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ED; E741|     36

L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        To William Hayley Esqre

L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        S Molton Street 23 Feb/y. 1804
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        Dear Sir
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        I calld Yesterday on Mr Braithwaite as you desired & found
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        him quite as chearful as you describe him & by his appearance
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        should not have supposed him to be near sixty notwithstanding he
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        was shaded by a green shade over his Eyes--He gives a very
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        spirited assurance of Mr John Romneys interesting himself in the
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        great object of his Fathers Fame & thinks that he must be proud
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        of such a work & in such hands. The Picture from Sterne which
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        you desired him to procure for you; he has not yet found where it
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        is. Supposes that it may be in the north & that he may learn
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        from Mr Romney who will be in town soon--Mr B. desires I will
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        present his Compliments to you & write you that he has spoken
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        with Mr Read concerning the Life of Romney. he interests himself
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        in it & has promised to procure dates of premiums Pictures &/c Mr
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        Read having a number of Articles relating to Romney either
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        written or printed which he promises to copy out for your use, as
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        also the Catalogue of Hampstead Sale. He shewd me a very fine
L36.1Hayley2'04; E741|        Portrait of Mrs Siddons (by Romney)

L36.1Hayley2'04; E742|        as the Tragic Muse half length. that is the Head & hands. & in
L36.1Hayley2'04; E742|        his best Style. He also desires me to express to you his wish
L36.1Hayley2'04; E742|        that you would give the Public an Engraving of that Medallion by
L36.1Hayley2'04; E742|        your Sons matchless hand which is placd over his chimney piece.
L36.1Hayley2'04; E742|        between two little pretty pictures correct & enlarged copies from
L36.1Hayley2'04; E742|        Antique Gems of which the center ornament is worthy, he says that
L36.1Hayley2'04; E742|        it is by far in his opinion the most exact resemblance of Romney
L36.1Hayley2'04; E742|        he ever saw I have furthermore the pleasure of informing you that
L36.1Hayley2'04; E742|        he knew immediately my Portrait of Romney & assured me that he
L36.1Hayley2'04; E742|        thought it a very great likeness
L36.2Hayley2'04; E742|        I wish I could give you a Pleasant account of our beloved
L36.2Hayley2'04; E742|        Councellor he Alas was ill in bed when I calld yesterday at about
L36.2Hayley2'04; E742|        12 O clock & the servant said that he remains very ill indeed.
L36.3Hayley2'04; E742|        Mr Walker I have been so unfortunate as not to find at home
L36.3Hayley2'04; E742|        but <I> will call again in a day or two. Neither Mr Flaxman nor
L36.3Hayley2'04; E742|        Mr Edwards know Lady Hamiltons address the house Sr William livd
L36.3Hayley2'04; E742|        in in Piccadilly She left some time ago r Edwards will procure
L36.3Hayley2'04; E742|        her address for you & I will send it immediately
L36.4Hayley2'04; E742|        I have inclosd for you the <22> Numbers of Fuselis
L36.4Hayley2'04; E742|        Shakespeare that are out & the book of Italian Letters from Mrs
L36.4Hayley2'04; E742|        Flaxman who with her admirable husband [send thei]
L36.4Hayley2'04; E742|        <present> their best Compliments to you he is so busy that I
L36.4Hayley2'04; E742|        believe. I shall never see him again but when I call on him. for
L36.4Hayley2'04; E742|        he has never yet since my return to London had the time or grace
L36.4Hayley2'04; E742|        to call on me Mrs Flaxman & her Sisters gave also their
L36.4Hayley2'04; E742|        testimony to my Likeness of Romney. Mr Flaxman I have not yet
L36.4Hayley2'04; E742|        had an opportunity of consulting about it but soon will
L36.5Hayley2'04; E742|        I inclose likewise the Academical Correspondence of Mr Hoare
L36.5Hayley2'04; E742|        the Painter whose note to me I also inclose for I did but express
L36.5Hayley2'04; E742|        to him my desire of sending you a Copy of his work & the day
L36.5Hayley2'04; E742|        after I recievd it, with the note Expressing his pleasure [of
L36.5Hayley2'04; E742|        your] in your wish to see it. You would be much delighted
L36.5Hayley2'04; E742|        with the Man as I assure myself you will be with his work
L36.6Hayley2'04; E742|        The plates of Cowpers Monument are both in great forwardness
L36.6Hayley2'04; E742|        & you shall have Proofs in another week I assure you that I will
L36.6Hayley2'04; E742|        not spare pains & am myself very much satisfied that I shall do
L36.6Hayley2'04; E742|        my duty & produce two Elegant plates there is however a great
L36.6Hayley2'04; E742|        deal of work in them that must & will have time.

L36.verseHayley2'04QUOTE; E742|        "Busy Busy Busy I bustle along
L36.verseHayley2'04QUOTE; E742|        Mounted upon warm Phoebus's rays
L36.verseHayley2'04QUOTE; E742|        Thro the heavenly throng"   t1537

L36.7Hayley2'04; E742|        But I hastend to write to you about Mr Braithwaite hope when
L36.7Hayley2'04; E742|        I send my proofs to give as good an account of Mr Walker.
L36.8Hayley2'04; E742|        My wife joins me in Respects & Love to you. & desires with
L36.8Hayley2'04; E742|        mine to present hers to Miss Poole
L36.8Hayley2'04; E742|        I remain Dear Sir Your Sincere
L36.8Hayley2'04; E742|        WILL BLAKE




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