow

TXTLav465; E594|        X465. He is condemned to depend on no man's modesty and
TXTLav465; E594|        honour who dares not depend on his own.
AnnLav465; E594|        uneasy

TXTLav477; E594|        477. The frigid smiler, crawling, indiscreet, obtrusive,
TXTLav477; E594|        brazen-faced, is a scorpion-whip of destiny-avoid him!
AnnLav477; E594|        & never forgive him till he mends

TXTLav486; E594|        X486. Distrust your heart and the durability of your fame,
TXTLav486; E594|        if from the stream of occasion you snatch a handful of foam; deny
TXTLav486; E594|        the stream, and give its name to the frothy bursting
TXTLav486; E594|        bubble.
AnnLav486; E594|        Uneasy
AnnLav486; E594|        this I lament that I have done

TXTLav487; E594|        487. If you ask me which is the real hereditary sin of
TXTLav487; E594|        human nature, do you imagine I shall answer pride? or luxury? or
TXTLav487; E594|        ambition? or egotism? no; I shall say indolence--who conquers
TXTLav487; E594|        indolence will conquer all the rest.
AnnLav487; E594|        Pride fullness of bread & abundance of Idleness was
AnnLav487; E594|        the sin of Sodom. See Ezekiel Ch xvi. 49 ver

TXTLav489; E594|        489. An entirely honest man, in the severe sense of the
TXTLav489; E594|        word, exists no more than an entirely dishonest knave: the best
TXTLav489; E594|        and the worst are only approximations of those qualities. Who
TXTLav489; E594|        are those that never contradict themselves? yet honesty never
TXTLav489; E594|        contradicts itself: who are those that always contradict
TXTLav489; E594|        themselves? yet knavery is mere self-contradiction. Thus the
TXTLav489; E594|        knowledge of man determines not the things themselves, but their
TXTLav489; E594|        proportions, the quantum of congruities and incongruities.
AnnLav489; E594|        Man is a twofold being. one part capable of evil & the other
AnnLav489; E594|        capable of good that which is capable of good is not also
AnnLav489; E594|        capable of evil. but that which is capable of evil is also
AnnLav489; E594|        capable of good. this aphorism seems to consider man as simple &
AnnLav489; E594|        yet capable of evil. now both evil & good cannot exist in a
AnnLav489; E594|        simple being. for thus 2 contraries would. spring from one
AnnLav489; E594|        essence which is impossible. but if man is considerd as only
AnnLav489; E594|        evil. & god only good. how then is regeneration effected which
AnnLav489; E594|        turns the evil to good. by casting out the evil. by the good.
AnnLav489; E594|        See Matthew XII. Ch. 26. 27. 28. 29 vs

TXTLav496; E594|        496. Sense seeks and finds the thought; the thought seeks
TXTLav496; E594|        and finds genius.
AnnLav496; E594|        & vice. versa. genius finds thought without seekg & thought
AnnLav496; E594|        thus, producd finds sense

TXTLav506; E595|        506. The poet, who composes not before the moment of
TXTLav506; E595|        inspiration, and as that leaves him ceases--composes, and he
TXTLav506; E595|        alone, for all men, all classes, all ages
AnnLav506; E595|        Most Excellent

TXTLav507; E595|        507.He, who has frequent moments of complete existence,
TXTLav507; E595|        is a hero, though not laurelled, is crowned, and without crowns,
TXTLav507; E595|        a king: he only who has enjoyed immortal moments can reproduce
TXTLav507; E595|        them
AnnLav507; E595|        O that men would seek immortal moments O that men would
AnnLav507; E595|        converse with God

TXTLav508; E595|        508. The greater that which you can HIDE, THE GREATER
TXTLav508; E595|        YOURSELF (The last words triply underlined by Blake)
AnnLav508; E595|        Pleasant

TXTLav514; E595|        X514. He, who cannot forgive <a> trespass of malice to his
TXTLav514; E595|        enemy, has never yet tasted the most sublime enjoyment of
TXTLav514; E595|        love.
AnnLav514; E595|        uneasy this I know not

TXTLav518; E595|        X518. You may have hot enemies without having a warm
TXTLav518; E595|        friend; but not a fervid friend without a bitter enemy. The
TXTLav518; E595|        qualities of your friends will be those of your enemies: cold
TXTLav518; E595|        friends, cold enemies--half friends, half enemies--fervid
TXTLav518; E595|        enemies, warm friends.
AnnLav518; E595|        very Uneasy indeed but truth

TXTLav521; E595|        521.He, who reforms himself, has done more toward
TXTLav521; E595|        reforming the public than a crowd of noisy, impotent
TXTLav521; E595|        patriots
AnnLav521; E595|        Excellent

TXTLav523; E595|        523. He will do great things who can avert his words and
TXTLav523; E595|        thoughts from past irremediable evils.
AnnLav523; E595|        .not if evils are past sins. for these a man should never
AnnLav523; E595|        avert his thoughts from

TXTLav526; E595|        X526. He, who is ever intent on great ends, has an
TXTLav526; E595|        eagle-eye for great means, and scorns not the smallest.
AnnLav526; E595|        Great ends never look at means but produce them
AnnLav526; E595|        spontaneously

TXTLav532; E595|        532. Take from LUTHER his roughness and fiery courage;
TXTLav532; E595|        from CALVIN his hectic obstinacy; from ERASMUS his timid
TXTLav532; E595|        prudence; hypocrisy and fanaticism from CROMWELL; from HENRY IV,
TXTLav532; E595|        his sanguine character; mysticism from FENELON; from HUME his
TXTLav532; E595|        all-unhinging wit; love of paradox and brooding suspicion from
TXTLav532; E595|        ROUSSEAU; naivete and elegance of knavery from VOLTAIRE; from
TXTLav532; E595|        MILTON the extravagance of his all-personifying fancy; from
TXTLav532; E595|        RAFFAELLE his dryness and nearly hard precision; and from RUBENS
TXTLav532; E595|        his supernatural luxury of colours:--deduct this oppressive
TXTLav532; E595|        EXUBERANCE from each; rectify them according to your own
TXTLav532; E595|        taste--what will be the result? your own correct, pretty, flat,
TXTLav532; E595|        useful--for me, to be sure, quite convenient vulgarity. And why
TXTLav532; E595|        this amongst maxims of humanity? that you may learn to know this
TXTLav532; E595|        EXUBERANCE, this LEVEN, of each great character, and its effects
TXTLav532; E595|        on contemporaries and posterity--that you may know where d, e, f,
TXTLav532; E595|        is, there must be a, b, c: he alone has knowledge of man, who
TXTLav532; E595|        knows the ferment that raises each character, and makes it that
TXTLav532; E595|        which it shall be, and something more or less than it shall
TXTLav532; E595|        be.
AnnLav532; E595|        Deduct from a rose its redness. from a lilly its whiteness
AnnLav532; E595|        from a diamond its hardness from a spunge its softness from an
AnnLav532; E595|        oak its heighth from a daisy its lowness & [chaos]
AnnLav532; E595|        rectify every thing in Nature as the Philosophers do. & then we
AnnLav532; E595|        shall return to Chaos & God will be compelld to be Excentric if he
AnnLav532; E595|        Creates O happy Philosopher
AnnLav532; E595|        Variety does not necessarily suppose deformity, for a rose
AnnLav532; E595|        &a lilly. are various. & both beautiful
AnnLav532; E595|        Beauty is exuberant but not of ugliness but of beauty & if
AnnLav532; E595|        ugliness is adjoined

AnnLav532; E596|        to beauty it is not the exuberance of beauty. so if Rafael is
AnnLav532; E596|        hard & dry it is not his genius but an accident acquired for how
AnnLav532; E596|        can Substance & Accident be predicated of the same Essence! I
AnnLav532; E596|        cannot concieve
AnnLav532; E596|        But the substance gives tincture to the accident & makes it
AnnLav532; E596|        physiognomic
AnnLav532; E596|        Aphorism 47. speaks of the heterogeneous, which all
AnnLav532; E596|        extravagance is. but exuberance not.
TXTLav532; E596|        (47: Man has an inward sense of consequence--of all that
TXTLav532; E596|        is pertinent. This sense is the essence of humanity: this,
TXTLav532; E596|        developed and determined, characterises him--this, displayed, is
TXTLav532; E596|        his education. The more strict you are in observing what is
TXTLav532; E596|        pertinent and impertinent, (or heterogeneous) in character,
TXTLav532; E596|        actions, works of art and literature--the wiser, nobler, greater,
TXTLav532; E596|        the more humane yourself.)

TXTLav533; E596|        533. I have often, too often, been tempted, at the daily
TXTLav533; E596|        relation of new knaveries, to despise human nature in every
TXTLav533; E596|        individual, till, on minute anatomy of each trick, I found that
TXTLav533; E596|        the knave was only an ENTHUSIAST or MOMENTARY FOOL. This
TXTLav533; E596|        discovery of momentary folly, symptoms of which assail the wisest
TXTLav533; E596|        and the best, has thrown a great consolatory light on my
TXTLav533; E596|        inquiries into man's moral nature: by this the theorist is
TXTLav533; E596|        enabled to assign to each class and each individual its own
TXTLav533; E596|        peculiar fit of vice or folly; and, by the same, he has it in his
TXTLav533; E596|        power to contrast the ludicrous or dismal catalogue with the more
TXTLav533; E596|        pleasing one of sentiment and virtue, more properly their own.
TXTLav533; E596|
AnnLav533; E596|        man is the ark of God the mercy seat is above upon the ark
AnnLav533; E596|        cherubims guard it on either side & in the midst is the holy law.
AnnLav533; E596|        man is either the ark of God or a phantom of the earth & of the
AnnLav533; E596|        water if thou seekest by human policy to guide this ark.
AnnLav533; E596|        remember Uzzah II Sam l. [erasure] VI Ch:
AnnLav533; E596|        knaveries are not human nature knaveries are knaveries See
AnnLav533; E596|        N 554
AnnLav533; E596|        this aphorism seems to me to want discrimination

TXTLav534; E596|        534. He, who is the master of the fittest moment to crush
TXTLav534; E596|        his enemy, and magnanimously neglects it, is born to be a
TXTLav534; E596|        conqueror.
AnnLav534; E596|        this was old George the second

TXTLav539; E596|        539. A great woman not imperious, a fair woman not vain, a
TXTLav539; E596|        woman of common talents not jealous, an accomplished woman, who
TXTLav539; E596|        scorns to shine--are four wonders, just great enough to be
TXTLav539; E596|        divided among the four quarters of the globe.
AnnLav539; E596|        let the men do their duty & the women will be such wonders,
AnnLav539; E596|        the female life [fro] lives from the light of the male.
AnnLav539; E596|        see a mans female dependants you know the man

TXTLav543; E596|        543. Depend not much upon your rectitude, if you are
TXTLav543; E596|        uneasy in the presence of the good;[Line drawn
TXTLav543; E596|        by Blake]
AnnLav543; E596|        easy

TXTLav543; E596|        X nor trust to your humility if you are mortified when you
TXTLav543; E596|        are not noticed.
AnnLav543; E596|        uneasy

TXTLav549; E596|        549. He, who [hates] <loves> the wisest and best
TXTLav549; E596|        of men, [hates] <loves> the Father of men; for where is
TXTLav549; E596|        the Father of men to be seen but in the most perfect of his
TXTLav549; E596|        children
AnnLav549; E596|        this is true worship

TXTLav552; E596|        552. He, who adores an impersonal God, has none; and,
TXTLav552; E596|        without guide or rudder, launches on an immense abyss that first
TXTLav552; E596|        absorbs his powers, and next himself
AnnLav552; E596|        Most superlatively beautiful & Most affectionatly Holy &
AnnLav552; E596|        pure would to God that all men would consider it

TXTLav554; E597|        554. The enemy of art is the enemy of nature; art is
TXTLav554; E597|        nothing but the highest sagacity and exertion of human nature;
TXTLav554; E597|        and what nature will he honour who honours not the
TXTLav554; E597|        human
AnnLav554; E597|        human nature is the image of God

TXTLav556; E597|        556. Where there is much pretension, much has been
TXTLav556; E597|        borrowed--nature never pretends

TXTLav557; E597|        557. Do you think him a common man who can make what is
TXTLav557; E597|        common exquisite

TXTLav559; E597|        559. Whose promise may you depend upon? his who dares refuse
TXTLav559; E597|        what he knows he cannot perform; who promises calmly, strictly,
TXTLav559; E597|        conditionally, and never excites a hope which he may
TXTLav559; E597|        disappoint

TXTLav560; E597|        560. You promise as you speak.

TXTLav562; E597|        562. Avoid him who speaks softly, and writes
TXTLav562; E597|        sharply
AnnLav562; E597|        Ah rogue I could be thy hangman

TXTLav566; E597|        566.Neither patience nor inspiration can give wings to
TXTLav566; E597|        a snail--you waste your own force, you destroy what remained
TXTLav566; E597|        of energy in the indolent, by urging him to move beyond his rate
TXTLav566; E597|        of power.

TXTLav573; E597|        573. Your humility is equal to your desire of being
TXTLav573; E597|        unnoticed, unobserved in your acts of virtue
AnnLav573; E597|        true humility

TXTLav574; E597|        574. There are certain light characteristic momentary
TXTLav574; E597|        features of man, which, in spite of masks and all exterior
TXTLav574; E597|        mummery, represent him as he is and shall be. If once in an
TXTLav574; E597|        individual you have discovered one ennobling feature, let him
TXTLav574; E597|        debase it, let it at times shrink from him, no matter; he
TXTLav574; E597|        will, in the end, prove superior to thousands of his
TXTLav574; E597|        critics
AnnLav574; E597|        the wise man falleth 7 times in a day & riseth again &/c

TXTLav576; E597|        576. The man who has and uses but one scale for every thing, for
TXTLav576; E597|        himself and his enemy, the past and the future, the grand and the
TXTLav576; E597|        trifle, for truth and error, virtue and vice, religion,
TXTLav576; E597|        superstition, infidelity; for nature, art, and works of genius
TXTLav576; E597|        and art-is truly wise, just, great.
AnnLav576; E597|        this is most true but how does this agree with 451

TXTLav577; E597|        X577. The infinitely little constitutes the infinite
TXTLav577; E597|        difference in works of art, and in the degrees of morals and
TXTLav577; E597|        religion; the greater the rapidity; precision, acuteness, with
TXTLav577; E597|        which this is observed and determined, the more authentic, the
TXTLav577; E597|        greater the observer.
AnnLav577; E597|        uneasy

TXTLav580; E597|        580. Range him high amongst your saints, who, with
TXTLav580; E597|        all-acknowledged powers, and his own stedfast scale for every
TXTLav580; E597|        thing, can, on the call of judgment or advice, submit to
TXTLav580; E597|        transpose himself into another's situation, and to adopt his
TXTLav580; E597|        point of sight

TXTLav582; E597|        582. No communications and no gifts can exhaust genius, or
TXTLav582; E597|        impoverish charity
AnnLav582; E597|        Most Excellent

TXTLav585; E597|        585. Distrust yourself if you fear the eye of the sincere;
TXTLav585; E597|        but be afraid of neither God or man, if you have no reason to
TXTLav585; E597|        distrust yourself

TXTLav586; E597|        586. Who comes as he goes, and is present as he came and
TXTLav586; E597|        went, is sincere

TXTLav588; E597|        X588. He loves grandly (I speak of friendship) who is not
TXTLav588; E597|        jealous when he has partners of love.
AnnLav588; E597|        uneasy but I hope to mend

TXTLav590; E597|        590. He knows himself greatly who never opposes his
TXTLav590; E597|        genius
AnnLav590; E597|        Most Excellent

TXTLav596; E598|        596 "Love as if you could hate and might be hated;"--a
TXTLav596; E598|        maxim of detested prudence in real friendship, the bane of all
TXTLav596; E598|        tenderness, the death of all familiarity. Consider the fool
TXTLav596; E598|        who follows it as nothing inferior to him who at every, bit of
TXTLav596; E598|        bread trembles at the thought of its being poisoned
AnnLav596; E598|        Excellent

TXTLav597; E598|        597. "Hate as if you could love or should be loved;"--him
TXTLav597; E598|        who follows this maxim, if all the world were to declare an idiot
TXTLav597; E598|        and enthusiast, I shall esteem, of all men, the most eminently
TXTLav597; E598|        formed for friendship.
AnnLav597; E598|        Better than Excellent

TXTLav600; E598|        600. Distinguish with exactness, if you mean to know
TXTLav600; E598|        yourself and others, what is so often mistaken--the SINGULAR,
TXTLav600; E598|        the ORIGINAL, the EXTRAORDINARY, the GREAT, and the SUBLIME
TXTLav600; E598|        man: the SUBLIME alone unites the singular, original,
TXTLav600; E598|        extraordinary, and great, with his own uniformity and simplicity:
TXTLav600; E598|        the GREAT, with many powers, and uniformity of ends, is destitute
TXTLav600; E598|        of that superior calmness and inward harmony which soars
TXTLav600; E598|        above the atmosphere of praise: the EXTRAORDINARY is
TXTLav600; E598|        distinguished by copiousness, and a wide range of energy: the
TXTLav600; E598|        ORIGINAL need not be very rich, only that which he produces
TXTLav600; E598|        is unique, and has the exclusive stamp of individuality: the
TXTLav600; E598|        SINGULAR, as such, is placed between originality and whim, and
TXTLav600; E598|        often makes a trifle the medium of fame.

TXTLav601; E598|        601. Forwardness nips affection in the bud.
AnnLav601; E598|        the more is the pity

TXTLav602; E598|        X602. If you mean to be loved, give more than what is
TXTLav602; E598|        asked, but not more than what is wanted; [and ask less than
TXTLav602; E598|        what is expected.]
AnnLav602; E598|        this is human policy as it is calld--this whole aphorism is
AnnLav602; E598|        an oversight

TXTLav603; E598|        603. Whom smiles and [tears] <frowns> make equally
TXTLav603; E598|        lovely, [all]<only good> hearts [may] <can or
TXTLav603; E598|        dare> court.
TXTLav604; E598|        604. Take here the grand secret--if not of pleasing all, yet of
TXTLav604; E598|        displeasing none--court mediocrity, avoid originality, and
TXTLav604; E598|        sacrifice to fashion.
AnnLav604; E598|        & go to hell

TXTLav605; E598|        605. He who pursues the glimmering steps of hope, with
TXTLav605; E598|        stedfast, not presumptuous, eye, may pass the gloomy rock, on
TXTLav605; E598|        either side of which [superstition] <hypocrisy> and
TXTLav605; E598|        incredulity their dark abysses spread.
AnnLav605; E598|        Superstition has been long a bug bear by reason of its being
AnnLav605; E598|        united with hypocrisy. but let them be fairly seperated & then
AnnLav605; E598|        superstition will be honest feeling & God who loves all honest
AnnLav605; E598|        men. will lead [them] the poor enthusiast in the paths
AnnLav605; E598|        of holiness

TXTLav606; E598|        606. The public seldom forgive twice.
AnnLav606; E598|        let us take their example

TXTLav607; E598|        X607. Him who is hurried on by the furies of immature,
TXTLav607; E598|        impetuous wishes, stern repentance shall drag, bound and
TXTLav607; E598|        reluctant, back to the place from which he sallied: where you
TXTLav607; E598|        hear the crackling of wishes expect intolerable vapours or
TXTLav607; E598|        repining grief.
AnnLav607; E598|        uneasy

TXTLav608; E598|        608. He submits to be seen through a microscope, who
TXTLav608; E598|        suffers himself to be caught in a fit of passion.
AnnLav608; E598|        & such a one I dare love

TXTLav609; E598|        609. Venerate four characters; the sanguine, who has
TXTLav609; E598|        checked volatility and the rage for pleasure; the choleric,
TXTLav609; E598|        who has subdued passion and pride; the phlegmatic, emerged from
TXTLav609; E598|        indolence; and the melancholy, who has dismissed avarice,
TXTLav609; E598|        suspicion, and asperity
AnnLav609; E598|        4 most holy men

TXTLav610; E599|        610. All great minds sympathize.

TXTLav612; E599|        612. Men carry their character not seldom in their pockets: you
TXTLav612; E599|        night decide on more than half of your acquaintance, had you
TXTLav612; E599|        will or right to turn their pockets inside out.
AnnLav612; E599|        I seldom carry money in my pockets they are generally full
AnnLav612; E599|        of paper [for (6 or 7 words erased)]

TXTLav615; E599|        615. Not he who forces himself on opportunity, but he
TXTLav615; E599|        who watches its approach, and welcomes its arrival by immediate
TXTLav615; E599|        use, is wise

TXTLav616; E599|        616. Love and hate are the genius of invention, the parents of
TXTLav616; E599|        virtue and of vice--forbear to decide on yourself till you
TXTLav616; E599|        have had opportunities of warm attachment or deep dislike
AnnLav616; E599|        True Experience

TXTLav619; E599|        X619. Each heart is a world of nations, classes, and
TXTLav619; E599|        individuals; full of friendships, enmities, indifferences; . . .
TXTLav619; E599|        the number and character of your friends within bears an exact
TXTLav619; E599|        resemblance to your external ones; . . . Be assured then, that to
TXTLav619; E599|        know yourself perfectly you have only to set down a true
TXTLav619; E599|        statement of those that ever loved or hated you.
AnnLav619; E599|        uneasy because I cannot do this

TXTLav623; E599|        623. Avoid connecting yourself with characters whose good
TXTLav623; E599|        and bad sides are unmixed, and have not fermented together; they
TXTLav623; E599|        resemble phials of vinegar and oil, or pallets set with colours:
TXTLav623; E599|        they are either excellent at home and intolerable abroad, or
TXTLav623; E599|        insufferable within doors and excellent in public; they are
TXTLav623; E599|        unfit for friendship, merely because their stamina, their
TXTLav623; E599|        ingredients of character, are too single, too much apart; let
TXTLav623; E599|        them be finely ground up with each other, and they will be
TXTLav623; E599|        incomparable.
AnnLav623; E599|        Most Excellent

TXTLav624; E599|        X624. The fool separates his object from all surrounding
TXTLav624; E599|        ones; all abstraction is temporary folly.
AnnLav624; E599|        uneasy because I once thought otherwise but now know it is
AnnLav624; E599|        Truth

TXTLav626; E599|        626. Let me repeat it--He only is great who has the habits
TXTLav626; E599|        of greatness; who, after performing what none in ten thousand
TXTLav626; E599|        could accomplish, passes on, like Samson, and "TELLS NEITHER
TXTLav626; E599|        FATHER NOR MOTHER OF IT.
AnnLav626; E599|        This is Excellent

TXTLav630; E599|        630. A GOD, an ANIMAL, a PLANT, are not companions of man;
TXTLav630; E599|        nor is the FAULTLESS--then judge with lenity of all; the coolest,
TXTLav630; E599|        wisest, best, all without exception, have their points, their
TXTLav630; E599|        moments of enthusiasm, fanaticism, absence of mind,
TXTLav630; E599|        faint-heartedness, stupidity--if you allow not for these, your
TXTLav630; E599|        criticisms on man will be a mass of accusations or
TXTLav630; E599|        caricatures.
AnnLav630; E599|        It is the God in all that is our companion &
AnnLav630; E599|        friend, for our God himself says, you are my brother my sister &
AnnLav630; E599|        my mother; & St John. Whoso dwelleth in love dwelleth in God &
AnnLav630; E599|        God in him. & such an one cannot judge of any but in love. & his
AnnLav630; E599|        feelings will be attractions or repulses
AnnLav630; E599|        See Aphorisms 549 & 554
AnnLav630; E599|        God is in the lowest effects as well as in the highest
AnnLav630; E599|        causes for he is become a worm that he may nourish the weak
AnnLav630; E599|        For let it be rememberd that creation is. God descending
AnnLav630; E599|        according to the weakness of man for our Lord is the word of God
AnnLav630; E599|        & every thing on earth is the word of God & in its essence is God
TXTLav631; E599|        631. Genius always gives its best at first, prudence at
TXTLav631; E599|        last

TXTLav633; E599|        633. You think to meet with some additions here to your stock of
TXTLav633; E599|        moral knowledge--and not in vain, I hope: but know, a great many
TXTLav633; E599|        rules cannot be given by him who means not to offend, and many of
TXTLav633; E599|        mine have perhaps offended already;

AnnLav633; E600|        Those who are offended [bu] with any thing in this
AnnLav633; E600|        book would be offended with the innocence of a child & for the
AnnLav633; E600|        same reason. because it reproaches him with the errors of
AnnLav633; E600|        acquired folly.

TXTLav633; E600|        believe me, for him who has an open ear and eye, every
TXTLav633; E600|        minute teems with observations of precious import, yet scarcely
TXTLav633; E600|        communicable to the most faithful friend; so incredibly weak, so
TXTLav633; E600|        vulnerable in certain points, is man: forbear to meddle with
TXTLav633; E600|        these at your first setting out, and make amusement the minister
TXTLav633; E600|        of reflection: sacrifice all egotism--sacrifice ten points to
TXTLav633; E600|        one, if that one have the value of twenty; and if you are happy
TXTLav633; E600|        enough to impress your disciple with respect for himself, with
TXTLav633; E600|        probability of success in his exertions of growing better; and,
TXTLav633; E600|        above all, with the idea of your disinterestedness--you may
TXTLav633; E600|        perhaps succeed in making one proselyte to virtue.
AnnLav633; E600|        --lovely.

TXTLav635; E600|        635. Keep your heart from him who begins his acquaintance
TXTLav635; E600|        with you by indirect flattery of your favourite paradox or
TXTLav635; E600|        foible.
AnnLav635; E600|        unless you find it to be his also. previous to your acquaintance

TXTLav636; E600|        636. Receive no satisfaction for premeditated
TXTLav636; E600|        impertinence--forget it, forgive it--but keep him inexorably at a
TXTLav636; E600|        distance who offered it.
AnnLav636; E600|        This is a paradox

TXTLav638; E600|        X638. Let the cold, who offers the nauseous mimickry of
TXTLav638; E600|        warm affection, meet with what he deserves--a repulse; but from
TXTLav638; E600|        that moment depend on his irreconcilable enmity.
AnnLav638; E600|        uneasy because I do not know how to do this but I will try
AnnLav638; E600|        to [xxxx] do it the first opportunity

TXTLav640; E600|        640. The moral enthusiast, who in the maze of his
TXTLav640; E600|        refinements loses or despises the plain paths of honesty and
TXTLav640; E600|        duty, is on the brink of crimes.
AnnLav640; E600|        Most True

TXTLav; E600|        [p224] End of Vol. 1.
AnnLav-last; E600|        I hope no one will call what I have written cavilling
AnnLav-last; E600|        because he may think my remarks of small consequence For I
AnnLav-last; E600|        write from the warmth of my heart. & cannot resist the impulse I
AnnLav-last; E600|        feel to rectify what I think false in a book I love so much. &
AnnLav-last; E600|        approve so generally

TXTLav; E600|        [p225, blank]
AnnLav-last; E600|        Man is bad or good. as he unites himself with bad or good
AnnLav-last; E600|        spirits. tell me with whom you go & Ill tell you what you do
AnnLav-last; E600|        As we cannot experience pleasure but by means of others.
AnnLav-last; E600|        [As we are] who experience either pleasure or pain thro
AnnLav-last; E600|        us. And as all of us on earth are united in thought, for it is
AnnLav-last; E600|        impossible to think without images of somewhat on earth--So it is
AnnLav-last; E600|        impossible to know God or heavenly things without conjunction
AnnLav-last; E600|        with those who know God & heavenly things. therefore, all who
AnnLav-last; E600|        converse in the spirit, converse with spirits. [& these are
AnnLav-last; E600|        either Good or Evil]
AnnLav-last; E600|        For these reasons I say that this Book is written by
AnnLav-last; E600|        consultation with Good Spirits because it is Good. & that the
AnnLav-last; E600|        name Lavater. is the amulet of those who purify the heart of man.

TXTLav-last; E600|        [p 226, blank]

AnnLav-last; E600|        There is a strong objection to Lavaters principles (as I
AnnLav-last; E600|        understand them) & that is He makes every thing originate in
AnnLav-last; E600|        its accident he makes the

AnnLav-last; E601|        vicious propensity <not only> a leading feature of the man but
AnnLav-last; E601|        the Stamina on which all his virtues grow. But as I understand
AnnLav-last; E601|        Vice it is a Negative--It does not signify what the laws of Kings
AnnLav-last; E601|        & Priests have calld Vice we who are philosophers ought not to
AnnLav-last; E601|        call the Staminal Virtues of Humanity by the same name that we
AnnLav-last; E601|        call the omissions of intellect springing from poverty
AnnLav-last; E601|        Every mans <leading> propensity ought to be calld his
AnnLav-last; E601|        leading Virtue & his good Angel But the Philosophy of Causes &
AnnLav-last; E601|        Consequences misled Lavater as it has all his cotemporaries.
AnnLav-last; E601|        Each thing is its own cause & its own effect Accident is the
AnnLav-last; E601|        omission of act in self & the hindering of act in another, This
AnnLav-last; E601|        is Vice but all Act [<from Individual propensity>] is
AnnLav-last; E601|        Virtue. To hinder another [P 227, blank] is not an act it is the
AnnLav-last; E601|        contrary it is a restraint on action both in ourselves & in the
AnnLav-last; E601|        person hinderd. for he who hinders another omits his own duty. at
AnnLav-last; E601|        the time
AnnLav-last; E601|        Murder is Hindering Another
AnnLav-last; E601|        Theft is Hindering Another
AnnLav-last; E601|        Backbiting. Undermining C[i]rcumventing & whatever is
AnnLav-last; E601|        Negative is Vice
AnnLav-last; E601|        But the or[i]gin of this mistake in Lavater & his
AnnLav-last; E601|        cotemporaries, is, They suppose that Womans Love is Sin. in
AnnLav-last; E601|        consequence all the Loves & Graces with them are Sin


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