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TXTCellini; E670|         Annotation to Cellini(?)   t1495

TXTCellini; E670|        [note said to be in Cennini's Trattato della Pittura
TXTCellini; E670|        (Roma, 1821) but probably in Benvenuto Cellini'sTrattato
TXTCellini; E670|        dell' Oreficeri(1568, 1731, [1795] or 1811)]

TXTCellini; E670|        [Cellini's 8th chapter tells of a commission from Pope Paul III
TXTCellini; E670|        for a gift for Emperor Charles V. Cellini suggested an
TXTCellini; E670|        allegorical group of "Faith, Hope, and Charity" upholding a
TXTCellini; E670|        crucifix of gold. The Pope was induced to order instead a
TXTCellini; E670|        breviary of the Virgin bound in jeweled gold.]
AnnCellini; E670|        The Pope supposes Nature and the Virgin Mary to be the same
AnnCellini; E670|        allegorical personages, but the Protestant considers Nature as
AnnCellini; E670|        incapable of bearing a child.



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