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ED; E729|     27

EDL27.1Butts7'03; E729|        [To Thomas Butts]

L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        Felpham July 6. 1803

L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        Dear Sir
L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        I send you the Riposo which I hope you will think my best
L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        Picture in many respects. It represents the Holy Family in Egypt
L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        Guarded in their Repose from those Fiends the Egypian Gods. and
L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        tho' not directly taken from a Poem of Miltons (for till I had
L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        designd it Miltons Poem did not come into my Thoughts) Yet it is
L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        very similar to his Hymn on the Nativity which you will find
L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        among his smaller Poems & will read with great delight. I have
L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        given in the background a building which may be supposed the ruin
L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        of a Part of Nimrods tower which I conjecture to have spread over
L27.1Butts7'03; E729|        many Countries for he ought to be reckond of the Giant brood
L27.2Butts7'03; E729|        I have now on the Stocks the following Drawings for you
L27.2Butts7'03; E729|        1. Jephthah sacrificing his Daughter--2. Ruth & her mother in
L27.2Butts7'03; E729|        Law & Sister 3. The three Maries at the Sepulcher. 4. The Death
L27.2Butts7'03; E729|        of Joseph. 5. The Death of the Virgin Mary [5]<6>St Paul
L27.2Butts7'03; E729|        Preaching. & [6]<7> The Angel of the Divine Presence clothing
L27.2Butts7'03; E729|        Adam & Eve with Coats of Skins
L27.3Butts7'03; E729|        These are all in great forwardness & I am satisfied that I
L27.3Butts7'03; E729|        improve very much & shall continue to do so while I live which
L27.3Butts7'03; E729|        [if]<is> a blessing I can never be too thankful for both
L27.3Butts7'03; E729|        to God & Man
L27.4Butts7'03; E729|        We look forward every day with pleasure toward our meeting
L27.4Butts7'03; E729|        again in London

L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        with those whom we have learnd to value by absence no less
L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        perhaps than we did by presence for recollection often surpasses
L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        every thing. indeed the prospect of returning to our friends is
L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        supremely delightful--Then I am determind that Mrs Butts shall
L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        have a good likeness of You if I have hands & eyes left. for I am
L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        become a likeness taker & succeed admirably well. but this is not
L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        to be atchievd without the original sitting before you for Every
L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        touch. all likenesses from memory being necessarily very very
L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        defective but Nature & Fancy are Two Things & can Never be joined
L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        neither ought any one to attempt it for it is Idolatry & destroys
L27.4Butts7'03; E730|        the Soul
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        I ought to tell you that Mr H. is quite agreeable to our
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        return & that there is all the appearance in the world of our
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        being fully employd in Engraving for his projected Works
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        Particularly Cowpers Milton. a Work now on foot by Subscription &
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        I understand that the Subscription goes on briskly. This work is
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        to be a very Elegant one & to consist of All Miltons Poems with
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        Cowpers Notes and translations by Cowper from Miltons Latin &
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        Italian Poems. These works will be ornamented with Engravings
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        from Designs from Romney. Flaxman & Yr hble Servt & to be
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        Engravd also by the last mentiond. The Profits of the work are
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        intended to be appropriated to Erect a Monument to the Memory of
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        Cowper in St Pauls or Westminster Abbey. Such is the Project--&
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        Mr Addington & Mr Pitt are both among the Subscribers which are
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        already numerous & of the first rank. the price of the Work is
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        Six Guineas--Thus I hope that all our three years trouble Ends in
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        Good Luck at last & shall be forgot by my affections & only
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        rememberd by my Understanding to be a Memento in time to come &
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        to speak to future generations by a Sublime Allegory which is now
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        perfectly completed into a Grand Poem[.] I may praise it since I
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        dare not pretend to be any other than the Secretary the Authors
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        are in Eternity I consider it as the Grandest Poem that This
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        World Contains. Allegory addressd to the Intellectual powers
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        while it is altogether hidden from the Corporeal Understanding is
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        My Definition of the Most Sublime Poetry. it is also somewhat in
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        the same manner defind by Plato. This Poem shall by Divine
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        Assistance be progressively Printed & Ornamented with Prints &
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        given to the Public--But of this work I take care to say little
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        to Mr H. since he is as much averse to my poetry as he is to a
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        Chapter in the Bible He knows that I have writ it for I have
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        shewn it to him & he had read Part by his own desire & has lookd
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        with sufficient contempt to enhance my opinion of it. But I do
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        not wish to irritate by seeming too obstinate in Poetic pursuits
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        But if all the World should set their faces against This. I
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        have Orders to set my face like a flint. Ezekiel iii C 9 v.
L27.5Butts7'03; E730|        against their faces & my forehead against their foreheads
L27.6Butts7'03; E730|        As to Mr H I feel myself at liberty to say as follows upon
L27.6Butts7'03; E730|        this ticklish subject. I regard Fashion in Poetry as little as I
L27.6Butts7'03; E730|        do in Painting. so if both Poets & Painters should alternately
L27.6Butts7'03; E730|        dislike (but I know the majority of them will not) I am not to
L27.6Butts7'03; E730|        regard it at all but Mr H approves of My Designs as little as he
L27.6Butts7'03; E730|        does of my Poems and I have been forced to insist on his leaving
L27.6Butts7'03; E730|        me in both to my Own Self Will. for I am determind to be no
L27.6Butts7'03; E730|        longer Pesterd with his Genteel Ignorance & Polite
L27.6Butts7'03; E730|        Disapprobation. I know myself both Poet &

L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        Painter & it is not his affected Contempt that can move me to any
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        thing but a more assiduous pursuit of both Arts. Indeed by my
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        late Firmness I have brought down his affected Loftiness & he
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        begins to think I have some Genius. as if Genius & Assurance were
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        the same thing. but his imbecile attempts to depress Me only
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        deserve laughter--I say thus much to you knowing that you will
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        not make a bad use of it But it is a Fact too true That if I
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        had only depended on Mortal Things both myself & my Wife must
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        have been Lost--I shall leave every one in This Country astonishd
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        at my Patience & Forbearance of Injuries upon Injuries & I do
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        assure you that if I could have returnd to London a Month after
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        my arrival here I should have done so, but I was commanded by my
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        Spiritual friends to bear all to be silent & to go thro all
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        without murmuring & in firm hope till my three years should be
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        almost accomplishd at which time I was set at liberty to
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        remonstrate against former conduct & to demand Justice & Truth
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        which I have done in so effectual a manner that my antagonist is
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        silencd completely. & I have compelld. what should have been of
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        freedom My Just Right as an Artist & as a Man. & if any attempt
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        should be made to refuse me this I am inflexible & will
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        relinquish Any engagement of Designing at all unless altogether
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        left to my own Judgment. As you My dear Friend have always left
L27.6Butts7'03; E731|        me for which I shall never cease to honour & respect you
L27.7Butts7'03; E731|        When we meet I will perfectly describe to you my Conduct &
L27.7Butts7'03; E731|        the Conduct of others toward me & you will see that I have
L27.7Butts7'03; E731|        labourd hard indeed & have been borne on angels wings. Till we
L27.7Butts7'03; E731|        meet I beg of God our Saviou to be with you & me & yours & mine
L27.7Butts7'03; E731|        Pray give My & My wifes love to Mrs Butts & Family & believe me
L27.7Butts7'03; E731|        to remain
L27.7Butts7'03; E731|        Yours in truth & sincerity
L27.7Butts7'03; E731|        WILL BLAKE




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