L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| To William Hayley Esqre Felpham
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| near Chichester, Sussex
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| Sth Molton Street 28 Decr 1804
EDL54.1Hayley12'04; E759| [Postmark: 29 December]
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| Dear Sir
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| The Death of so Excellent a Man as my Generous Advocate is a
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| Public Loss which those who knew him can best Estimate & to those
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| who have an affection for him like Yours, is a Loss that only can
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| be repaird in Eternity where it will indeed with such abundant
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| felicity in the meeting Him a Glorified Saint who was a Suffering
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| Mortal that our Sorrow is swallowd up in Hope--Such Consolations
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| are alone to be found in Religion the Sun & the Moon of our
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| Journey & such Sweet Verses as Yours in Your last beautiful Poem
L54.1Hayley12'04; E759| must now afford you their full reward
L54.2Hayley12'04; E759| Farewell Sweet Rose thou hast got before me into the
L54.2Hayley12'04; E759| Celestial City. I also have but a few more Mountains to pass.
L54.2Hayley12'04; E759| for I hear the bells ring & the trumpets sound to welcome thy
L54.2Hayley12'04; E759| arrival among Cowpers Glorified Band of Spirits of just Men made
L54.2Hayley12'04; E759| Perfect
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| Now My Dear Sir I will thank you for the transmission of ten
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| Pounds to the Dreamer over his own Fortunes. for I certainly am
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| that Dreamer, but tho I dream over my own Fortunes I ought not to
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| dream over those of other Men & accordingly have given a look
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| over my account Book in which I have regularly written down Every
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| Sum I have recievd from you, & tho I never can balance the
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| account of obligations with you I ought to do my best at all
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| times & in all circumstances--I find that you was right in
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| supposing that I had been paid for all I have done. but when I
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| wrote last requesting ten pounds I thought it was Due on the
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| Shipwreck (which it was) but I did not advert to the Twelve
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| Guineas which you Lent Me when I made up 30 Pounds to pay our
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| Worthy Seagrave in part of his Account--I am therefore that 12
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| Guineas in your debt. Which If I had Considerd, I should have
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| used more consideration & more ceremony also in so serious an
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| affair as the calling on you for more Money. but however. Your
L54.3Hayley12'04; E760| Kind answer to my Request makes me Doubly Thank you
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| The two Cartoons which I have of Hecate & Pliny are very
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| unequal in point of finishing the Pliny in [is] a Sketch tho
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| admirably contrived for an Effect equal to Rembrandt. But the
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| Hecate is a finishd Production which will call for all the
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| Engravers nicest attention, indeed it is more finishd than the
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| Shipwreck it is every body[s] favourite who have seen it & they
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| regularly prefer it to the Shipwreck as a work of Genius As to
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| the [Plates] Price of the Plates Flaxman declares to me
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| that he will not pretend to set a price upon Engraving. I think
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| it can only be done by some Engraver. I consulted Mr Parker on
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| the subject before I decided on the Shipwreck & it was his
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| opinion & he says it still is so that a Print of that size cannot
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| be done under 30 Guineas if finishd, & if a Sketch. 15 Guineas as
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| therefore Hecate must be a Finishd Plate I consider 30 Guineas as
L54.4Hayley12'04; E760| its Price & the Pliny 15 Guineas
L54.5Hayley12'04; E760| Our Dear Friend Hawkins is out of Town & will not return
L54.5Hayley12'04; E760| till April. I have sent to him by a parcel from Col Sibthorpes
L54.5Hayley12'04; E760| your Desirable Poetical Present for Mrs Hawkins. His address is
L54.5Hayley12'04; E760| this--To John Hawkins Esqr Dallington near Northampton. Mr
L54.5Hayley12'04; E760| Edwards is out of Town likewise
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| I am very far from shewing the Portrait of Romney as a
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| finishd Proof be assured that with our Good Flaxmans good help &
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| with your remarks on it in addition I hope to make it a
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| Supernaculum. The Shipwreck also will be infinitely better the
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| next proof. I feel very much gratifid at your approval of my
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| Queen Catherine. beg to observe that the Print of Romeo & the
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| Apothecary annexd to your Copy is a shamefully worn out
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| impression but it was the only one I could get at Johnsons. I
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| left a good impression of it when I left Felpham last in one of
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| Heaths Shakespeare you will see that it is not like the same
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| Plate with the worn out Impression--My Wife joins me in love & in
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| rejoicing in Miss Pooles continud health. I am Dear Sir
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| Yours Sincerely
L54.6Hayley12'04; E760| WILL. BLAKE
L54.7Hayley12'04; E760| P. S. I made a very high finishd Drawing <of
L54.7Hayley12'04; E760| Romney> as a Companion to my <drawing of the> head of Cowper (you
L54.7Hayley12'04; E760| remember) with which Flaxman is very much satisfied & says that
L54.7Hayley12'04; E760| when my Print is like that I need wish it no better. & I am
L54.7Hayley12'04; E760| determind to make it so at least.---WB---