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ED; E771|     67

L67.1Turner6'18; E771|        To Dawson Turner Esqre, Yarmouth, Norfolk y

L67.1Turner6'18; E771|        9 June 1818, 17 South Molton Street

L67.1Turner6'18; E771|        Sir
L67.1Turner6'18; E771|        I send you a List of the different Works you have done me
L67.1Turner6'18; E771|        the honour to enquire after--unprofitable enough to me tho
L67.1Turner6'18; E771|        Expensive to the Buyer
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        Those I Printed for Mr Humphry are a selection from the
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        different Books of such as could be Printed without the Writing
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        tho to the Loss of some of the best things For they when Printed
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        perfect accompany Poetical Personifications & Acts without which
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        Poems they never could have been Executed

L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        £ s d
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        America 18 Prints folio 5£ 5 . 0
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        Europe 17 do folio 5 . 5 . 0
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        Visions &/c 8 do folio 3 . 3 . 0
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        Thel 6 do Quarto 2 . 2 . 0
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        Songs of Innocence 28 do. Octavo 3 . 3 . 0
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        Songs of Experience 26 do. Octavo 3 . 3 . 0
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        Urizen 28 Prints Quarto 5 . 5 . 0
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        Milton 50 do Quarto 10. 10 . 0

L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        12 Large Prints Size of Each
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        about 2 feet by 1 & 1/2 Historical
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        & Poetical Printed in Colours
L67.2Turner6'18; E771|        Each 5 . 5 . 0
L67.3Turner6'18; E771|        These last 12 Prints are unaccompanied by any writing
L67.4Turner6'18; E771|        The few I have Printed & Sold are sufficient to have gained
L67.4Turner6'18; E771|        me great reputation as an Artist which was the chief thing
L67.4Turner6'18; E771|        Intended. But I have never been able to produce a Sufficient
L67.4Turner6'18; E771|        number for a general Sale by means of a regular Publisher It is
L67.4Turner6'18; E771|        therefore necessary to me that any Person wishing to have any or
L67.4Turner6'18; E771|        all of them should send me their Order to Print them on the above
L67.4Turner6'18; E771|        terms & I will take care that they shall be done at least as well
L67.4Turner6'18; E771|        as any I have yet Produced
L67.5Turner6'18; E771|        I am Sir with many thanks for your very Polite approbation
L67.5Turner6'18; E771|        of my works
L67.5Turner6'18; E771|        Your most obedient Servant
L67.5Turner6'18; E771|        WILLIAM BLAKE




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