L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| [To] Ozis Humphrey Esqre
EDL65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| [Ca May 1809]
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| Dear Sir
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| You will see in this little work the cause of difference
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| between you & me. You demand of me to Mix two things that
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| Reynolds has confessd cannot be mixed. You will percieve that I
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| not only detest False Art but have the Courage to say so
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| Publickly. & to dare. all the Power on Earth to oppose--
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| Florentine & Venetian Art cannot exist together Till the
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| Venetian & Flemish are destroyd the Florentine & Roman cannot
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| Exist, This will be shortly accomplishd. till then I remain Your
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| Grateful altho seemingly otherwise I say Your Grateful & Sincere
L65.1Humphrey5'09; E770| WILLIAM BLAKE
L65.2Humphrey5'09; E770| I inclose a ticket of admission if you should honour my
L65.2Humphrey5'09; E770| Exhibition with a Visit