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ED; E723|     24

L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        [To] Mr Butts, Great Marlborough Street,
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        Oxford Street, London

L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        Felpham Jan/y 10. 180[3]   t1533
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        Dear Sir
L24.1Butts1'0;   E723|        Your very kind & affectionate Letter & the many kind things
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        you have said in it: calld upon me for an immediate answer. but
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        it found My Wife & Myself so Ill & My wife so very ill that till
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        now I have not been able to do this duty. The Ague & Rheumatism
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        have been almost her constant Enemies which she has combated in
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        vain ever since we have been here, & her sickness is always my
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        sorrow of course But what you tell me about your sight afflicted
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        me not a little; & that about your health in another part of your
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        letter makes me intreat you to take due care of both it is a part
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        of our duty to God & man to take due care of his Gifts & tho we
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        ought not think more highly of ourselves, yet we ought
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        to think As highly of ourselves as immortals ought to
L24.1Butts1'03; E723|        think
L24.2Butts1'03; E723|        When I came down here I was more sanguine than I am at
L24.2Butts1'03; E723|        present but it was because I was ignorant of many things which
L24.2Butts1'03; E723|        have since occurred & chiefly the unhealthiness of the place Yet
L24.2Butts1'03; E723|        I do not repent of coming, on a thousand accounts. & Mr H I
L24.2Butts1'03; E723|        doubt not will do ultimately all that both he & I wish that is to
L24.2Butts1'03; E723|        lift me out of difficulty. but this is no easy matter to a man
L24.2Butts1'03; E723|        who having Spiritual Enemies of such formidable magnitude cannot
L24.2Butts1'03; E723|        expect to want natural hidden ones
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        Your approbation of my pictures is a Multitude to Me & I
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        doubt not that all your kind wishes in my behalf shall in due
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        time be fulfilled. Your kind offer of pecuniary assistance I can
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        only thank you for at present because I have enough to serve my
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        present purpose here. our expenses are small & or income from
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        our incessant labour fully adequate to [it] them at
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        present. I am now engaged in Engraving 6 small plates for a New
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        Edition of Mr Hayleys Triumphs of Temper. from drawings by Maria
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        Flaxman sister to my friend the Sculptor and it seems that other
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        things will follow in course if I do but Copy these well. but
L24.3Butts1'03; E723|        Patience! if Great things do not turn out it is because

L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        such things depend [xxxx] on the Spiritual & not on the
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        Natural World & if it was fit for me I doubt not that I should be
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        Employd in Greater things & when it is proper my Talents shall be
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        properly exercised in Public. as I hope they are now in private.
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        for till then. I leave no stone unturnd & no path unexplord that
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        tends to improvement in my beloved Arts. One thing of real
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        consequence I have accomplishd by coming into the country. which
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        is to me consolation enough, namely. I have recollected all my
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        scatterd thoughts on Art & resumed my primitive & original ways
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        of Execution in both painting & Engraving. which in the confusion
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        of London I had very much lost & obliterated from my mind. But
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        whatever becomes of my labours I would rather that they should be
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        preservd in your Green House (not as you mistakenly call it dung
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        hill). than in the cold
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        gallery of fashion.--The Sun may yet shine & then they will be
L24.3Butts1'03; E724|        brought into open air.
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        But you have so generously & openly desired that I will
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        divide my griefs with you that I cannot hide what it is now
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        become my duty to explain--My unhappiness has arisen from a
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        source which if explord too narrowly might hurt my pecuniary
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        circumstances. As my dependence is on Engraving at present &
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        particularly on the Engravings I have in hand for Mr H. & I find
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        on all hands great objections to my doing any thing but the meer
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        drudgery of business & intimations that if I do not confine
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        myself to this I shall not live. this has always pursud me. You
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        will understand by this the source of all my uneasiness This from
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        Johnson & Fuseli brought me down here & this from Mr H will
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        bring me back again for that I cannot live without doing my duty
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        to lay up treasures in heaven is Certain & Determined & to this I
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        have long made up my mind & why this should be made an objection
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        to Me while Drunkenness Lewdness Gluttony & even Idleness itself
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        does not hurt other men let Satan himself Explain--The Thing I
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        have most at Heart! more than life or all that seems to make life
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        comfortable without. Is the Interest of True Religion & Science
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        & whenever any thing appears to affect that Interest. (Especially
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        if I myself omit any duty to my [self] <Station> as a
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        Soldier of Christ) It gives me the greatest of torments, I am not
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        ashamed afraid or averse to tell You what Ought to be Told. That
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        I am under the direction of Messengers from Heaven Daily &
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        Nightly but the nature of such things is not as some suppose.
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        without trouble or care. Temptations are on the right hand &
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        left behind the sea of time & space roars & follows swiftly he
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        who keeps not right onward is lost & if our footsteps slide in
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        clay how can we do otherwise than fear & tremble. but I should
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        not have troubled You with this account of my spiritual state
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        unless it had been necessary in explaining the actual cause of my
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        uneasiness into which you are so kind as to Enquire for I never
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        obtrude such things on others unless questiond & then I never
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        disguise the truth--But if we fear to do the dictates of our
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        Angels & tremble at the Tasks set before us. if we refuse to do
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        Spiritual Acts. because of Natural Fears or Natural Desires! Who
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        can describe the dismal torments of such a state!--I too well
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        remember the Threats I heard!--If you who are organized by Divine
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        Providence for Spiritual communion. Refuse & bury your Talent in
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        the Earth even tho you should want Natural Bread. Sorrow &
L24.4Butts1'03; E724|        Desperation

L24.4Butts1'03; E725|        pursues you thro life! & after death shame & confusion of face to
L24.4Butts1'03; E725|        eternity--Every one in Eternity will leave you aghast at the Man
L24.4Butts1'03; E725|        who was crownd with glory & honour by his brethren & betrayd
L24.4Butts1'03; E725|        their cause to their enemies. You will be calld the base Judas
L24.4Butts1'03; E725|        who betrayd his Friend!--Such words would make any Stout man
L24.4Butts1'03; E725|        tremble & how then could I be at ease? But I am now no longer in
L24.4Butts1'03; E725|        That State & now go on again with my Task Fearless. and tho my
L24.4Butts1'03; E725|        path is difficult. I have no fear of stumbling while I keep it
L24.5Butts1'03; E725|        My wife desires her kindest Love to Mrs Butts & I have
L24.5Butts1'03; E725|        permitted her to send it to you also. we often wish that we could
L24.5Butts1'03; E725|        unite again in Society & hope that the time is not distant when
L24.5Butts1'03; E725|        we shall do so. being determind not to remain another winter
L24.5Butts1'03; E725|        here but to return to London

L24.5Butts1'03QUOTE; E725|        I hear a voice you cannot hear that says I must not stay   t1534
L24.5Butts1'03QUOTE; E725|        I see a hand you cannot see that beckons me away

L24.5Butts1'03; E725|        Naked we came here naked of Natural things & naked we shall
L24.5Butts1'03; E725|        return. but while clothd with the Divine Mercy we are richly
L24.5Butts1'03; E725|        clothd in Spiritual & suffer all the rest gladly Pray give my
L24.5Butts1'03; E725|        Love to Mrs Butts & your family I am Yours Sincerely

L24.5Butts1'03; E725|        WILLIAM BLAKE
L24.6Butts1'03; E725|        P.S. Your Obliging proposal of Exhibiting my two Pictures
L24.6Butts1'03; E725|        likewise calls for my thanks I will finish the other & then we
L24.6Butts1'03; E725|        shall judge of the matter with certainty




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